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Everything posted by Sydai

  1. fuuuck, i didn't see that shit :))) thanks a lot
  2. The quest in your first answer and the quest from your second answer are the same, but the first one do not work. Why this?
  3. works now, but i do not understant what was wrong. can you explain me?
  4. Still not working, the same error. And what did you change there, i do not get it? Why i get the error? What i wrote wrong?
  5. Hello, i am trying to compile this quest but i get an error and i don not know why, i tried everything. Here is the error Please tell me why i get this error and how should i resolve it. Thanks.
  6. biolog_metin2er.quest:107:assertion failure : nested==0 now i get this what was the problem first time? i still do not get it resolved, i forgot to start the last state, thanks
  7. Hello Metin2Dev, i just wrote this quest ------------------------------- ----- Quest made by Clowd ----- ------------------------------- quest biolog_metin2er begin state start begin when login or levelup with pc.get_level() == 30 begin set_state(biolog_30) pc.setqf("biolog_30", 0) end end state biolog_30 begin when letter begin send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") end when info or button begin say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Biologul Chaegirab are nevoie de diferite materiale") say("pentru studiile sale medicinale. Acesta te roagã sa") say("îi colectezi aceste materiale, iar el îþi va da în") say("schimbul lor diferite puteri ºi abilitãþi.") say("") set_state(biolog_30_colectare) clear_letter("~Cercetarea biologului") return end end state biolog_30_colectare begin when letter begin send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") end when info or button begin say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("De aceastã datã biologul Chaegirab are nevoie de 10") say("") say_item_vnum(30006) say("") say_reward("Pânã acum ai colectat "..pc.getqf("biolog_30").." dinþi.") say("") local biolog = select ("Predã material", "Închide") if biolog == 2 then send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") return elseif biolog == 1 then if pc.count_item(30006) == 0 then say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Nu deþii nici unul din materialele necesare.") say("") send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") return elseif get_global_time() < pc.getqf("biolog_30_timp") then say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Trebuie sã aºtepþi o orã pentru a preda alt material.") say("") send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") return end local nr = number(1, 100) if nr < 50 then if pc.getqf("biolog_30") < 9 then local new = pc.getqf("biolog_30") + 1 pc.setqf("biolog_30", new) say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Acest material este de calitate superioarã, felici-") say("tãri tinere! Pânã acum ai adunat "..pc.getqf("biolog_30").." mate-") say("riale, continuã sã aduci pânã le predai pe toate.") say("") pc.setqf("biolog_30_timp", get_global_time()+3600) send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") return elseif pc.getqf("biolog_30") > 9 or pc.getqf("biolog_30") == 9 then say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Felicitãri, ai adunat toate materialele necesare!") say("Drept rãsplatã vei primi un bonus permanent.") say("") say("Ai primit 15% vitezã de atac permanentã.") say("") clear_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") set_state(biolog_30_end) pc.setqf("biolog_30_next", 1) affect.add_collect(7,15,60*60*24*365*60) return end else nr > 50 or nr == 50 then say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Acest material nu este suficient de bun, te rog sã ") say("îmi aduci altul.") send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") pc.setqf("biolog_30_timp", get_global_time()+3600) end end end end end When i compile it i get one error and i really do not know why, it seem that everything is perfect in the code. biolog_metin2er.quest:105:syntax error : [string "biolog_30_colectare"]:61: `=' expected near `>' Does anyone know why i get this error? Thanks.
  8. Hello Metin2Dev, i just wrote this quest ------------------------------- ----- Quest made by Clowd ----- ------------------------------- quest biolog_metin2er begin state start begin when login or levelup with pc.get_level() == 30 begin set_state(biolog_30) pc.setqf("biolog_30", 0) end end state biolog_30 begin when letter begin send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") end when info or button begin say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Biologul Chaegirab are nevoie de diferite materiale") say("pentru studiile sale medicinale. Acesta te roagã sa") say("îi colectezi aceste materiale, iar el îþi va da în") say("schimbul lor diferite puteri ºi abilitãþi.") say("") set_state(biolog_30_colectare) clear_letter("~Cercetarea biologului") return end end state biolog_30_colectare begin when letter begin send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") end when info or button begin say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("De aceastã datã biologul Chaegirab are nevoie de 10") say("") say_item_vnum(30006) say("") say_reward("Pânã acum ai colectat "..pc.getqf("biolog_30").." dinþi.") say("") local biolog = select ("Predã material", "Închide") if biolog == 2 then send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") return elseif biolog == 1 then if pc.count_item(30006) == 0 then say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Nu deþii nici unul din materialele necesare.") say("") send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") return elseif get_global_time() < pc.getqf("biolog_30_timp") then say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Trebuie sã aºtepþi o orã pentru a preda alt material.") say("") send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") return end local nr = number(1, 100) if nr < 50 then if pc.getqf("biolog_30") < 9 then local new = pc.getqf("biolog_30") + 1 pc.setqf("biolog_30", new) say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Acest material este de calitate superioarã, felici-") say("tãri tinere! Pânã acum ai adunat "..pc.getqf("biolog_30").." mate-") say("riale, continuã sã aduci pânã le predai pe toate.") say("") pc.setqf("biolog_30_timp", get_global_time()+3600) send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") return elseif pc.getqf("biolog_30") > 9 or pc.getqf("biolog_30") == 9 then say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Felicitãri, ai adunat toate materialele necesare!") say("Drept rãsplatã vei primi un bonus permanent.") say("") say("Ai primit 15% vitezã de atac permanentã.") say("") clear_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") set_state(biolog_30_end) pc.setqf("biolog_30_next", 1) affect.add_collect(7,15,60*60*24*365*60) return end else nr > 50 or nr == 50 then say_title("Cercetarea biologului - Metin2ER") say("") say("Acest material nu este suficient de bun, te rog sã ") say("îmi aduci altul.") send_letter("~Cercetarea biologului - Dinþii") q.set_icon("scroll_open_golden.tga") pc.setqf("biolog_30_timp", get_global_time()+3600) end end end end end When i compile it i get one error and i really do not know why, it seem that everything is perfect in the code. biolog_metin2er.quest:105:syntax error : [string "biolog_30_colectare"]:61: `=' expected near `>' Does anyone know why i get this error? Thanks.
  9. Thank you, but i found other sln that i can compile. Anyway, thank's again
  10. Thanks, but i have that file there and still nothing, the error persists.
  11. I got some errors when i compile client binary. Error 191 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9math.inl': No such file or directory e:\source_client\extern\include\directx9\d3dx9math.h 1786 1 eterGrnLib I checked C:/Program files/Microsoft DirectX SKD (june 2010)/Include and the d3dx9math.inl is there. I reinstalled the SKD but nothing. Some help?
  12. The link from this topic ([Hidden Content]) is no longer available. Does someone have other link to give me? Thanks.
  13. The link from this topic ([Hidden Content]) is no longer available. Does someone have other link to give me? Thanks.
  14. does someone can upload the Extern folder from novaline src? sorry for my bad english. thanks EDIT found that.
  15. [Hidden Content] someone know how to activate that buffs that appears in the left side, up, in the corner? That one that gives YOU double exp, autopickup yang, etc. Normally, every player should have it in login thanks.
  16. How I can compile the client binary with VS 2010? I can't follow the tutorial because the 2010 it's different from 2008 and unfortunantelly i can't install 2008. Can someone make a little tutorial about that? Best regards.
  17. I uploaded the website files on ftp and when i try to acces the page i get thi error: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110) The password and the ip are ok and the server is online. Does someone know how to fix it?
  18. Yes, I made it other way. Thank you for your help.
  19. Yes. I compile it. Now, when i click the quest in the game client nothing happen's and I get this erron in syyser: SYSERR: Mar 20 18:55:29 :: GetQuestNameByIndex: cannot find quest name by index 0 SYSERR: Mar 20 18:55:29 :: OnInfo: QUEST no info event (quest )
  20. Could you be more understandable? What do you want to mean?
  21. I don't get any error. Everithing is ok, but his object files are not created.
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