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Frankie/M2BobFixed/warxwar/RaFFa is stealing your players' passwords!

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  • Honorable Member

Frankie/M2BobFixed/warxwar/RaFFa is stealing your players' passwords!

What does it mean?
Everyone who is using his last "ultimate protection" is indirectly sending all his players' users&passwords to his webserver.


As you can see, he's sending the player's user&pass at login to his remote webserver faking it as "m2bob login". Haha
To understand better what's going on, we need to "decrypt" the text.

Why would he do such a thing?
Well, it's nothing new that he does retarded things like this. Mostly for his own profit.
And also to harm/destroy other servers, since he opened one from stolen server-files.

How many servers are now fucked up?
There are quite some so far.

Is he really skilled?
Haha, no. He's a retard.
99.8% of his code comes from stackoverflow.com, and he also was trying to rip-off Koray's protection.
He also needs to update the hashes in his protection each time there's a new m2bob version.

So, who is Frankie?
He's an Italian bipolar guy, and professional liar (he would NEVER NEVER NEVER confess, but he would make some excuses).
I taught him python in 2010, but he understood nothing, and I gave up on him.
Between 2010-2013 he was just begging for money by doing some quick dirty job in python for random servers.
In 2014-2015, he created his m2bobfixed service, and there's quite some people who cried blood because of that.
In 2017, he faked that his skype was hacked by romanians to start reselling other people's files.
In 2018, he opened a(n infamous) pserver from stolen files, and he's currently stealing users&passwords and private files from all of his "clients".
If he joined your PC via teamviewer, or if he sent you some .exe/.dll, it's quite sure he stole something from you.

Additional things:
1) He placed the protection inside a folder called "AccountProtect", but in reality it's a password stealer.
Can you understand the irony?

2) You can try and decrypt the strings by yourself.
Download https://pastebin.com/H9v0heBh then compile n run it:
# c++ main.cpp
# ./a.out

Edit: RaFFa is Italian (Rome), and it has nothing to do with RaffaeL (Spanish/Romanian).


Edited by Metin2 Dev
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I can bet nobody cares this thread and content, they will still continue to take it for "protection". Look at to him repulation and remember comments on his sale thread, and finally remember that the account is still not banned despite all the cancer content. In this community there are a lot of braindead peoples.

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4 minutes ago, Koray said:

I can bet nobody cares this thread and content, they will still continue to take it for "protection". Look at to him repulation and remember comments on his sale thread, and finally remember that the account is still not banned despite all the cancer content. In this community there are a lot of braindead peoples.

The real reason is because there isn't any management in this forum ,either that or a really bad one because even tho i come here every few days i see nothing has changed.

i said it last year already that the forum is dying, i guess the management is too lazy to find new moderators

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  • Honorable Member
37 minutes ago, Koray said:

Look at to him repulation and remember comments on his sale thread, and finally remember that the account is still not banned despite all the cancer content.

He got permabanned 2 weeks ago from here. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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  • Forum Moderator
vor 46 Minuten schrieb Koray:

I can bet nobody cares this thread and content, they will still continue to take it for "protection". Look at to him repulation and remember comments on his sale thread, and finally remember that the account is still not banned despite all the cancer content. In this community there are a lot of braindead peoples.

You are badly informed!
@M2BobFixed got banned!

Best regards

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