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Server-side traslation

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Hi all.

I'm working on my private server since over one month, but I can't find out how to translate some text string, for example at logout. I'm sure that's server side text, 'cause I've got italian client and some things are in english. I have founded some text in locale folder, but other textes like "3 seconds to logout [...] 2 seconds to logout [...] 1 second to logout" has to be translated in some file in the server... And I don't know where to find it. Can you please say me what file it is, and if it's in the "game" file, how can I change it? 


I'm Italian, so I prefer my language in my server  :P


Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.




I've tried to search in this forum and also on google, but (maybe I'm not a good researcher) no matches with "my question".

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