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About Grave

  • Birthday 05/18/1995


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  1. Be aware of resellers with bugged versions. Good luck.
  2. Hi everyone, I have a little problem .. I have formated my computer yesterday, and now when i try to open EterNexus or other program to extract .eix/epk files i can't do it because msvcrc100.dll I have serach on web, and i have try some thing but i can't resolve the problem .. Someone can help me ? Thanks, Kind Regards, Insane
  3. No, i'm not using a VPN .. Someone told me to wait 24hours because the money was sent by credit cardcard to PayPal .. Can this be the "problem" ? And no, i'm not a hacker
  4. What ? Can you explain me .. ? :s Thanks ..
  5. Hi everyone, I've a little problem with PayPal .. I've received a payment by one of my costumers, and i it's all ok .. the money is in my account, but, when i try to use this money ( pay something or send it to anyone, i can't do it .. ) When i try to send the money apears a message - translated to english looks like " Sorry but we can't send your payment now " - I i've received payments a lot of times and this problem have never happen .. Someone know what's wrong ? Thanks .. Kind Regards, Insane
  6. You will realy lose a lot of money doing the trade by websites ..
  7. Hi, You can trust in someone and do that trade but will be a really hard work . Some websites do this trade ( paysafecard to paypal ), but you will lose a lot of money ( be carefull with some websites - some of them can be fake ) . In my opinion you should put this money in your paysafecard account and use it . Well, Good luck . Kind Regards, Insane
  8. System works fine . I've test it. Pay attention at TAB Key . Thanks for test Shisui Morion, Shisui didn't copy and past my screen. Look at the map .
  9. Very simple ... look with atention for all code and you will understand .
  10. Yes, the system works fine . As i said, the original system have a bug as you can see in this video: I've removed it, so .. it works fine . You just need to change it, like you want .
  11. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi everyone, As title say, this is a wiki system but, InGame . This system was made by Kori . When i download it, the system had a bug on item bar, so, i've removed it . Screen of system: The system is open by pressing a key ( choosed for you ) . How to ? Well, 1º - Unpack your root . 2º- Search for archive game.py 3º- Open it and add: import uiwiki 4º - Search for: def __init__(self, stream): and add: self.wiki = uiwiki.AgeofPlatonWiki() 5º - Search for: onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F5] and next add: onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F9] = lambda : self.__OnWiki() Note: in here: [app.DIK_F9], F9 will be the key would you need to press to can view the system . You can change it , like you want. 6º - In the end of all ( game.py ) add this: def __OnWiki(self): if self.wiki.IsShow(): self.wiki.Hide() else: self.wiki.Show() 7º - Download the archive, add it to root, and pack it again . Download: Link Here Password: www.metin2dev.org Have fun ! Kind Regards, Grave
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