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First village texture error

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Extract terrain.epk and if you have it as shisui said patch1.epk and check arround for those textures folders that if you want to replace the texture, but more simple without this head ache make a new texture set txt with new route for the textures you want and replace the one in textureset.epk set for the map or easyer in the map pack at setting.txt modify the texture line with the one for your new texture and pack it back dont forget to make a pack with the new textures you wish to add.

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Yeah ooohm u need to check all folders u got in the ymir work folder( means terrain, tree, terrainset and so on) and than u need tu extract that folders from your client and add the folder from the ymir work client also make sure that u add the map folder to the right eix / epk file it can bee that the client loads an other map 1 than yours. Look for it.


Jow also, schau mal über dein ymir work Ordner (ich meine Terrain, tree, terrainset und soweiter) und schau das du diese auch im Clienten in die richtigen .eix und .epk Files packst, schau am besten auch ob du die Map richtig gepackt hast, also in die richtigen .eix und .epk Files, es kann nähmlich sein das der Client garnicht deine Map läd.


MfG Fratze1995 // Xer0x

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Yeah ooohm u need to check all folders u got in the ymir work folder( means terrain, tree, terrainset and so on) and than u need tu extract that folders from your client and add the folder from the ymir work client also make sure that u add the map folder to the right eix / epk file it can bee that the client loads an other map 1 than yours. Look for it.


Jow also, schau mal über dein ymir work Ordner (ich meine Terrain, tree, terrainset und soweiter) und schau das du diese auch im Clienten in die richtigen .eix und .epk Files packst, schau am besten auch ob du die Map richtig gepackt hast, also in die richtigen .eix und .epk Files, es kann nähmlich sein das der Client garnicht deine Map läd.


MfG Fratze1995 // Xer0x



Talk a little more descriptive?

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