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  1. But it still doesn't agree with my theory. // Ah, I understood! inventoryPageIndex begins 0 = first page.. 1 = second page etc. Sorry, my mistake.
  2. I think that error continues to occur in second page inventory. if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex: ## (e.g. 47(second page) >= 45 * 2; 47 >= 90 - false = bug) slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE * self.inventoryPageIndex ## (e.g. (third page) 93 -= 90 = 3 - true = fix) Can you explain that to me?
  3. I think that you forgot about mob_color in mob_proto.
  4. Try to copy src_mainline to novaline folder and check this out. I think that it is the most easy way.
  5. Lazy


    I bet that your problem lies in your site. Check it or accept theories about which wrote Endymion. Magic.. yeah!
  6. I did it by Notepad++ (combination keys CTRL + Q) because such an effect.
  7. Hey. Everyone knows that on the poly is bug with damage. Poly give us additional affect but this affect isn't activated together with use poly marble. We must: summon pet, activate autopot or anything which uses ComputeBattlePoint function to turn on this affect. I decided to remove completely this affect because other class than warrior or sura can't use this. Well... Open file char.cpp. Find this: void CHARACTER::ComputeBattlePoints() { if (IsPolymorphed()) { DWORD dwMobVnum = GetPolymorphVnum(); const CMob * pMob = CMobManager::instance().Get(dwMobVnum); int iAtt = 0; int iDef = 0; if (pMob) { iAtt = GetLevel() * 2 + GetPolymorphPoint(POINT_ST) * 2; // lev + con iDef = GetLevel() + GetPolymorphPoint(POINT_HT) + pMob->m_table.wDef; } SetPoint(POINT_ATT_GRADE, iAtt); SetPoint(POINT_DEF_GRADE, iDef); SetPoint(POINT_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE, GetPoint(POINT_ATT_GRADE)); SetPoint(POINT_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE, GetPoint(POINT_DEF_GRADE)); } else if (IsPC()) Replace with: void CHARACTER::ComputeBattlePoints() { // if (IsPolymorphed()) // { // DWORD dwMobVnum = GetPolymorphVnum(); // const CMob * pMob = CMobManager::instance().Get(dwMobVnum); // int iAtt = 0; // int iDef = 0; // if (pMob) // { // iAtt = GetLevel() * 2 + GetPolymorphPoint(POINT_ST) * 2; // // lev + con // iDef = GetLevel() + GetPolymorphPoint(POINT_HT) + pMob->m_table.wDef; // } // SetPoint(POINT_ATT_GRADE, iAtt); // SetPoint(POINT_DEF_GRADE, iDef); // SetPoint(POINT_MAGIC_ATT_GRADE, GetPoint(POINT_ATT_GRADE)); // SetPoint(POINT_MAGIC_DEF_GRADE, GetPoint(POINT_DEF_GRADE)); // } // else if (IsPC()) if (IsPC()) Ayo!
  8. Change your say_item function to... say("[INSERT_IMAGE image_type;item|idx;"..vnum.."|title;"..name.."|index;".. 0 .."|total;".. 1 .."]")Added: total;".. 1 .."
  9. I suppose that it's a simple mistake.
  10. If you equiped e.g. armor and this item haven't any immunes then immunes set to 0, it's delete all immunes. Now doesn't delete immunes just added immunes contained in item.
  11. Hey. Long time ago I did fix on the StunBug, but just now I decided to share this. So... Open the file item.cpp and go to functions: EquipTo & Unequip. Find this: DWORD dwImmuneFlag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < WEAR_MAX_NUM; ++i) if (m_pOwner->GetWear(i)) SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, m_pOwner->GetWear(i)->m_pProto->dwImmuneFlag); m_pOwner->SetImmuneFlag(dwImmuneFlag); Replace with: DWORD dwImmuneFlag = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < WEAR_MAX_NUM; i++) { LPITEM pItem = m_pOwner->GetWear(i); if (pItem) { SET_BIT(dwImmuneFlag, m_pOwner->GetWear(i)->GetImmuneFlag()); } } Ayo!
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