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Posts posted by Deucalion

  1. Problem is with SetOwnership yes? So maybe  only need to add sth like this:

    	if (ch->IsPet())
    		for (CPetSystem::TPetActorMap::iterator iter = to->GetPetSystem()->m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != to->GetPetSystem()->m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter){
    			if (CPetActor* petActor = iter->second){
    				ch = petActor->GetOwner();

    in item.cpp in method

    void CItem::SetOwnership(LPCHARACTER ch, int iSec)


    m_dwOwnershipPID = ch->GetPlayerID();

    So the pice of code should look like this:

    if (true == LC_IsEurope())
    		if (iSec <= 10)
    			iSec = 30;
    	if (ch->IsPet())
    		for (CPetSystem::TPetActorMap::iterator iter = to->GetPetSystem()->m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != to->GetPetSystem()->m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter){
    			if (CPetActor* petActor = iter->second){
    				ch = petActor->GetOwner();
    	m_dwOwnershipPID = ch->GetPlayerID();
    	item_event_info* info = AllocEventInfo<item_event_info>();

    It's untested!


    Efit: of course you need to add include 


     on the top of the file

    • Love 1
  2. In char_battle.cpp you have sth like this 

    void CHARACTER::Reward(bool bItemDrop)

    there you have

    if (CBattleArena::instance().IsBattleArenaMap(pkAttacker->GetMapIndex()) == false)

    And you can use method to take id or e.g create a new method bool isPet()

    • Love 1
  3. Hi 

    I'm using pdo so my code look like this:

     $CreateAcount = $sth->prepare(  
                                            "INSERT INTO account.account (login, password, email, social_id, question1, answer1, web_ip, register_token) VALUES (:login, :password, :email, :socialId, :question, :answer, :webIp, :registerToken)"  
                                        $CreateAcount->execute(array(":login" => $login, ":password" => $password ,":email" => $email,":socialId" => $socialId,":question" => $question,":answer" => $answer,":webIp" => GetIP() ,"registerToken" => GetIP()));

    and here my question: How can I encrypt password ? Now when I write in field password e.g testpassword, in mysql password isn't encryptet, it's just "testpassword"

    Can u help me? :)




  4. So in 'ItemIdRangeManager.h' is defined

    const static DWORD cs_dwMaxItemID = 4290000000UL;

    and it is a unsigned long

    So I must change e.g in 'tables.h'


    typedef struct tItemAwardInformer
    	char	login[LOGIN_MAX_LEN + 1];
    	char	command[20];		//¸í·Éľî
    	unsigned int vnum;			//ľĆŔĚĹŰ
    } TPacketItemAwardInfromer;


    typedef struct tItemAwardInformer
    	char	login[LOGIN_MAX_LEN + 1];
    	char	command[20];		//¸í·Éľî
    	unsigned long vnum;			//ľĆŔĚĹŰ
    } TPacketItemAwardInfromer;

    I understand correctly?

  5. Hi


    Can you tell me in which file I can change id limit? I mean that if i have e.g weapon with vnum 65534 or 65535 everything is fine, but when vnum is e.g 65536 i mean if vnum  >  65535 then the model is invisible. 

    I've tried to find something in source files in client, but i've nothing ;/

    So can you tell me how can i change it?

    I will be grateful :)




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