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[HELP] Server does not start oO

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Hello guys, i compiled my own game and when i changed the game of my serverfiles, when i do the sh start.sh it does not start the server... take a look at the virtualbox log:


root@mcncc:/usr/home/game #
sh start.sh

1 - (1) Iniciar CH1

2 - (2) Iniciar CH1 y CH2

3 - (3) Iniciar CH1 , CH2 y CH3

4 - (4) Iniciar CH1 , CH2 , CH3 y CH4

5 - (5) No deseo hacer nada
 Iniciando Base de Datos ..
Real Server
Log OffAsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
Success PLAYER
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
Success COMMON
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)
CClientManager::InitializeMobTable:: 1352 mobs loaded.
CClientManager::InitializeItemTable:: 7350 items loaded.

 Iniciando Login ..

 Iniciando CHANNEL1_1 ..

 Iniciando CHANNEL1_2 ..

 Iniciando GAME 99 ..

 CH1 Iniciado !
root@mcncc:/usr/home/game #


between "Ininiando Login" , "Iniciando CHANNEL1_1" , "Iniciando CHANNEL1_2" and "Iniciando GAME 99", there should be something, it should load something but it does not and there is no error in the auth/channel1/game99 syserr 


What can it be? :/


Greetz, RachadoPT

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- That's a FreeBSD log, not a VirtualBox log.


- Check to make sure the start.sh script isn't hiding the output.


- Check if the cores are actually running (type "ps").


- Check the syserr from CHANNEL1_1 folder.


First of all, thank you for correcting me, you're right, it's a FreeBSD log ><


Second, i were editing the serverfiles like, since 1 month and the server started normally and the start.sh script is still the same, and i didn't edit the script... (the server files had vanilla core 2.5 i guess, i'm not sure of the version, but it was 2.5 or 2.4.1)


Third, i dont understand anything of what is this with the ps command, but here's what appeared when i wrote "ps":

 860 v0  Is   0:00.04 login [pam] (login)
 868 v0  I+   0:00.04 -csh (csh)
 861 v1  Is+  0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv1
 862 v2  Is+  0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv2
 863 v3  Is+  0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv3
 864 v4  Is+  0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv4
 865 v5  Is+  0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv5
 866 v6  Is+  0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv6
 867 v7  Is+  0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv7
1355  0  Ss   0:00.05 -csh (csh)
1358  0  I    4:08.12 ./db
1731  0  R+   0:00.00 ps


Fourth, as i said, there is nothing in the channel syserr :/

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ps means process status


you can see there that PID 1358 is your database core.


you're missing auth and game cores. do you have one of those stupid modifications that remove error logs? This is why it's stupid to remove it ;)


What was the last thing you changed before this started happening? Only a game core?

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I dont know if it is useful or not, but look:

-the files have the game core named "gamefile" instead of "game" (it wasn't a option i made, when i downloaded the files they came like this)

-the version file in the auth/channel/game99 folders is called ver instead of version...

-now that i installed my gamecore it created a new file in the auth/channel/game99 folders... now there is the ver file and the version file... in the ver file is writen something like this: emulated version of game 54xxx 'something else' and in the version file there is the normal text of a version file with the version of the game core, in this case 69069...


I dont know if this can help me or not but i'm not used with this thing... :/

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