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Hello everyone !

I've noticed that this forum is very helpful and i haven't seen anywhere any tutorials about beginning your journey as an admin of metin2. I have been searching on Google , Youtube videos to get me started but none of them actually help. I managed to open my server  , make me a gm , modify the client (Only when it comes to basic stuff like hair , skills, colours).

Did you guys learn all that by yourselves? I would love a good "book" or anything else that is online about metin2 coding since i have a basic knowledge of C++ and Java.

I love doing things like that and i would love it even more if you could help me get started!

Thanks in advance

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Look at the client/server source code. learn the classes/functions hierarchy. Add/Modify slowly the source and experience the changes in game.

Learn the Client/Server packet structure and try adding your own packets to transmit data from client to server and vice versa.

Take a look at some released systems from known people and study what they did.


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