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Dungeon Quest problem

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Hey Guys,
actually im writing a quest for my dungeon and i have some problems..
by trying to teleport using "d.new_jump()" to teleport a player on the map.
My Quest:

quest flammen_dungeon begin
state start begin
when 20170.chat."Flammen Dungeon betreten" with pc.get_level() >= 75 begin
game.set_event_flag("dungeon_bussy", 0) -- DONT FORGET TO REMOVE THIS!!
if pc.count_item(299) == 0 then -- Dont forget to change the vnum 
say_title("Flammen Dungeon")
say("Du brauchst ein Dungeon-Ticket")
say("um das Dungeon betreten zu können")
if game.get_event_flag("dungeon_bussy") == 1 then
chat("Aktuell befindet sich ein Spieler im Dungeon, versuch es später noch einmal.")
game.set_event_flag("dungeon_bussy", 1)
pc.remove_item(299) -- Dont forget to change this line!
-- pc.warp(371800, 0)
d.new_jump(60, 0, 0)
when 20170.click with pc.get_level() < 75 begin
say_title("Flammen Dungeon")
say("Tut mir leid, aber du musst")
say("mindestens level 75 sein")
say("um dieses Dungeon betreten")
say("zu können.")
when logout with pc.get_map_index() == 401 begin
pc.warp(481900, 0)
game.set_event_flag("dungeon_bussy", 0)
when login with pc.get_map_index() == 401 begin
notice_in_map("Du hast nun 30 Minuten Zeit alle Monster zu töten.")
timer('kill_wave1', 30*60)
when kill_wave1.timer begin
notice_in_map("Deine Zeit ist nun abgelaufen!")
timer("port_back", 6)
when port_back.timer begin
game.set_event_flag("dungeon_bussy", 0)
pc.warp(481900, 0)

I´ve allready tried the coordinates from the town.txt and the settings.txt.


My error: https://metin2.download/picture/r3F9504x09DVmF8K988YXgTtGTP6KMUj/.gif


I hope you can understand me and my problem :D






Edited by Metin2 Dev
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The dungeon map need to be in the same core of the acces map, if you use a 2089 game I think you need to fix the function



Kind regards.


Edit: I just saw your image

Put X and Y cord of your map :|, to know it can you go to the map and do this command

And now you can saw the cords.
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By the way, the d.new_jump() function is a lil bit messed up in the game 2089.
You try to join the mapindex 0, because the parameters of the function in the game are in the wrong order.

Here you can find a fix:

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  • 5 months later...

By the way, the d.new_jump() function is a lil bit messed up in the game 2089.

You try to join the mapindex 0, because the parameters of the function in the game are in the wrong order.

Here you can find a fix:



this will creates a bug , the dungeon wouldnt have an unique mapindex, so if a player starts the dungeon and a other player also starts the dungeon, he will join to the other.


d.new_jump_party works on 34k, yes

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