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Quest Wolf Primo LV in the specific map! Inspired by the officer!

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Hi, guys I know maybe the first level mission for Lycan is not the best written! But it works perfectly!


--**Quest for (metin2.dev) by topolino1958
quest wolf_quest_lv1 begin
state start begin
when login or levelup with pc.get_level() == 1 and pc.get_job() == 4 begin
set_state ( gotoinformation )
end -- when login
end -- state start
state gotoinformation begin
when letter begin
end -- when letter
when button or info begin
set_state ( gototeacher )
end -- when button
end -- state

state gototeacher begin
when letter begin
local v=find_npc_by_vnum(20400)
if 0==v then
target.vid("__TARGET__", v, gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1._30_targetVid)
end -- else
end --when letter

when button or info begin
end -- button or info
when __TARGET__.target.click begin

pc.give_exp2( 250 )

set_state (__CLOMPLETE__)
end -- when __TARGET__
state __CLOMPLETE__ begin




--WOLF LV1 Quest
gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1 = {}
gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1._10_sendLetter = "A Life Reborn"
gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1._20_say = "Ah, you're awake! Good. How do you feel? Still a[ENTER]bit weak-kneed? That will soon pass.[ENTER]Are you wondering what happened? You've been[ENTER]bitten by an infected wolf. My friend, you have[ENTER]metamorphosed.[ENTER]Oh yes, it's incurable - and no, it's not a[ENTER]disease! It's irrelevant now who you once were.[ENTER]Henceforth you will be one of us: a Lycan![ENTER]Soon you will feel how the power of the wolves[ENTER]courses through your veins! Your mind and your[ENTER]senses will become sharper than ever before!"
gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1._30_targetVid = "Find Myonghorang the Wise"
gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1._40_sayTitle = "Find Myonghorang the Wise"
gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1._50_sayTitle = "Myonghorang the Wise"
gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1._60_say = "Welcome Lycan!"
gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1._70_say = "Ah, you're awake! Good. How do you feel? Still a[ENTER]bit weak-kneed? That will soon pass.[ENTER]Are you wondering what happened? You've been[ENTER]bitten by an infected wolf. My friend, you have[ENTER]metamorphosed.[ENTER]Oh yes, it's incurable - and no, it's not a[ENTER]disease! It's irrelevant now who you once were.[ENTER]Henceforth you will be one of us: a Lycan![ENTER]Soon you will feel how the power of the wolves[ENTER]courses through your veins! Your mind and your[ENTER]senses will become sharper than ever before!"
gameforge.wolf_quest_lv1._80_sayReward = "300 experience points [ENTER] 6 Small Red Potions"

Explanation of how to compiling the quest

1) Open your winscp
2) Go to the "/usr/game/share/locale/yourlocal/" folder and look for the "translate.lua" file
3) Copy the contents of "translate.lua" by placing it at the last line and save
4) Now go to the folder "/usr/game/share/locale/yourlocal/quest" (change from file to file)
5) Create a new file and name it "wolf_quest_lv1.lua"
6) Copy and paste "wolf_quest_lv1.lua"
7) Compiling the quest ./qc namequest.lua
8) Enter the game with a "GM" character and do /reload q and enjoy your quest for the lv1 lican🙂

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