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Everything posted by FakedMan

  1. You have certainly modify common files and you forget to compile db ^^
  2. Check the error of mysql when this error appair, just type "mysql" on your putty and you will see it. Maybe it's cause of max_connections, if it's that you just must increase the number. (Help from france )
  3. The root don't need be on Index file the binary read it automatly. The files are maybe bind inside the binary directly, have some way for do that (Same official)
  4. Sure I understand it it's more easy to fetch it also by a website or something. I just think my method is more "short" and also don't need create new quest command because the questflag exist already ^^ I don't want blame your work that is very nice, I just want explain my idea ^^
  5. The questflag aren't cached ? I mean questflag directly on source code like that DWORD GetHorseAppearance() { return GetQuestFlag("horse_manager.mount_vnum"); }
  6. That is not better to use quest flag instead of mysql column ?
  7. Open char.cpp and search void CHARACTER::SetLevel(BYTE level) Edit it by that void CHARACTER::SetLevel(BYTE level) { m_points.level = level; if (IsPC()) { if (level < PK_PROTECT_LEVEL) SetPKMode(PK_MODE_PROTECT); else if (GetGMLevel() > GM_LOW_WIZARD) SetPKMode(PK_MODE_PROTECT); else if (m_bPKMode == PK_MODE_PROTECT) SetPKMode(PK_MODE_PEACE); } }
  8. Pkmode isn't a GM command, the game use it for the player. Why do you need change it ?
  9. The block chat function have a double check, modify this line on cmd_gm.cpp if (ch && (ch->GetGMLevel() < GM_HIGH_WIZARD && ch->GetQuestFlag("chat_privilege.block") <= 0)) change by if (ch && ch->GetQuestFlag("chat_privilege.block") <= 0) same for block_chat_list
  10. Maybe your map position overwrite one other, try to change the global position of it
  11. The page of www.revolutionmt2.net/ is free. Only search. lol
  12. Just edit the CMD file (or create it) on each channel and put only the mute command for LOW_WIZARD. If the LOW_WIZARD have the gm logo just edit this function in char.cpp if (GetGMLevel() >= GM_LOW_WIZARD) { m_afAffectFlag.Set(AFF_YMIR); m_bPKMode = PK_MODE_PROTECT; } replace by if (GetGMLevel() > GM_LOW_WIZARD) { m_afAffectFlag.Set(AFF_YMIR); m_bPKMode = PK_MODE_PROTECT; }
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