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Everything posted by Ioio

  1. You must add ;) at the for just the lines above where is the error (Synthax fault)
  2. The server part works verry fine but when you let us to solve our client alone... it becomes so impossible ! Can you edit the tip and explain more for the client side, please ? I solved the compilation problem but I've got syserr errors ('module' has no attribute "SetWings")
  3. mt2:yolo localhost. To prevent from the error all you have to do is to edit config files There's a hashtag upfront locale name and column name (if I am right, i cannot connect to my pc atm.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a problem with I beg you help me someone, it's starting to piss me off. I am using a database (tested with metin for FreeBSD). I am connected over the network (externally) to the database. WELCOME_MSG = "DB Server has been started" SQL_ACCOUNT = " account mt2 yolo 0" SQL_PLAYER = " player mt2 yolo 0" SQL_COMMON = " common mt2 yolo 0" SQL_HOTBACKUP = " hotbackup mt2 yolo 0" TABLE_POSTFIX = "" BIND_PORT = 15000 DB_SLEEP_MSEC = 10 CLIENT_HEART_FPS = 10 HASH_PLAYER_LIFE_SEC = 600 BACKUP_LIMIT_SEC = 3600 PLAYER_ID_START = 100 PLAYER_DELETE_LEVEL_LIMIT = 70 PLAYER_DELETE_CHECK_SIMPLE = 1 ITEM_ID_RANGE = 2000000000 2100000000 MIN_LENGTH_OF_SOCIAL_ID = 6 NAME_COLUMN = "locale_name" LOCALE = "international" SIMPLE_SOCIALID = 1 Block "Y/QSB7omi36awq4ctpUxuiwRARM=" Please don't hack me. the mt2 user works just with localhost ! So, try to put root in place of mt2 and your navicat password in place of yolo
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