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Hello community :)

I believe it's time to introduce my self too in this community... I do not like to reveal much of my personal life/information such as my real name and other stuff I'm a hard-trusting person I hope you can understand that but this does not mean that I'm a bad person I just have a bad experience on sharing personal information about me online... So I'm 21 yo, I'm from Greece, I finished highschool last year and I've been developing Metin2 for 1 and a half year until today.

I used to play the game all day when I was 14 for 1 or 2 years, then I got a life and forgot about it :P. 2 years ago I started playing again with my cousin and I was so excited with how much the game changed! I never liked level-ups or fast EXP, in Metin2 I like to develop on drop/making money to have the best gear possible, in fact my greater character is a 71 level Archer and I have this guy from the old times. When I started playing again I had just buy an e-cig so I quit smoking, having a lot of money on my disposal, so I thought "Hey, let's remember the old times and buy a paysafe". This was a pretty stupid thing to do but it was not a big amount and I enjoyed a month of very good game-play on the official server...

After a while I decided that I should start my own server. It seemed fuckin' impossible I didn't even know python for god sake! I had a little experience on how to run a VM for Metin2 from old times so I searched online to make a localhost just to remember some stuff... After finding Invoice files and started translating, my only thought was "I want my server to be like the official (as much as I can)". So I did a little looking online and found Maxmi 4.1. I installed them immediately, without doing a little research for bugs and knowing shit about serverfiles. I translated them and learned how to do the quests as I wanted, but I was seeing a lot of bugs. I was searching for answers online and in about the 2nd day I found this forum, I found YOU guys :D

I had never imagined that Metin2 server development was so worldwide-famous. At first I was reading about source code and binary and I was like "What the fuck are these?" After a while I learned what they are and found what I needed online, learned how to set them up and compile them and on little words make them my own. After 4 months I was running a server and I was making a shitload of money I just couldn't believe the numbers. The party of course didn't last long, since I was totally unprotected from system attacks (except DDoS of course) so I had to stop running my server.

Now I'm developing a new server from scrach, I completely unbugged and secured Maxmi 4.1, implemented a douzen systems and still continuing to research and develop my server and my website (I know websites too :P).

I have learned a lot from you guys in the 1 and half year I joined this forum, unfortunately I did not study computer sciense yet to know how to do it all by myself or help someone but when I know how to help I just do it :)

So if anyone of you wants some help or have any questions, I'm a little noob but I will try to help you as much as I can...

Again I'm so happy I have this forum, thank you community and thank you Admins, without you nothing could have happened :)

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