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Everything posted by markx202

  1. Hi all, I have a little problem! When i press CNTRL+G for mount/unmount costume mount there is a small delay between item go to costume window to inventory window! Some hint?
  2. Yes but if i put self.wndRR = uirarityrefine.RefineWindow() in __init__ function on InventoryWindow class client generate a syserr with NoneType has no attribute 'wndRR'
  3. I put: self.wndRR = uirarityrefine.RefineRarityWindow() self.wndRR.SetItemToolTip(self.interface.tooltipItem) to
  4. def __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(self, srcItemVID, srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos): if srcItemSlotPos == dstItemSlotPos: return if app.RARITY_SYSTEM: if srcItemVID == 71053 or srcItemVID == 30741: self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVID): if self.__isSameItem(srcItemVID,dstItemSlotPos): # bugfix! self.__SendMoveItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0) else: self.RefineItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) self.wndItem.SetUseMode(False) if srcItemVID == 11115: item.SelectItem(player.GetItemIndex(dstItemSlotPos)) if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON: self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) self.game.wndRR.UseItemSlot(player.INVENTORY,dstItemSlotPos,True) else: chat.AppendChat(1,"This is not a weapon.") # cyh itemseal 2013 11 08 elif app.ENABLE_SOULBIND_SYSTEM and item.IsSealScroll(srcItemVID): self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVID): self.AttachMetinToItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVID): self.DetachMetinFromItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) elif item.IsKey(srcItemVID): self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcItemSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE: self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) elif item.GetUseType(srcItemVID) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE: self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) else: #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") ## 이동시킨 곳이 장착 슬롯일 경우 아이템을 사용해서 장착 시킨다 - [levites] if player.IsEquipmentSlot(dstItemSlotPos): ## 들고 있는 아이템이 장비일때만 if item.IsEquipmentVID(srcItemVID): self.__UseItem(srcItemSlotPos) else: self.__SendMoveItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0) #net.SendItemMovePacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0)
  5. Done and now i have this one! 0905 11:59:25425 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0905 11:59:25425 :: File "ui.py", line 1962, in OnSelectItemSlot 0905 11:59:25425 :: File "ui.py", line 88, in __call__ 0905 11:59:25425 :: File "ui.py", line 79, in __call__ 0905 11:59:25425 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 823, in SelectItemSlot 0905 11:59:25425 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 894, in __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory 0905 11:59:25425 :: AttributeError 0905 11:59:25425 :: : 0905 11:59:25425 :: 'InventoryWindow' object has no attribute 'wndRR' 0905 11:59:25425 :: And if i add self.wndRR = None in __init__ on inventorywindow i have this one: 0905 12:01:20686 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0905 12:01:20686 :: File "ui.py", line 1962, in OnSelectItemSlot 0905 12:01:20686 :: File "ui.py", line 88, in __call__ 0905 12:01:20686 :: File "ui.py", line 79, in __call__ 0905 12:01:20686 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 825, in SelectItemSlot 0905 12:01:20686 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 896, in __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory 0905 12:01:20686 :: AttributeError 0905 12:01:20686 :: : 0905 12:01:20686 :: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'UseItemSlot' 0905 12:01:20686 :: However thanks for answer me! I really appreciate that.
  6. Hi guys! I have a problem: 0904 22:09:25493 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0904 22:09:25494 :: File "networkModule.py", line 239, in SetGamePhase 0904 22:09:25494 :: File "game.py", line 111, in __init__ 0904 22:09:25494 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 353, in MakeInterface 0904 22:09:25494 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 192, in __MakeWindows 0904 22:09:25494 :: AttributeError 0904 22:09:25494 :: : 0904 22:09:25494 :: 'Interface' object has no attribute 'game' 0904 22:09:25494 :: Can someone help me? I've done this: game.py import uirarityrefine #Before self.__ServerCommand_Build() self.wndRR = uirarityrefine.RefineRarityWindow() self.wndRR.SetItemToolTip(self.interface.tooltipItem) #After "PlayMusic" : self.__PlayMusic, "REFINE_Rarity" : self.RefineRarity, "RarityRefine_Success" : self.RarityRefine_Success, "RarityRefine_NeedItem" : self.RarityRefine_NeedItem, "RarityRefine_Fail" : self.RarityRefine_Fail, #AT THE END def RefineRarity(self, evo): self.wndRR.Open(evo) def RarityRefine_Success(self): self.wndRR.SuccessMessage() def RarityRefine_NeedItem(self, code): self.wndRR.NeedItem(code) def RarityRefine_Fail(self): self.wndRR.Failed() interfacemodule.py #After def __MakeWindows(self): [..] wndInventory.BindInterfaceClass(self) #I put wndInventory.BindGameClass(self.game) #Before if __name__ == "__main__": #I put def BindGameWindow(self, game): self.game = game uiinventory.py #Before def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex): #I put def BindGameClass(self, game): self.game = game #After slotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(slotIndex) #I put if (self.game is not None and self.game.wndRR.IsShow()): self.game.wndRR.UseItemSlot(player.INVENTORY, slotIndex) return #After def __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(self, srcItemVID, srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos): #I put if srcItemVID == 11115: item.SelectItem(player.GetItemIndex(dstItemSlotPos)) if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON: self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos) self.game.wndRR.UseItemSlot(player.INVENTORY,dstItemSlotPos,True) else: chat.AppendChat(1,"<Sistem> Item is not a weapon.")
  7. Someone know how can i check metinslot in py? I mean in uitooltip there is this check but i want to do also in other python file! I want to do some like this if metinslot[3] >= 1: somecode Any hint?
  8. Guys ITEM magic damage not magic damage in general. I mean where is the algorithm for magic attack on weapon, where is calculated.
  9. Hi all, I have a problem. I try to find in source the algorithm for magic damage on weapon. For example this is in battle.cpp and is for phisical damage: void Item_GetDamage(LPITEM pkItem, int* pdamMin, int* pdamMax) { *pdamMin = 0; *pdamMax = 1; if (!pkItem) return; switch (pkItem->GetType()) { case ITEM_ROD: case ITEM_PICK: return; } if (pkItem->GetType() != ITEM_WEAPON) sys_err("Item_GetDamage - !ITEM_WEAPON vnum=%d, type=%d", pkItem->GetOriginalVnum(), pkItem->GetType()); *pdamMin = pkItem->GetValue(3); *pdamMax = pkItem->GetValue(4); } I need the same for magic too! Can you help me to find?
  10. Hi guys, I'm searching someone how can make a little system! I just want to increase normal %upp with a special item. Send me a message on skype : markx202 for more info.
  11. I want to introduce the decorum system that will be present on our server named Alyon.Let's start with the features:We have decided to include 3 types of arenas: Arena 2vs2 Arena 3vs3 Arena 5vs5 To take part in an arena you just go to the Battle Administrator or click on the button: Here you can participate or create a lobby. There is also the possibility of starting a random lobby that will automatically search for the number of participants needed. Challenges will only take place between players with a maximum difference of 4 leagues. Teams, are automatically generated by trying to make them as homogeneous as possible. The arena will start when all participants have logged into the arena map. Players of opposite kingdoms can stay in team together. In the arena, it will be a first points calculation . If the player logs off, it will lose the amount of calculated points.We have decided this to avoid the Rage Quit. If a player has problem with login, and then doesn't log into the map, the arena will not start.All participants can push without losing points. The arena ends when one of the two teams arrives at the limit score (in 2vs2 it is 2, in 3vs3 is 3 and in 5vs5 is 5), the consecutive kills of the same player are valid. If an arena ends in parity, or a team left the arena, the winners will not win any Decor. At the time of the victory, the Decors will be re-calculated, evaluating the disparity of Decors between teams, the killings and deaths of each participant and the percentage of each participant's victory for that particular arena. Every weekend from Friday to Sunday, from 8am to 11pm, you will be able to make classified matches Through the ELO RATING system you will be able to create a mechanism that can create combat rooms by calculating the winning / defeat / kills / dead / inflicted damage / league / level of each player and combining matches in a balanced way. System delle LegheDecors work as a progress score of your PG.Leagues are the division of the Player according to the amount of Decors obtained during his career. Each League provides the player with a distinctive symbol beside the name. To start collecting Decors you have to go to the Battalion Administrator at Level 80 with 5,000,000 Yang. He will enroll you on the Iron IV League and will give you 40,000 Decors. To get Decors there are 2 ways: Custom Arena Random Arena To start an arena you have to be in the exact number of participants.The calculation of the Decors earned is calculated by evaluating the difference between the Decors among the challengers, the rate of wins / participations in that date type of PvP and the Rate of Kill / Death of the Pg.In this way farm Decors is impossible because after 2/3 matches with "ghost pg",you will not receive Decors.With this button: You can check your stats and decide which arenas to be available.By clicking on a Decorated Player you will also be able to consult other Player stats, compare and process strategies. Here you can see a video preview:
  12. Ahaha have you some screens about What you say? I don't sell anything. Prove what you say.
  13. I want to buy. I don't sell anything in this forum. Why you said reseller??
  14. Hi, metin2dev community! I'm searching someone who can do a professional patcher. What i need: Integrate patcher in laucher (I just want 1 file .exe in my client which start autopatcher and then launch game) Check files Buttons for social, website and forum Space for video Space for news If you sell a patcher like this send me a message on skype : markx202 or pm on this forum. If you don't have a website or you don't have screens of your works please don't contact me. I gave you a .psd for design of patcher.
  15. I am looking for a graphic able to do these things: Professional logo Professional autopatch design Professional Forum and Website design Some HD Wallpapers Professional Presentation The most important thing is the logo. Send me a pm on skype: markx202 All graphics on design thread accept the work but after 1 week disappear. Send me a pm on skype only if you have time! Sorry for my bad english!
  16. Hi guys, I'm searching someone who can create 4 costumes for my server. I want a costumes for Bagjanamu,Jotun Thrym,Nemere,Razador like official costume of Azrael. Sorry for my bad english. If you want more explanations contact me on skype: markx202
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