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  1. Does anyone have xxhash.lib? or source with sln.. Thank you, Zorke.
  2. it's just a function everyone uses what they want
  3. Hello, i give you a function that helps you check the empty space in ItemSHOP. Here is a video shows that it works
  4. Hello i have a problem with 2 effect view this picture I don't know how to remove a flag if the vip is active.. i have in instancebase.cpp this: in instancebaseeffect.cpp this AFF_VIP is 42.. how to resolve this?? help me please Best regards, Zorke.
  5. when i use the chinese fireworks the vip automatic is displayed .. how to change that?
  6. I changed the base platform , now i working on the fliege, T/C.
  7. Hello i have a problem with clean client zearth (cartof v4) , when I entered the game with another character and then I change the character , then press create the character takes me out of the client in syserr does not show anything, and I do not know where the problem can come from does anyone know? EDIT: if i press create the character and i don't enter the game it's work correctly.. EDIT2: after that ErrorLog.txt it is created Sorry for English . Best regards, Zorke.
  8. Hello.. i have a problem with mount.. i implement the mount_costume, and i put real_time to mount , and a question but when i climb the mount immediately get me down .. but i have 20 days time.. and i don't know where is the problem.. in my source or where? If i put type item_quest it summon the mount and don't get me down but the mount doesn't put in slot mount_costume. if i change the type in item_costume and subtype mount_costume he puts in their slot but get me down from mount.
  9. Hello .. i have a problem with time 0 on type COSTUME_MOUNT, i don't know why.. i have this question for mount,
  10. This code where twice! def GetInputValue(self): net.SendQuestInputStringPacket(str(constInfo.VID)) i have tombola and his use the same def getinputvalue.. i don't know how to resolve this
  11. Hello i implement this system [Hidden Content] . And i have one problem with this.. everythings it's ok but the hp and stamina is not of his opponent .. it's your hp and stamina (look in picture) Everyone have idea how to resolve this? Please help me!
  12. Hello , my polymorph 4 don't work .. i have a ring with change race , but the ninja or shaman or sura work .. it's ok, but when i select warrior option don't work .. i try this /polymorph 4 don't work .. quest it's ok.. it's work another svf .. but when i create a character warrior work .. how do i solve this problem??Sorry for my english! Best regards, Zorke.
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