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[HELP] Does this function exist?

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It can make the quest easier, but I prefer the more in C++.


//1.) Search:
void CHARACTER::Dead(LPCHARACTER pkKiller, bool bImmediateDead)
	if (IsDead())
//2.) Add bellow:
	if (pkKiller->IsPC() && !IsPC())
		CountingKills(pkKiller, this);	
//3.) Search:
int CHARACTER::GetRealAlignment() const
	return m_iRealAlignment;
//4.) Add bellow:
void CountingKills(LPCHARACTER ch, LPCHARACTER tch)
/***************** Credits: VegaS *****************/
	int numberCount, total;
	std::string flag = "mob.count_kills";

	numberCount = ch->GetQuestFlag(flag);
	total = numberCount += 1;
	ch->SetQuestFlag(flag, total);
	ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Debug> Now you killed mob: %s", tch->GetName());
	ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Debug> Total counting of kills: %d.", numberCount);
//Add where you want:


//Example if you want to make special function to get counting kills:
//CPP - char.cpp / char_battle.cpp / char_item.cpp etc.
int CHARACTER::GetCountingKills()
	int res = ch->GetQuestFlag("mob.count_kills");
	return res;
// Header - char.h
		int	GetCountingKills();

//How to use:
//Part for other function on source to result chat.
		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Debug> Total counting of kills: %d", ch->GetCountingKills());
//Part for result in lua.
	luaL_reg pc_functions[] = 
		{ "get_counting_kills",        pc_get_counting_kills },
	int pc_get_counting_kills(lua_State * L)
		lua_pushnumber(L, ch->GetCountingKills());
		return 1;
	say(string.format("<Debug> Total counting of kills: %d", pc.get_counting_kills()))


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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I think he want to talk about the "fall", when you're hitted by a mob in Cape Dragon Head for example, when your character is falling on the ground. There's an anti-fall but it's only decorative as it doesn't work, the only way to avoid the fall is by using the Warrior's skill "Strong Body", otherwise the "Anti Fall" bonus that can be set on shield doesn't work

Am I right ?

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14 hours ago, VegaS said:

It can make the quest easier, but I prefer the more in C++.


//1.) Search:
void CHARACTER::Dead(LPCHARACTER pkKiller, bool bImmediateDead)
	if (IsDead())
//2.) Add bellow:
	if (pkKiller->IsPC() && !IsPC())
		CountingKills(pkKiller, this);	
//3.) Search:
int CHARACTER::GetRealAlignment() const
	return m_iRealAlignment;
//4.) Add bellow:
void CountingKills(LPCHARACTER ch, LPCHARACTER tch)
/***************** Credits: VegaS *****************/
	int numberCount, total;
	std::string flag = "mob.count_kills";

	numberCount = ch->GetQuestFlag(flag);
	total = numberCount += 1;
	ch->SetQuestFlag(flag, total);
	ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Debug> Now you killed mob: %s", tch->GetName());
	ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Debug> Total counting of kills: %d.", numberCount);
//Add where you want:


//Example if you want to make special function to get counting kills:
//CPP - char.cpp / char_battle.cpp / char_item.cpp etc.
int CHARACTER::GetCountingKills()
	int res = ch->GetQuestFlag("mob.count_kills");
	return res;
// Header - char.h
		int	GetCountingKills();

//How to use:
//Part for other function on source to result chat.
		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Debug> Total counting of kills: %d", ch->GetCountingKills());
//Part for result in lua.
	luaL_reg pc_functions[] = 
		{ "get_counting_kills",        pc_get_counting_kills },
	int pc_get_counting_kills(lua_State * L)
		lua_pushnumber(L, ch->GetCountingKills());
		return 1;
	say(string.format("<Debug> Total counting of kills: %d", pc.get_counting_kills()))


Where is added this?

//How to use:
//Part for other function on source to result chat.
		ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<Debug> Total counting of kills: %d", ch->GetCountingKills());

Would you also like to add a simple quest?


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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On 13.11.2016 at 6:18 PM, Gmmetinero said:

Would you also like to add a simple quest?

Lua will hate me now but you can try with this shit:

--[[###########################	# Quest: Counting kills   #	###########################]]
quest mob begin
	state start begin
		function res() return (pc.getqf("count_kills")) end
		function count()
			pc.setqf("count_kills", mob.res() + 1)
			syschat(string.format("<Debug Mode> Now you killed mob: %s. Your counters of kills mobs was increased +1.", mob_name(npc.get_race())))

	when kill with not npc.is_pc() begin
		mob.count() end

	when 70001.use begin
		say(string.format("<Debug Mode> Result of all kils: %d.", mob.res()))


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