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Hi, i'm having some problems since than i update my server to 40k, where i will list then and hope you guys have any idea how to fix it.


1: I cant delete character with items on inventory, if i create a character and try delete without open him work perfect, but after i login him first time and get the items i give on level 1, done i cant delete it anymore.


2: When users teleport using teleport ring, teleporter on city, or any kind of teleport who use quest with the inventory open, they get a invisible inventory on right side of the screen and need press ESC 3 times to close this window and then play normal again. This problem happen to on the official server.


3: My users after the migration are having a high lag, but isn't internet lag, they are having a graphical lag, and my partner already test and she is having lag too even with an i7,16gb ram, gtx780.


4: A small edition on game but i have no idea where, how i can make the players teleport with full hp? After they loading screen they come with 50%, i dont see the problem on it, but they see, so i will edit the game for it.


5: Some users from south america just get randon dcs because of the bad internet conection so i disable the multihack check on CONFIG, but they still having problem with the SYNC_POSITION_HACK



Thanks in advanced for all your support.

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#1 Check the level is correct in the conf.txt (data/db/conf.txt) also check syserrs after trying to delete


#2 go to /quest and do rm -r object/ then ./qc RING.quest and see if the error presists, once again check and post errors



quest hp begin
	state start begin
		when login or enter with pc.get_hp() < pc.get_max_hp() then
		-- write a function to give hp as i don't see one

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sence you said <migration> its logical to say that you are using r40k game is your server powerfull enough to handle how many player you have on your server

idea : there was a guy how had this same problem about lag and posted it here look you might find the answer there or at least ask the guy

info :

if you are using src then get fix the warning

some of the warning might cz a use of useless power

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1: Fixed, idk how

5: Some users from south america just get randon dcs because of the bad internet conection so i disable the multihack check on CONFIG, but they still having problem with the SYNC_POSITION_HACK



#1 Check the level is correct in the conf.txt (data/db/conf.txt) also check syserrs after trying to delete


#2 go to /quest and do rm -r object/ then ./qc RING.quest and see if the error presists, once again check and post errors



quest hp begin
	state start begin
		when login or enter with pc.get_hp() < pc.get_max_hp() then
		-- write a function to give hp as i don't see one


1: On the conf.txt the level are correct, like i said just login level 1 and loggout i cant delete it anymore. Idk how but after i restart the server today(now) it get fixed alone thanks.


4: Thanks, but i didnt see this function too. Maybe add an affect with alot hp regen.


#1 It's not about the items probably , go to your database player > go to query > new query and write truncate player_deleted;

#4 What game are you working on ? you can do it buy .dif or a simple quest.

1: Idk how but after i restart the server today(now) it get fixed alone thanks.

4: I'm using source game.



sence you said <migration> its logical to say that you are using r40k game is your server powerfull enough to handle how many player you have on your server

idea : there was a guy how had this same problem about lag and posted it here look you might find the answer there or at least ask the guy

info :

if you are using src then get fix the warning

some of the warning might cz a use of useless power


I think my server is powerfull enough for my server without problems. My server is an Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1245 V2 @ 3.40GHz, with 32gb ram.

Do u remember the guy name or something like this to search?


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Changing to a new host isn't going to change the way the client handles graphics and cause graphical lag.. that's like saying changing the tire on your car is going to make the radio not work right


Rumor, i change host, 34k to source, new client, mysql to mariadb. I change the car engine, seat, paint everything, but keep the same name on the document, the unique think i still having from old server is the player database.

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