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Everything posted by Deucalion

  1. Problem is with SetOwnership yes? So maybe only need to add sth like this: if (ch->IsPet()) { for (CPetSystem::TPetActorMap::iterator iter = to->GetPetSystem()->m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != to->GetPetSystem()->m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter){ if (CPetActor* petActor = iter->second){ ch = petActor->GetOwner(); } } } in item.cpp in method void CItem::SetOwnership(LPCHARACTER ch, int iSec) above m_dwOwnershipPID = ch->GetPlayerID(); So the pice of code should look like this: if (true == LC_IsEurope()) { if (iSec <= 10) iSec = 30; } if (ch->IsPet()) { for (CPetSystem::TPetActorMap::iterator iter = to->GetPetSystem()->m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != to->GetPetSystem()->m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter){ if (CPetActor* petActor = iter->second){ ch = petActor->GetOwner(); } } } m_dwOwnershipPID = ch->GetPlayerID(); item_event_info* info = AllocEventInfo<item_event_info>(); It's untested! Efit: of course you need to add include "PetSystem.h" on the top of the file
  2. In char_battle.cpp you have sth like this void CHARACTER::Reward(bool bItemDrop) there you have if (CBattleArena::instance().IsBattleArenaMap(pkAttacker->GetMapIndex()) == false) { item->SetOwnership(pkAttacker); } And you can use method to take id or e.g create a new method bool isPet()
  3. Do you have included XTrapManager? (#include "XTrapManager.h")
  4. Hi I'm using pdo so my code look like this: $CreateAcount = $sth->prepare( "INSERT INTO account.account (login, password, email, social_id, question1, answer1, web_ip, register_token) VALUES (:login, :password, :email, :socialId, :question, :answer, :webIp, :registerToken)" ); $CreateAcount->execute(array(":login" => $login, ":password" => $password ,":email" => $email,":socialId" => $socialId,":question" => $question,":answer" => $answer,":webIp" => GetIP() ,"registerToken" => GetIP())); and here my question: How can I encrypt password ? Now when I write in field password e.g testpassword, in mysql password isn't encryptet, it's just "testpassword" Can u help me? Regards Deucalion
  5. I've searched also in binary solution, but I can't find nothing what may be useful in this case ;/
  6. Can anyone help me with this? I have changed things in tables.h, and others and still the same ;/ If vnum is > 65535 model is not showing in the game.
  7. So in 'ItemIdRangeManager.h' is defined const static DWORD cs_dwMaxItemID = 4290000000UL; and it is a unsigned long So I must change e.g in 'tables.h' from typedef struct tItemAwardInformer { char login[LOGIN_MAX_LEN + 1]; char command[20]; //¸í·Éľî unsigned int vnum; //ľĆŔĚĹŰ } TPacketItemAwardInfromer; to typedef struct tItemAwardInformer { char login[LOGIN_MAX_LEN + 1]; char command[20]; //¸í·Éľî unsigned long vnum; //ľĆŔĚĹŰ } TPacketItemAwardInfromer; I understand correctly?
  8. I already have: ITEM_ID_RANGE = 2000000000 2500000000 [Hidden Content] I've tried to find wchar_t , unsigned short and unsigned __int16, but I found nothing useful ;/ Can anyone help me with this?
  9. And you know where I can change it e.g into long int ? I can't find anything with short int and connected with item id/vnum ;/
  10. Hi Can you tell me in which file I can change id limit? I mean that if i have e.g weapon with vnum 65534 or 65535 everything is fine, but when vnum is e.g 65536 i mean if vnum > 65535 then the model is invisible. I've tried to find something in source files in client, but i've nothing ;/ So can you tell me how can i change it? I will be grateful Regards Deucalion
  11. If u have file name "Version.py" change to "version.py" and try then
  12. Try change in version.py newVersion = int(P4_GetVersion(".......").split()[1]) to e.g newVersion = 1234 #Your Version
  13. Hi I have question, maybe it's stupid, but how can i add atlas map to my new map? I added atlas.sub file in ymir work/ui/atlas and dds in ymir work/ui but when i press "m" nothing happened. Can u explain me how I should add atlas map?
  14. Hi i have a weird effect in game: This effect everytime shows after kill or hit the mob or even player. Any idea what is this, and how can i delete it?
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