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Posts posted by valessio

  1. Nice! i download it
    but i m not sure where exactly i should replace these files

    -click on download  ratedr203_general_dragon_npc
    -click on ymir work
    - npc  and ratedr203_work  exactly where should i have to replace? 
     if for exemple i want to replace your general dragon zowan instead of my 20094 npc (that i dont like)-

    Please can u teach me Ratedr203? i would like to use tons of your npcmob

  2. yes but how can i change that into a quest

    for exemple IF i would like to apply this message only on this sword

    item vnum 158 ---> 159

    and only for this upgrade +8 --->+9

    with your C++ edit , that message will shows to EVERY single upgrade

    i want to focus only on some item . not all.

    Can someone make a c++   and a quest
    to let me understand how to make it works?

  3. I have a problem, i really think people cna easily fix that:

    When i wear a Lycan armor lv 26
    its the same if i wear a Lycan armor lv 34

    and if i wear a lv54 armor it wars a lv 48 graphic armor..even if the icone is correct.

    i  mean the graphic and only it

    exactly in which part of the client do i need to editchangemove some number to fix that problem?




    and i also have that graphci problem


  4. Hello, i need help for two quest

    quest 1)

    Imagine that you are ingame,
    you have:
    Quest A
    Quest B
    with the relative red scrolls, as usually.... all is normal

    I would like to ask if someone know a function related to that problem:
    When player click on QuestB.... ------> It DELETE  QuestA  and DELETE the scroll of QuestA


    I need to understand why that quest doesn't work well.

    BIOLOGIST :  Research ELIXIR

  5. Hello, i need help about the starter Bonus  light-blue on left-high of the screen

    its about  auto grab yang (like third hand)
    its about  safebox 3 pages instead of 1

    1 year time
    automatic to all account at the first login

    Can someone help me (i need to understand, do not write a single word, )

    i totally do not understand how people add these bonus with navicat or winscp quest
    can someone help me please?

    i do not need that

    navicat  new query
    update account
    set safebox_expire = '2012-12-31 00:00:00';
    update account
    set autoloot_expire = '2012-12-31 00:00:00';

    BECAUSE it applies only on exist accounts,,, if i create a new one, it has no bonus
    i need automatic to all  old and new account


  6. Thank you , i m not an expert, is it possible to make what i would like to do, without using Souce? because i dont have it

    Can you please show me the way to do that? a full tutorial? 

    even that part 

    firstly you should active (( special shop & special currency))


    and by quest you can make it as you want ((currency saved in mysql , pc.getqf , ((specific item)) , etc ))

    I m not capable to understand how to do,

  7. Hello 
    i would like to explain

    Is it possible to create an NPC selling  items that does NOT require  YANG but   ACHIEVEMENT Points


    player go to that "Special NPC"
    and to be able to buy an item, for exemple a sword, he needs 10xAchievement POINTS   and not yang

    How can i make such  alternative "Special NPC"   that sell items for other value different from yang?

  8. Hello, i m sorry if this forum is only about metin2
    i do not want to break any rule, and i will remove the entire thread if i m breaking any rule.

    But it spend a long time since i started playing  PATH OF EXILE.
    I searched so much for some kind of information about a private server, or private files .

    Any one is capable to show meteach me  wherehow  can i find some kind of files or server?

    and the best questions is : Does exist any sort of private server for this game?  IF no , WHY?


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