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[Question]Hash password

Go to solution Solved by SoNiice,

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I'm using pdo so my code look like this:

 $CreateAcount = $sth->prepare(  
                                        "INSERT INTO account.account (login, password, email, social_id, question1, answer1, web_ip, register_token) VALUES (:login, :password, :email, :socialId, :question, :answer, :webIp, :registerToken)"  
                                    $CreateAcount->execute(array(":login" => $login, ":password" => $password ,":email" => $email,":socialId" => $socialId,":question" => $question,":answer" => $answer,":webIp" => GetIP() ,"registerToken" => GetIP()));

and here my question: How can I encrypt password ? Now when I write in field password e.g testpassword, in mysql password isn't encryptet, it's just "testpassword"

Can u help me? :)




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