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Posts posted by BeHappy4Ever

  1. I try to use map editor and when i edit c1 the buildings and trees aren't shown..

    here is the sysser:


    0526 19:47:00844 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [locale/ymir/mob_proto]
    0526 19:47:04206 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/background/warpgate02.mss]
    0526 19:47:04290 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/fall/fall_7.mss]
    0526 19:47:04361 :: CMapOutdoor::RenderBeforeLensFlare mc_pEnvironmentData is NULL
    0526 19:47:09177 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/background/fire_general_obj_charcoal.mss]


  2. 12 hours ago, WeedHex said:

    value1 value2 =  MAGIC

    value3 value4 = ATTACK


    You can use value0 and value5 on weapons to increase the value always leaving the same value1-2-3-4.

     I hope the answer is clear


    Thanks but why in value1-2 my client instead of magic attack shows magic defence(not resistance)?

    I am using 67k vanilla core(i'll change it)

  3. 2 hours ago, zeimpekis9 said:


    he is not taking orders. He released a system. We infrom him about the bugs of the system, and we just asked IF he can fix it. Why everyone here is so rude? I dont understand you. You should learn to help RANDOM people and to flame all the time. FFS.

    Ηelping random people is like feeding a snake .. :D

  4. My client does not open.

    I get the error "LoadLocaleError(locale/pl/locale_game.txt"

    My logfile.txt is this:


    Import python module 'debugInfo.py' done
    Import python module 'localeInfo.py' done
    Import python module 'constInfo.py' done

    My log.txt is this


    0727 10:54:27208 :: ΎΛΈ²: ΖΔΐΟ ΈπµεΐΤ΄Ο΄Ω.
    0727 10:54:00002 :: 0727 10:54:00002 :: 
    0727 10:54:00002 :: ## Network - OffLine Phase ##0727 10:54:00002 :: 
    0727 10:54:00002 :: 0727 10:54:00002 :: 
    0727 10:54:00024 :: importing from pack debugInfo
    0727 10:54:00026 :: importing from pack localeInfo
    0727 10:54:00034 :: importing from pack constInfo

    I get no sysser

    Which files should i check?

    • Metin2 Dev 1
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  5. 1 hour ago, madalin said:

    I wanna buy a serverfiles which must be like official (or almost). By this I mean all the systems (or most) of the official,all the maps,all items and all the quests and missions. Who has this serverfiles can leave me a message with serverfiles details and the price for it.

    Thank you and I am sorry for my bad English :D  :)) 

    PM me your skype

  6. 28 minutes ago, arves100 said:

    There's no tutorial but you can try with yourself.

    Install Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)

    Copy all files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include to Extern\include

    and copy from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Lib\x86 to Extern\lib:




    and remove:



    In Extern\include remove any d3d8,d3d10,d3d11 header files

    After this change any imports from d3d8 to d3d9

    And change this

    #pragma comment(lib, "d3d8.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx8.lib")


    #pragma comment(lib, "d3d9.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx9.lib")


    Some functions like: IDirect3DDevice8 and Direct3DCreate8 simply change 8 to 9

    Another thing you have to find an updated version of SpeedTreeLib because it dosen't support DirectX9 (SpeedTreeForestDirectX9 dosen't exist)

    If you find this file there's some changes you have to do in order to support some ymir stuff (like timer) to this file. And if functions are different you have to update them.

    You solved my pocket dude , thanks crystal for asking this ...

  7. On 25/7/2016 at 9:10 PM, ondry said:

    haha man, if someone had the serverfiles you are describing, he could just start server and earn way more money

    nobody sell you something like this for this price

    Yeah man 100% the money that i give are nothing?Really are you idiot?That's the point for buing some serverfiles...Idiot kid!

  8. 14 hours ago, Law™ said:

    Open cmd.cpp search for this function:

      Hide contents

    struct command_info cmd_info[] =

    Be sure it have Reload like this:

      Reveal hidden contents

    { "reload",        do_reload,        0,            POS_DEAD,    GM_IMPLEMENTOR    },



    Wtf this will delete his files lel

    Its okay man ;p

  9. On 21/7/2016 at 2:38 PM, Mortal said:

    Hey guys i have an problem. i load a Server Source for my server. and now i cant do every type of /reload and /i . 

    I can do only /m /mm /group this kind and my  problem is i cant do ingame /reload q everything of reload and /i  when i type them is saying the command dosnt exist..... what i do?

    I think your problem is in your files...

    Try writing:

    cd /var/db

    rm -rf mysql

    cd /usr/home

    rm -rf game

    then chmod -R 777 game

    then chmod -R 777 mysql

    • Lmao 1
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  10. I am searching for newschool serverfiles complete with sash and all gameforge's staff , with new weapons and armors and maps , full balanced exp / damage and new quests , mobs including lycan!I prefer the protos txts but i dont really care cause its easy for me to convert them!

    I am paying until 200euros via psc/mastercard/paypal!

    If you are a stealer do not send me message you will only lose time!

  11. On 11/7/2016 at 10:39 AM, iltizio said:

    How did you install your database? With datafiles or with mysql import/export (dump or trasfer)?

    With this error seems you have install your databases with copy and paste MySQL directory, that is the wrong way, specially if you have innodb tables like you. 

    To recover:

    - create dumps from the original MySQL server

    - stop mysql-server on your broken server (service mysql-server stop)

    - remove you entire MySQL data directory (rm -rf /var/db/mysql)

    - start mysql-server on your broken server (service mysql-server start)

    - restore your game databases from dumps.

    Via package if  i remember good

    I tried to put password with this method but i still cant connect via navicat



    /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server stop

    mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

    mysql -u root

    use mysql

    update user set password=PASSWORD('desiredpassword') where user='root';

    flush privileges;


    service mysql-server restart




    Can you help me to can connect via navicat?

    also why had i this error?

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