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Just a little problem

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I´ve got two little problems.. the first is my english isn´t really good so i cant explain my problem with the code not how i like to do it.... but hey lets try.

i´ve wirtten this :

for asdf in range(0,5):
			for i in range(0,5):
				vas = 5-i
				self.boni_new[asdf] = {}
				self.boni_new[asdf][vas] = {}
				self.boni_new[asdf][vas][0] = ui.TextLine()
				self.boni_new[asdf][vas][0].SetText("Bonus "+str(5-asdf))
				self.boni_new[asdf][vas][1] = DropDown(self,"- Keiner -")
				for x in AFFECT_DICT:
					if x in BONI_AVAIL:
				self.boni_new[asdf][vas][2] = ui.Bar("UI")
				self.boni_new[asdf][vas][3] = Edit2("0",14)

and i want to get :

{0: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {5: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FC5F0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x05301270>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x05301290>}}}
{0: {2: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {2: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {2: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {2: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {4: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x05301290>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x05301ED0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x05301EF0>}}}
{0: {3: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {3: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {3: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {3: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {3: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x05301EF0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x05309B50>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x05309B70>}}}
{0: {4: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {4: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {4: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {4: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {2: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x05309B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x0530F7D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x0530F7F0>}}}
{0: {5: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {5: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {5: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {5: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x0530F7F0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x0547D450>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x0547D470>}}}

 but i get:

{0: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {5: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FC5F0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x05301270>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x05301290>}}}
{0: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {4: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x05301290>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x05301ED0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x05301EF0>}}
{0: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {3: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x05301EF0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x05309B50>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x05309B70>}}}
{0: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {2: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x05309B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x0530F7D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x0530F7F0>}}}
{0: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08EEC930>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F42B70>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F467D0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F467F0>}}, 1: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F46870>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x08F62A90>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x08F686F0>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x08F68710>}}, 2: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x08F68790>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052DD9B0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052E4610>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052E4630>}}, 3: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052EFFD0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x052FF8D0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x052FC530>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x052FC550>}}, 4: {1: {0: <ui.TextLine object at 0x052FC5D0>, 1: <switchbot.DropDown object at 0x0530F7F0>, 2: <ui.Bar object at 0x0547D450>, 3: <switchbot.Edit2 object at 0x0547D470>}}}


because im ill at the moment i cant concentrate me very well.... can someone please tell me where the issue is?

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