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Everything posted by aNNdii

  1. You are able to create authorization groups and include accounts into them. So if you prefer to have simple permission system, one solution would be to create multiple groups based on modules.
  2. Thank you for all the replies and reactions! I really appreciate it. Can you please share your thoughts on which features are highly required and what kind of permissions system you would prefer? Do they prefer a more detailed system or a simple one? E.g: Simple: - Locale_Create - Locale_Read - Locale_Update - Locale_Delete ... - Item_Create - Item_Read - Item_Update - Item_Delete Detailed: - Locale_Items_Create - Locale_Items_Read ... - Locale_Mobs_Create - Locale_Mobs_Read ... - Item_Proto_Import - Mob_Proto_Import ... Best regards, .aNNdii#
  3. Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce that I'm currently in the early stages of developing an open source Metin2 game server management API. This API will provide server administrators with the tools they need to easily manage and configure their servers, making it easier for players to enjoy the game. Some of the features I'm currently working on include: Server Management: The API will allow easy management of the game server files, including mobs, items, drops, maps & localization. Account & Character Management: Administrators will be able to view and manage player accounts & characters, including banning and unbanning players, see their items or see character logs. Item & Mob Management: The API will allow for the easy creation and management of in-game items & mobs. As I said, I'm still in the early stages of development, so please bear in mind that the API may not include all of the features listed above. I'm also open to suggestions and feedback, so please let us know if there are specific features or improvements you would like to see. I will keep you updated on the progress and release more information as it becomes available. Currently available at: [Hidden Content] or M2DL Changelog: 2023-02-02: - Added AccountGroups for authorization management - Added methods to import & create blend.txt 2023-01-29: - Refactor of DataLoaderService - Added MapEntities - Added methods to import map regen files (regen.txt, boss.txt, npc.txt & stone.txt) - Added methods to create map files (index, setting.txt & regen.txt) Thank you & best regards, .aNNdii#
  4. Hi, for quite some time i've been playing with the idea to get back into the Metin2 scene and publish a CMS for my comeback. So far my plan looks like this: The frontend will be developed in React, of course I will try to consider current standards like Dynamic Routing, Responsive Design, SEO, UI and UX. The data for the frontend will come from a Rest API, which provides external developers with a secure and controlled way to access data from your server and use it in their own programs. The API is developed by me in Go, and I will try to get the maximum out of performance, security, configurability and DX. Although I would publish the whole thing as an open source project at Github, the action is not meant to be completely selfless and I would of course want to make some money with it. The monetization would be in the form of support, custom features and design adjustments. But before I start, I have a few questions: Is there any need for another CMS from your side, or are you completely satisfied with the current solutions? What features do you think the CMS should have so that you would consider it? By the way, since I'm not the best designer, I planned to use Ant Design. If a designer wants to provide me with one of his works, I would be happy to do so and of course I would mention him. Kind regards, .aNNdii#
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