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Posts posted by Think

  1. Denic, Luzzo, maybe it is only me, but I'm pretty sure he already knows how to do both of your replies. He said was looking for a better way.


    Ontopic: First of all, source is certainly the best way for this. From quest, I guess it sort of depends on how you are going to determine which players can enter. Usually it'd be with an item, so that first part sounds well thought. And a qf is also unavoidable unless you decide to store it someplace else [db e.g] as there's no other way of persistance, and you can't block scrolls in any way that I know (unless you want to check the players' inventory every time they login or something and remove the scrolls that go to your premium map)

  2. Well I would just include that change. Noone of you can tell me that he cares about that Skill so detailed and even though if it isnt really "bugged" it's still wrong. And that change would fix the issue. I would definitely implement it.


    By the definition of bug:


    "A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways"


    It is one. The description says it does A, it actually does B and C.

  3. Which limit do you mean? And how is there any difference in usage?


    a ) NumberToMoneyString(1234567)

    b ) splittedvalue(1234567)


    Moreover, due to the operations your function perform, it's most likely slower. And it only accepts strings, not ints or floats (can be quickly ammended though).

  4. Really, a function LongToString on a CHARACTER class?
    Why don't you compare numbers (with the already existing function for string to number saving), rather than converting number to strings and comparing them? Isn't that a bit counterintuitive?
    I know I only complain but well...  the concept is fine so it's hard to correct add anything there. (Please don't take it as anything else but as constructive criticism)



    Someone not blocked this word. I just wanna show a solution.


    And I was just pointing out this wasn't a definitive solution at all - As Sanchez said, anything clientside only is a very bad idea, anyone with enough experience will go over your block as if it weren't there.



    • Love 1
  5. Yes the damage is normalized - I can't find where but I recall seeing it. Regardless, it's mathematically impossible for damage to be negative as there are no deductions from the initial value when you get to that point, so the negative part is the iCurHP indeed. I knew they could have negative but I thought they were marked as dead and nothing was further processed. Should have checked, my bad.


    However, that was not my point. I meant, what's the point of giving the player HP for killing an enemy which is already dead? I still don't find it logical... It's up to the implementation of course. I still prefer if(i > 0)  :P

  6. SYSERR: Mar 14 10:22:39 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Unknown column 'vnum' in 'field list' (query: INSERT DELAYED INTO log (type, time, who, x, y, what, how, hint, ip, vnum) VALUES('ITEM', NOW(), 1, 16, 15, 10000807, 'SET_ATTR', '', '', 1060) errno: 1054)


    Add an vnum column to your log table in the log database


    SYSERR: Mar 14 10:22:37 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Unknown column 'account_id' in 'field list' (query: REPLACE INTO levellog (name, level, time, account_id, pid, playtime) VALUES('Test', 71, NOW(), 52378, 57919, 55) errno: 1054)


    Add an account_id column to your levellog table in the log database


    As for the locale error, it's pretty much what HaveBeen said. Remember to follow the format in that file!

    • Love 1
  7. when you are a sura using the sword skill that makes the sword glow and you use normal attacks on an opponent you lose some of your own hp


    I have tried several times and I can't reproduce this. What else do you need to do besides using Enchanted Blade? (By the way this fix applies to whatever that recovers hp so it should happen with items that have the bonus, no?)



    Taken from vanilla core:


    if (pAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_HIT_HP_RECOVERY) && number(0, 4) > 0) // 80% Č®·ü


                    int i = MIN(dam, iCurHP) * pAttacker->GetPoint(POINT_HIT_HP_RECOVERY) / 100;


                    if (i)


                        if (i < 0)

                             i *= -1;

                        CreateFly(FLY_HP_SMALL, pAttacker);

                        pAttacker->PointChange(POINT_HP, i);




    Now I'm lost... so if the damage you do is negative, or the enemy's HP is negative (i.e is dead, or should be), you get HP? How does that make sense?

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