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Teleporting to Valley of Seungryong quits back to menu

Go to solution Solved by Amun,

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7 minutes ago, [007]DawisHU said:

Hi, You have client side error.
Client tried loading map, but it failed...
Replace your client side coordinate with KingSora M2Coordinator, (i too using it).

I can't really find the M2Coordinator anywhere using Google, searching this forum doesn't help either. Mind throwing a link?


5 hours ago, Amun said:

Is your map allowed in config? This usually happens when the map doesn't exist in MAP_ALLOW.

 It should be, these are clean files. I don't know what MAP_ALLOW might be, or where it is in the files, again, couldn't find anything on my own. I'll look around in the server files themselves.

Alright, found MAP_ALLOW to be inside of the CONFIG files under /usr/home/mt2/chs in all desired channel folders, leaving this here for the future generations. Used this MAP_ALLOW:

MAP_ALLOW: 1 3 4 5 12 21 23 24 25 41 43 44 45 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 79 104 107 108 109 112 129 130 131 132 180 184 185 186 187 206 200 201 202 203 207

Remember to use more than one core to allow for more than 32 entries.

Thank you, Amun.

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Here you go 😄 

This is the hidden content, please


In my chase, this map insert looks like:



AdatbĂĄzis -> DB
Patch szerver -> Patch server
Beléptető rendszer -> Auth
Csatorna 1~ 9 and 99 -> CH 1~4 - 9
Futamok -> Runs
CĂŠhek -> Guild wars

i'lli created more cores for solo work... 😄 
Looks like Only Runs (Solo/Duo)
Only Guild wars... 

But your chase need to looks like:


You are need to put every CH*_1 except 99,
or u are have a special server side, like Jade dyna*** From CH1 -> login on to -> CH 10 -> CH 8 -> ch 999 -> reaching map (5-6x teleport = each core)

Put only one config file 😄

CONFIG file -> MAP_ALLOW: end of line (space)and serverside map index.
index (Open with notepad)

Metin2_Map_Milgyo -> 66 

So Map_allow in ch1_1 CONFIG file: 
looks like
MAP_ALLOW: 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 112 301 302 303 304 66 <- here
Now, go to:
Settings.txt open with notepad or other program...

You are found MapSize (Default is : 4 4 )
BasePosition (default is : 537600 512000)
Or your values.
NOW Memo THIS !!!!

Go to client side:
In my chase Atlasinfo is in root folder 😄 

Search metin2_map_milgyo or add new line looks like
restart server.
Pack client -> try new map.

If error/warning still same, use Koordinator exe...

Copy atlasinfo.txt next to *.exe file
Open Koordinator, replace your map, save and put back to the client.

Excuse me for horrible english...


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
  • Metin2 Dev 1
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