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MYSQL player directory deleted

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Hey there,

i dont know, how it happened, but about 2 weeks ago, someone hacked my mysql database, encrypted alle datas and in case I pay 0,5 Bitcoins, they will decrypt my files and give it back to me, so that my mysql works anymore. I checked the IP's, that was an IP from China, so I thought maybe chinese hackers. After that, I restarted my root-server on default settings.

I changed password and the password is really hard to hack! The hacked mysql IP stay the same, I just changed password.


I set up mysql again and the server worked great for about a week.

One day I logged in, all my players were deleted or there wasnt an existing player directory in my mysqsl anymore.

So either someone deleted them or the was some issues caused by the hoster, but in fact there was no player directory anymore, I dont know how this could be happen.

Serverfiles are version of 2013. So is there a hacking possibility caused by these old files, that I havent fixxed until yet or what can me the cause of my problem?

Would be nice, if anyone has an answer for that :)

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