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Everything posted by Lorthir

  1. Hi guys! I am looking for someone that may sell me a metin2 source: game, db & binary! The source must be 40K! The source must be modern, cleaned and contain all major fixes until today. Dont try to cheat me with public sources or buggy ones. I can pay a good price, if i like it. Pm me!
  2. Hi! I've a Interface in PSD I want it ti be coded in Python. It's a paid job! Interested? Contact me by Private message!
  3. Hi I'm looking for some ingame gui and login interface that match! Design & Python, something new not metin2 usual interface. Anyone send me a message!
  4. Hi guys! I was wondering If I could change the max length of the username of the players! I just need help in c++(source). With the python I can deal!
  5. Hi im looking for a c++ developer that can help me to Convert Mainline_released to Visual Studio 2015! Please send me a private message!
  6. Hi! So my server, once started everything is okay! The processes run for 10 seconds then they just shutdown! No syserr! Any body knows?
  7. I need an official proto without Lycan! A few weeks max before lycan updates cameout!
  8. Hi I've an error! When I enter in BP, and click on the NPC (inse) the mobs wont show! Anyone knows why? quest blazingpurgatory begin state start begin when 20351.chat."Os Portões do Purgatório Ardente" with pc.get_map_index() == 62 begin say_title("Guarda da Arena") say("") say("O Deus de todos os demónios, Sung Mahi, é despertado!") say("O fim da humanidade aproxima-se...") say("") say("No entanto, o seu poder vê-se enfraquecido!") say("Mas isso é apenas uma questão de tempo...") say("") say("Os seus súbditos não vão descansar até que") say("que o seu mestre desperte novamente.") wait() say_title("Guarda da Arena") say("") say("Razador, o Demónio do Fogo, e seu mais fiel seguidor") say("a quem foi confiada a tarefa de libertar o lendário") say("Dragão do Fogo, está agora no contra-ataque.") say("") wait() say_title("Guarda da Arena") if pc.get_level() >= 100 or pc.is_gm() then if party.is_party() or pc.is_gm() then if party.is_leader() or pc.is_gm() then if pc.count_item(30189) > 0 or pc.is_gm() then say_reward("Queres mesmo desafiar o Razador e os seus seguidores?") if select("Sim, para a batalha!","Não") == 1 then pc.remove_item(30189,1) d.join(235) end else say_reward("Precisas de Lágrimas do Deus Dragão!") say_item_vnum(30189) end else say_reward("Tens de liderar um grupo para accionares!") end else say_reward("Tens de pertencer a um grupo para entrares!") end else say_reward("Tens de ser nível igual ou superior a 100!") end end when login with pc.get_map_index() >= 2350000 and pc.get_map_index() <= 2355000 begin say("Dirige-te ao altar, e lá encontrarás") say("as tarefas do inferno!") say("") if party.is_party() then if party.is_leader() then blazingpurgatory.start() end else if pc.is_gm() then blazingpurgatory.start() end end end function start() d.regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_flamenpc.txt") d.setf("purgatory_gate_sequence",number(1,7)) local sequence = {{1,2,3,4,5,6},{4,1,3,2,5,6},{2,5,3,1,4,6},{3,1,6,2,4,5},{5,3,2,4,6,1},{6,1,5,2,4,3},{6,3,5,3,1,4}} for i = 1, 6 do d.regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_gate_"..sequence[d.getf("purgatory_gate_sequence")][i]..".txt") end d.setf("acutal_round",0) d.setf("time", get_time()+60*60*1) server_timer("purgatorytime",3600,pc.get_map_index()) server_loop_timer("purgatorytimenotice",300,pc.get_map_index()) blazingpurgatory.NoticeTime() end when purgatorytimenotice.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then blazingpurgatory.NoticeTime() end end when purgatorytime.server_timer begin if d.select(get_server_timer_arg()) then d.notice("O tempo acabou!") d.exit_all() end end when 20385.click with pc.get_map_index() >= 2350000 and pc.get_map_index() <= 2355000 and d.getf("block_altar") == 0 begin if d.getf("purgatory_level") == 7 then d.setf("block_altar",1) d.setf("actual_round",7) d.notice(",") d.notice("Terminaste todas as tarefas do purgatório! Agora irás defrontar o Razador!") timer("warp_to_boss",5) else d.setf("purgatory_level",d.getf("purgatory_level")+1) blazingpurgatory.purge() blazingpurgatory.LoadStage() d.setf("block_altar",1) blazingpurgatory.NoticeTime() d.notice("A câmara foi aberta!") end end when warp_to_boss.timer begin d.jump_all(8111,6864) d.notice("Razador") d.notice("Resistir é inútil! O Sung Mahi ressurgirá novamente!") d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_monster_7.txt") blazingpurgatory.NoticeTime() end when kill with pc.get_map_index() >= 2350000 and pc.get_map_index() <= 2355000 begin if d.getf("actual_round") == 1 or d.getf("actual_round") == 3 then d.setf("kill_count_bp1",d.getf("kill_count_bp1") +1) if d.getf("kill_count_bp1") == d.getf("bp_kill_to_next") then d.notice("Regressa ao altar!") blazingpurgatory.purge() end elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 2 or d.getf("actual_round") == 5 then d.setf("kill_count_bp",d.getf("kill_count_bp") +1) if d.getf("kill_count_bp") == d.getf("kill_to_drop_key") then game.drop_item_with_ownership(50084,1) d.setf("kill_count_bp",0) end elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 4 and npc.get_race() == 6009 then if number(1,5) == 1 then d.notice("Regressa ao altar!") blazingpurgatory.purge() end elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 6 and npc.get_race() == 8034 then d.notice("Regressa ao altar!") blazingpurgatory.purge() elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 7 and npc.get_race() == 6091 then d.notice("O Razador foi derrotado!") d.clear_regen() d.kill_all() end end when 20081.take with pc.get_map_index() >= 2350000 and pc.get_map_index() <= 2355000 begin if item.get_vnum() == 50084 then if d.getf("actual_round") == 2 then pc.remove_item(item.get_vnum(),1) if number(1,8) == 1 then npc.purge() d.notice("Regressa ao altar!") blazingpurgatory.purge() else syschat("Esta Pedra-Chave está errada!") end elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 5 then local sequence = {{1,2,3,4,5,5},{4,3,2,1,5,5},{4,5,3,1,2,2},{5,3,4,2,1,1},{5,1,3,4,2,2}} if blazingpurgatory.GetPillarID() == sequence[d.getf("sequence")][d.getf("pillarcount")] then pc.remove_item(item.get_vnum(),1) npc.purge() d.setf("pillarcount", d.getf("pillarcount")+1) if d.getf("pillarcount") == 6 then d.notice("Regressa ao altar!") blazingpurgatory.purge() else d.notice("Ainda tens que abrir "..6-d.getf("pillarcount").." Selo(s)!") end elseif blazingpurgatory.GetPillarID() == false then syschat("Aumenta (usando Zoom) para veres de mais perto o Selo!") elseif blazingpurgatory.GetPillarID() != sequence[d.getf("sequence")][d.getf("pillarcount")] then pc.remove_item(item.get_vnum(),1) syschat("Este não é o Selo da direita!") end end end end function LoadStage() if d.getf("actual_round") == 1 then -- Alle Monster tötenw d.regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_monster_1.txt") d.setf("bp_kill_to_next",241) d.setf("kill_count_bp1",0) elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 2 then d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_monster_2.txt") d.setf("kill_to_drop_key",50) d.spawn_mob(20081,195,352) elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 3 then d.regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_monster_3.txt") d.setf("bp_kill_to_next",240) d.setf("kill_count_bp1",0) elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 4 then d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_monster_4.txt") elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 5 then d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_monster_5.txt") local sequence = {{1,2,3,4,5},{4,3,2,1,5},{4,5,3,1,2},{5,3,4,2,1},{5,1,3,4,2}} local n = number(1,5) local coords = {{502,354},{517,354},{487,354},{502,339},{502,369}} for i = 1, 5 do d.spawn_mob(20081, coords[i][1],coords[i][2]) end d.setf("pillarcount", 1) d.setf("sequence",n) d.setf("kill_to_drop_key",100) elseif d.getf("actual_round") == 6 then d.set_regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_monster_6.txt") d.spawn_mob(8034,507,489) end end function purge() d.setf("block_altar",0) d.clear_regen() d.kill_all() blazingpurgatory.LoadGates() d.regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_flamenpc.txt") if d.getf("purgatory_level") == 6 then d.setf("purgatory_level",7) end end function LoadGates() local sequence = {{1,2,3,4,5,6},{4,1,3,2,5,6},{2,5,3,1,4,6},{3,1,6,2,4,5},{5,3,2,4,6,1},{6,1,5,2,4,3},{6,3,5,3,1,4}} for i = 1, 6-d.getf("purgatory_level") do d.regen_file("data/dungeon/blazingpurgatory/blazingpurgatory_gate_"..sequence[d.getf("purgatory_gate_sequence")][i]..".txt") end d.setf("actual_round",sequence[d.getf("purgatory_gate_sequence")][7-d.getf("purgatory_level")]) end function NoticeTime() local secondsLeft = (d.getf("time") - get_time()) local minutesLeft = math.ceil(secondsLeft / 60) d.notice("Tempo restante: "..minutesLeft.." Minutos!") end function GetPillarID() if pc.get_local_x() >= 502 - 5 and pc.get_local_x() <= 502 + 5 and pc.get_local_y() >= 354 - 5 and pc.get_local_y() <= 354 + 5 then return 1 elseif pc.get_local_x() >= 517 - 5 and pc.get_local_x() <= 517 + 5 and pc.get_local_y() >= 354 - 5 and pc.get_local_y() <= 354 + 5 then return 2 elseif pc.get_local_x() >= 487 - 5 and pc.get_local_x() <= 487 + 5 and pc.get_local_y() >= 354 - 5 and pc.get_local_y() <= 354 + 5 then return 3 elseif pc.get_local_x() >= 502 - 5 and pc.get_local_x() <= 502 + 5 and pc.get_local_y() >= 339 - 5 and pc.get_local_y() <= 339 + 5 then return 4 elseif pc.get_local_x() >= 502 - 5 and pc.get_local_x() <= 502 + 5 and pc.get_local_y() >= 369 - 5 and pc.get_local_y() <= 369 + 5 then return 5 else return false end end end end
  9. Hi! I've a little problem, some players are starting with 96 Status points instead of 270! Anyone knows about this bugs? (They start at level 105). Thx in advanced!
  10. yes I'm trying after that to make and if statment comparing a number and the return of the query! example: if kills >= 3 then syschat("hi") end
  11. Hello! I'm trying to count the number of entries that I've in this table, but my function isnt working! local kills = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM database.table") Can anybody fix this?
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