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Dragon's roar - target usage

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i have a problem with dragon's roar skill on shaman, roar can be used on selected target, but skill_proto table probably is good.

(93, 'Dragon's Roar', 4, 1, 1, 0, 'HP', '-(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k)', '50+160*k', '', '', '20', '-(70 + 3*lv + (22*iq+13*mwep+100)*ar*k)', '', 'ATTACK,SELFONLY,SPLASH,ATTACK_FIRE_CONT', '', 'NONE', 'lv+5*iq *k', 'iq*0.2*k', '', '', '', '', '50+160*k', 0, 0, 'MAGIC', 15, '1', 0, 500);

(same on clientside)

Can u explain me how to fix it?


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