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[Client]syserr not displaying

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I am working right now on improving a random basic client and working a lot on it .

It has the syserr.txt file but inside even if the client has an error dosen't display anything , until now i didn't need it that much because i could figure what i have done wrong and fix it but right now i really need to see the errors .

Does anyone knows why the syserr it's not working ? 

Thank you anticipated .

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Give us your syserr and we'll see what's the problem.



Just kidding :P

Have you ever messed up something related to the syserr ? It seems to always be there, also it depends of your error (try to purposedly corrupt one of your .py files - TypeError... - and see if the syserr is displaying something)

Also try to compile in debug mode, to have additional backtraces and so on... Also check the last thing you modified in sources

Have a nice day


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15 minutes ago, Galet said:

Give us your syserr and we'll see what's the problem.



Just kidding :P

Have you ever messed up something related to the syserr ? It seems to always be there, also it depends of your error (try to purposedly corrupt one of your .py files - TypeError... - and see if the syserr is displaying something)

Also try to compile in debug mode, to have additional backtraces and so on... Also check the last thing you modified in sources

Have a nice day


You really got me there with the first line :D


I didn't messed nothing related to syserr as i said i saw this problem long time ago so it seems that the client is like that .

I tried purposedly corrupt files but if the corruption is too small nothing happend but that client dosen't work .

I saw now that if the problem is too severe a log display when i try to launch the .exe but it's not helping too much because there it's showing the final reason like _pack_ could not be load due to bad files or some similar things , not like that syserr which would show you the file and the lines .

It's not a big deal i mean it's just a lot to work not knowing where the problem is exactly and i loose more time .

I thought that somebody have some information about this problem .

PS : I'm working on it without source since i was out of this line for years and i try to remember and learn all the new things step by step .

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