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[Request] Wedding ring/scroll of location block

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Hey everyone - just curious has anyone got a working quest for blocking people from teleporting within certian maps and recording locations with scroll of location? I've searched in existing quests for map 2 etc i can only assume that they coded it into the core.

this is a premium map - i had one idea that would work but doesn't seem very efficient. won't code it as looking for a better way but -

  • Speak to NPC - Asks for item, doesn't remove.
  • teleports to map if has item
  • quest to check if you entered X map and if you have X item and then removes item, sets a QF to 1 so you can relog without it checking again
  • when you exit the map the QF goes back to 0, and when you go back to the map either via scroll or mob it'll check for the QF then either kick you out if you don't have the item, or automatically take the item from your inventory.


any other ideas? if not i'll code the one above.

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there are a lot of ways to do it.


U can compile source with a check of map on those two items.


U can write a little workaround in lua like this


On teleporting quest u can set qf as identity of map , on login,logout you can manage it by setting it != 0 active(id of each map) or setting it == 0 (player can enter in premium map). then Just check on login map index and qf.

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Denic, Luzzo, maybe it is only me, but I'm pretty sure he already knows how to do both of your replies. He said was looking for a better way.


Ontopic: First of all, source is certainly the best way for this. From quest, I guess it sort of depends on how you are going to determine which players can enter. Usually it'd be with an item, so that first part sounds well thought. And a qf is also unavoidable unless you decide to store it someplace else [db e.g] as there's no other way of persistance, and you can't block scrolls in any way that I know (unless you want to check the players' inventory every time they login or something and remove the scrolls that go to your premium map)

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