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  1. Based to this function function say2(str,dx) local maxl,actl,pat = dx or 50,0,'(.-)(%[.-%])()' local result,nb,lastPos,outp = {},0,0,'' if string.find(str, pat) ~= nil then for part, dos,pos in string.gfind(str, pat) do nb = nb + 2 if part ~= '' then result[nb-1] = part else nb = nb -1 end result[nb] = dos lastPos = pos end end result[nb+1] = string.sub(str,lastPos) table.foreach(result,function(i,l) if string.find(l,pat) then outp = outp..l else for le in string.gfind(l,'((%S+)%s*)') do if actl + string.len(le) > maxl then outp = outp..'[ENTER]' actl = 0 end outp = outp..le actl = actl + string.len(le) end end end) say(outp) end Right now, the function just does a automatic word wrap after 50 letters. I am looking for some change, which would be like this: The first 4 lines, there will be the word wrap after 20 letters. After that each line will wrap after 50 letters. Once 10 lines total are reached, there should be a auto "wait()" placed. I would offer $50,00 for this.
  2. Anybody knows how to fix this error? ForAttrRegionFreeAngle: SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegion - Unhandled exception. MapIndex: 1 server_attr is correct
  3. I'm looking for a metin2 file packer, like that from tim6666 or gunner, I would bid 100€ or more for the source.
  4. Anyone here who can create interface designs with good quality?
  5. Anyone has granny2 2.9 in 64bit for client?
  6. I tried with \\\\, but then it shows error "could not find mse file"
  7. hello, for some reason the QUEST ARROW (you know that one which appears when you have a new quest on NPC) is not showing up in game. The effect file seems called, but effect not showing. std::string g_strEffectName = "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/direction/direction_land.mse"; Seems ok, but still in game no effect If anyone is good and c++ and offers service contact me, I would also pay for a fix.
  8. nice..thanks hm, its bad though, program does not create Accumulation information, either does Worldeditor. This way you dont even need a tool, you can just create it by hand..
  9. #push I think it is a bug many people have
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