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Create perfect items !

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Hello there,

    Many players want to have perfect items or staff members try to create, but it takes a search on the table player.item then change and a reboot, or a wait of 10 minutes for the object is created.

                   It's long, it's slow and it takes time !!!

    Today I share a quest of my own creation, which lets you create an item with the stones and the bonus in your account or on another player's account is that it is connected or not, without a reboot or wait a dozen of minutes.

    First we must change the type of the columns in the table player.item to varchar except the column window do not change its type.

    To do this, you must open the table player.item then on your keyboard press Ctrl + D and change the types.


1- The quest:

-- Quest: Perfect Item                                            --
-- By: Prof-Stof                                                  --
-- Skype: XProfStof                                                --
-- This quest is created by Prof-Stof on his server Fechkel MT2 --
-- Thank you not to delete this comment                            --
quest perfetc_item begin
	state start begin
		when 40002.use with pc . is_gm ( ) begin
			say_title("Perfect item:")
			---                                                   l
			say("Here you can create items with bonuses and")
			say("stones of your choice.")
			say("Do not abuse !")
			say("A bug is anticipated in case of abuse of Use")
			local s = select("Start manufacturing", "Close")
			if s==2 then
				say("Enter the player's ID:")
				local id = tonumber(input())
				say("Enter the item's ID:")
				local item = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("INSERT INTO player.item (owner_id, window, pos, count, vnum)	VALUES	('".. id .."', 'MALL', '34', '1', '".. item .."')");
				say("Enter the 1st stone ID:")
				local p1 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET socket0='".. p1 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 2nd stone ID:")
				local p2 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET socket1='".. p2 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 3rd stone ID:")
				local p3 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET socket2='".. p3 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 1st bonus ID:")
				local b1 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrtype0='".. b1 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 1st bonus value:")
				local vb1 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrvalue0='".. vb1 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 2nd bonus ID:")
				local b2 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrtype1='".. b2 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 2nd bonus value:")
				local vb2 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrvalue1='".. vb2 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 3rd bonus ID:")
				local b3 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrtype2='".. b3 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 3rd bonus value:")
				local vb3 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrvalue2='".. vb3 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 4th bonus ID:")
				local b4 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrtype3='".. b4 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 4th bonus value:")
				local vb4 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrvalue3='".. vb4 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 5th bonus ID:")
				local b5 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrtype4='".. b5 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 5th bonus value:")
				local vb5 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrvalue4='".. vb5 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 6th bonus ID:")
				local b6 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrtype5='".. b6 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 6th bonus value:")
				local vb6 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrvalue5='".. vb6 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 7th bonus ID:")
				local b7 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrtype6='".. b7 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
				say("Enter the 7th bonus value:")
				local vb7 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("UPDATE player.item SET attrvalue6='".. vb7 .."' WHERE (owner_id='".. id .."' and window='MALL' and pos=34 and count=1)");
			say_title("Perfect item:")
			---                                                   l
			say("Your item has been successfully created !")
			say("Check the Item-Shop inventory.")
			syschat("Check the Item-Shop inventory.")

2- Bonus list:

1 PV max
2 Max MP


7 Attack Speed
8 Movement Speed
9 Magic speed
10 HP Recovery
11 Regeneration MP

12 Chance of empoisoner
13 Chance cause dizziness
14 Chance to slow
15 Chance to critically attack
16 Chance of piercing hits

17 Bonus against half-humans
18 Bonus against animals
19 Bonus against the Orcs
20 Bonus against mystics
21 Bonus against the Undead
22 Bonus against Evil

23 Damage absorbed by PV
24 Damage absorbed by MP
25 Chance to make enemies MP
26 Chance to recover when you touch MP

27 Chance to block a blow to the body-to-body
28 Chance to avoid the arrows
29 Défensse sword
30 Défensse sword with 2 hands
31 Défensse dagger
32 Défensse gong
33 Défensse the range
34 Resistance to arrows
35 Fire
36 lightfastness
37 Magic Resistance
38 Wind resistance
39 Chance to deflect an attack in melee
40 Chance to divert a curse
41 Resistance against poison

42 Chance to restore PM
43 Chance to get a bonus EXP
44 Chance to drop double YANG
45 Chance to drop double object
46 Increase in the potion
47 Chance to renovate PV

48 Immunizes against stunning
49 Immunizes against slowing
50 Immunizes against falls

52 Scope of Bow
53 Attack Value
54 Defense
55 Value magic attack
56 Magical Defense
58 Max Stamina

59 Bonus against Warriors
60 Bonus against the Ninja
61 Bonus against the Sura
62 Bonus against Shamans
63 Bonus against monsters

64 Attack Value (%)
65 Defence (%)
66 EXP (%)
67 Chance Drop Item
68 Chance Drop for Yang
69% max HP
70% max PM

71 Damage skill
72 Average Damage
73 Resistance against the damage of competence
74 Resistance against the average damage

76 Bonus EXP CyberCafé
77 iCafe Chance to find Yangs

78 Chance to parry an attack Warrior
79 Chance to parry an attack Ninja
80 Chance to parry an attack Sura
81 Chance to parry an attack Shaman

My apologies for language mistakes :wub:

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The mysql_query opens each time a new connection(if i remember right) so i think this is a problem.

Anyway take a look at this:

-- Quest: Perfect Item                                            --
-- By: Prof-Stof                                                  --
-- Skype: XProfStof                                                --
-- This quest is created by Prof-Stof on his server Fechkel MT2 --
-- Thank you not to delete this comment                            --
quest perfetc_item begin
    state start begin
        when 40002.use with pc . is_gm ( ) begin
            say_title("Perfect item:")
            ---                                                   l
            say("Here you can create items with bonuses and")
            say("stones of your choice.")
            say("Do not abuse !")
            say("A bug is anticipated in case of abuse of Use")
            local s = select("Start manufacturing", "Close")
            if s==2 then
				local id,item,p1,p2,p3,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,vb1,vb2,vb3,vb4,vb5,vb6,vb7
                say("Enter the player's ID:")
                id = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the item's ID:")
                item = tonumber(input())
				say("Enter the 1st stone ID:")
                p1 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 2nd stone ID:")
                p2 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 3rd stone ID:")
                p3 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 1st bonus ID:")
                b1 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 1st bonus value:")
                vb1 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 2nd bonus ID:")
                b2 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 2nd bonus value:")
                vb2 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 3rd bonus ID:")
                b3 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 3rd bonus value:")
                vb3 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 4th bonus ID:")
                b4 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 4th bonus value:")
                vb4 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 5th bonus ID:")
                b5 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 5th bonus value:")
                vb5 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 6th bonus ID:")
                b6 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 6th bonus value:")
                vb6 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 7th bonus ID:")
                b7 = tonumber(input())
                say("Enter the 7th bonus value:")
                vb7 = tonumber(input())
				mysql_query("INSERT INTO player.item (owner_id,cwindow,pos,count,vnum,socket0,socket1,socket2,attrtype0,attrvalue0,attrtype1,attrvalue1,attrtype2,attrvalue2,attrtype3,attrvalue3,attrtype4,attrvalue4,attrtype5,attrvalue5,attrtype6,attrvalue6)   VALUES  ('".. id .."', 'MALL', '34', '1', '".. item ..", '"..p1.."', '"..p2.."', '"..p3.."', '"..b1.."', '"..vb1.."', '"..b2.."', '"..vb2.."', '"..b3.."', '"..vb3.."', '"..b4.."', '"..vb4.."' ,'"..b5.."', '"..vb5.."', '"..b6.."', '"..vb6.."', '"..b7.."', '"..vb7.."') ");
            say_title("Perfect item:")
            ---                                                   l
            say("Your item has been successfully created !")
            say("Check the Item-Shop inventory.")
            syschat("Check the Item-Shop inventory.")
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Please, think this through. You say that creating items on db is long and slow

And then propose a solution which:

  • Is just as long.
  • Uses the database.
  • Requires to change everything in item table to varchar (Please, don't! There are types for a reason)

Isn't it easier to say "TIP! If you create items on the MALL window it will be reloaded when you check without having to wait 10 minutes."? I don't know... less hassle. I'm sure we all appreciate effort for helping out others nevertheless :)

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I was doing something like this in the past, the idea was to let people in a pvp server create their own items, with max stats etc, so they don't wast time switching the bonus manually or even using a bot. I had to limit the bonus on the items and their values. 




It's in portuguese btw.

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  • Premium

You don't need to wait to create or edit an item, just put it in the safebox. Also there is a command /full_set on 40k that gives you a full set of items.


In any case, I find this code not particularly well written as others said above, but thanks for sharing nevertheless.

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You don't need to wait to create or edit an item, just put it in the safebox. Also there is a command /full_set on 40k that gives you a full set of items.


In any case, I find this code not particularly well written as others said above, but thanks for sharing nevertheless.


Yes, normaly when i want edit equip for test i do on safebox too, and the 34k have the full_set command too, and give the same default itens than the 40k.

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-- Quest: Perfect Item                                            --
-- By: Prof-Stof                                                  --
-- Skype: XProfStof                                                --
-- This quest is created by Prof-Stof on his server Fechkel MT2 --
-- Thank you not to delete this comment                            --
quest itembonus2 begin
	state start begin
		when 9010.take with pc.get_name() == "[SA]Admin" begin
			if item.get_type() == ITEM_WEAPON or item.get_type() == ITEM_ARMOR or item.get_sub_type() == ARMOR_EAR then
				local b1,vb1,b2,vb2,b3,vb3,b4,vb4,b5,vb5
				say("1: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b1 = tonumber(input())
				say("1: Enter the Bonus value:")
				vb1 = tonumber(input())
				say("2: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b2 = tonumber(input())
				say("2: Enter the Bonus value:")
				vb2 = tonumber(input())
				say("3: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b3 = tonumber(input())
				say("3: Enter the Bonus value:")
				vb3 = tonumber(input())
				say("4: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b4 = tonumber(input())
				say("4:Enter the Bonus value")
				vb4 = tonumber(input())
				say("5:Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b5 = tonumber(input())
				say("5:Enter the Bonus value")
				vb5 = tonumber(input())
				say("Bonus have been Switched successfully")
				item.set_value(0, b1, vb1)
				item.set_value(1, b2, vb2)
				item.set_value(2, b3, vb3)
				item.set_value(3, b4, vb4)
				item.set_value(4, b5, vb5)
				syschat("You Cannot Switch Bonus this ITEM")

I think this better

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-- Quest: Perfect Item                                            --
-- By: Prof-Stof                                                  --
-- Skype: XProfStof                                                --
-- This quest is created by Prof-Stof on his server Fechkel MT2 --
-- Thank you not to delete this comment                            --
quest itembonus2 begin
	state start begin
		when 9010.take with pc.get_name() == "[SA]Admin" begin
			if item.get_type() == ITEM_WEAPON or item.get_type() == ITEM_ARMOR or item.get_sub_type() == ARMOR_EAR then
				local b1,vb1,b2,vb2,b3,vb3,b4,vb4,b5,vb5
				say("1: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b1 = tonumber(input())
				say("1: Enter the Bonus value:")
				vb1 = tonumber(input())
				say("2: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b2 = tonumber(input())
				say("2: Enter the Bonus value:")
				vb2 = tonumber(input())
				say("3: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b3 = tonumber(input())
				say("3: Enter the Bonus value:")
				vb3 = tonumber(input())
				say("4: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b4 = tonumber(input())
				say("4:Enter the Bonus value")
				vb4 = tonumber(input())
				say("5:Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b5 = tonumber(input())
				say("5:Enter the Bonus value")
				vb5 = tonumber(input())
				say("Bonus have been Switched successfully")
				item.set_value(0, b1, vb1)
				item.set_value(1, b2, vb2)
				item.set_value(2, b3, vb3)
				item.set_value(3, b4, vb4)
				item.set_value(4, b5, vb5)
				syschat("You Cannot Switch Bonus this ITEM")

I think this better



Yours is not working :)

When npc 9010 take the Item, that error comes..


The first version is working, thank you :)


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-- Quest: Perfect Item                                            --
-- By: Prof-Stof                                                  --
-- Skype: XProfStof                                                --
-- This quest is created by Prof-Stof on his server Fechkel MT2 --
-- Thank you not to delete this comment                            --
quest itembonus2 begin
	state start begin
		when 9010.take with pc.get_name() == "[SA]Admin" begin
			if item.get_type() == ITEM_WEAPON or item.get_type() == ITEM_ARMOR or item.get_sub_type() == ARMOR_EAR then
				local b1,vb1,b2,vb2,b3,vb3,b4,vb4,b5,vb5
				say("1: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b1 = tonumber(input())
				say("1: Enter the Bonus value:")
				vb1 = tonumber(input())
				say("2: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b2 = tonumber(input())
				say("2: Enter the Bonus value:")
				vb2 = tonumber(input())
				say("3: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b3 = tonumber(input())
				say("3: Enter the Bonus value:")
				vb3 = tonumber(input())
				say("4: Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b4 = tonumber(input())
				say("4:Enter the Bonus value")
				vb4 = tonumber(input())
				say("5:Enter the Bonus ID:")
				b5 = tonumber(input())
				say("5:Enter the Bonus value")
				vb5 = tonumber(input())
				say("Bonus have been Switched successfully")
				item.set_value(0, b1, vb1)
				item.set_value(1, b2, vb2)
				item.set_value(2, b3, vb3)
				item.set_value(3, b4, vb4)
				item.set_value(4, b5, vb5)
				syschat("You Cannot Switch Bonus this ITEM")

I think this better



Yours is not working :)

When npc 9010 take the Item, that error comes..


The first version is working, thank you :)





I did not try it, I'll try it now :D

# Edit


it works

you have to change name or write with pc.is_gm() if you want




You don't need to wait to create or edit an item, just put it in the safebox. Also there is a command /full_set on 40k that gives you a full set of items.


In any case, I find this code not particularly well written as others said above, but thanks for sharing nevertheless.


Yes, normaly when i want edit equip for test i do on safebox too, and the 34k have the full_set command too, and give the same default itens than the 40k.




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  • 6 years later...

the problem that many do not check if you have an item on position 1 (example 19 level 1 sword) level 1 sword occupies position 1 and 6 in the safebox - deposit adding another weapon on slot 6 overlap


normal : https://metin2.download/picture/pJ3tIASQ2GtRwJaBTCgY1hTO2GGYBIAO/.png


bug : https://metin2.download/picture/qmx54CuTyVR22HnlsiuHc8QrpwpF1TsL/.png

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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