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Everything posted by bumxd

  1. have problem with fast run effect in inventor: [Hidden Content] i think problem in uiinventory in refreshbugslot, how can fix that? function def refreshbugslot def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self): getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex getItemCount=player.GetItemCount setItemVNum=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot if app.ENABLE_INVENTORY_PROTECT_SYSTEM: setLock=self.wndItem.SetLock for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE): slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i) itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber) if 0 == itemCount: self.wndItem.ClearSlot(i) continue elif 1 == itemCount: itemCount = 0 itemVnum = getItemVNum(slotNumber) setItemVNum(i, itemVnum, itemCount) if app.ENABLE_INVENTORY_PROTECT_SYSTEM: if constInfo.InventoryLocked(): setLock(True, i) else: setLock(False, i) if app.ENABLE_CHANGE_LOOK_SYSTEM: GlobalSlot = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i) if player.GetItemLook(GlobalSlot): self.wndItem.EnableSlotCoverImage(i) else: self.wndItem.DisableSlotCoverImage(i) if player.FindActivedChangeLookSlot(0) == GlobalSlot or player.FindActivedChangeLookSlot(1) == GlobalSlot: self.wndItem.ActivateChangeLookSlot(i) else: self.wndItem.DeactivateChangeLookSlot(i) if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE: slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0] if isActivated: self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i) potionType = 0; if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum): potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum): potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP usedAmount = int(metinSocket[1]) totalAmount = int(metinSocket[2]) player.SetAutoPotionInfo(potionType, isActivated, (totalAmount - usedAmount), totalAmount, self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i)) else: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) elif app.ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM: if slotNumber in self.listHighlightedSlot: self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i) if app.ENABLE_SASH_SYSTEM: slotNumberChecked = 0 if not constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): if app.ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM: if not slotNumber in self.listHighlightedSlot: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i) else: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i) for j in xrange(sash.WINDOW_MAX_MATERIALS): (isHere, iCell) = sash.GetAttachedItem(j) if isHere: if iCell == slotNumber: self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i, (36.00 / 255.0), (222.00 / 255.0), (3.00 / 255.0), 1.0) if not slotNumber in self.listAttachedSashs: self.listAttachedSashs.append(slotNumber) slotNumberChecked = 1 else: if slotNumber in self.listAttachedSashs and not slotNumberChecked: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i) self.listAttachedSashs.remove(slotNumber) self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() if self.wndBelt: self.wndBelt.RefreshSlot() function def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos): def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos): if app.ENABLE_INVENTORY_PROTECT_SYSTEM: if constInfo.InventoryLocked(): return if app.ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM: stat = 0 slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(overSlotPos) itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(slotNumber) if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE*self.inventoryPageIndex: slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE*self.inventoryPageIndex isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0] if isActivated: stat = 1 if not stat: if slotNumber in self.listHighlightedSlot: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(overSlotPos) try: if app.ENABLE_SASH_SYSTEM: if not slotNumber in self.listAttachedSashs: self.listHighlightedSlot.remove(slotNumber) else: self.listHighlightedSlot.remove(slotNumber) except: pass # overSlotPosGlobal = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(overSlotPos) overSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(overSlotPos) self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(False) if app.ENABLE_SWAPITEM_SYSTEM: global SWAPITEM_STAT SWAPITEM_STAT = 1 self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(False) if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): attachedItemType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedItemType: attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() attachedItemVNum = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() if app.ENABLE_SWAPITEM_SYSTEM: item.SelectItem(player.GetItemIndex(attachedSlotPos)) isItemType = item.GetItemType() if isItemType == item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR or isItemType == item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON or isItemType == item.ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME or isItemType == item.ITEM_TYPE_BELT or isItemType == item.ITEM_TYPE_RING: (width1, height1) = item.GetItemSize() itemSize = height1 item.SelectItem(player.GetItemIndex(overSlotPos)) (width2, height2) = item.GetItemSize() itemDestSize = height2 if itemDestSize > itemSize: SWAPITEM_STAT = 0 self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(FALSE) elif itemSize == itemDestSize: self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(TRUE) elif itemSize > itemDestSize: error = 0 if itemDestSize == 1 and overSlotPos >= 40 and overSlotPos < 45 or itemDestSize == 1 and overSlotPos >= 85 and overSlotPos < 90 or itemDestSize == 1 and overSlotPos >= 130 and overSlotPos < 135 or itemDestSize == 1 and overSlotPos >= 175 and overSlotPos < 180: error = 1 if itemDestSize == 1 and itemSize == 3 and overSlotPos >= 35 and overSlotPos < 40 or itemDestSize == 1 and itemSize == 3 and overSlotPos >= 80 and overSlotPos < 85 or itemDestSize == 1 and itemSize == 3 and overSlotPos >= 125 and overSlotPos < 130 or itemDestSize == 1 and itemSize == 3 and overSlotPos >= 170 and overSlotPos < 175: error = 1 if itemDestSize == 2 and itemSize == 3 and overSlotPos >= 35 and overSlotPos < 40 or itemDestSize == 2 and itemSize == 3 and overSlotPos >= 80 and overSlotPos < 85 or itemDestSize == 2 and itemSize == 3 and overSlotPos >= 125 and overSlotPos < 130 or itemDestSize == 2 and itemSize == 3 and overSlotPos >= 170 and overSlotPos < 175: error = 1 if error: SWAPITEM_STAT = 0 self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(FALSE) self.ShowToolTip(attachedSlotPos) return if itemSize == 2 and itemDestSize == 1 or itemSize == 3 and itemDestSize == 2: if itemDestSize == 2: overSlotPosNew = overSlotPos + 10 else: overSlotPosNew = overSlotPos + 5 itemCount = player.GetItemCount(overSlotPosNew) if itemCount == 0: self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(TRUE) else: item.SelectItem(player.GetItemIndex(overSlotPosNew)) (width3, height3) = item.GetItemSize() itemDest2Size = height3 if itemDest2Size == 1: self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(TRUE) else: SWAPITEM_STAT = 0 self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(FALSE) elif itemSize == 3 and itemDestSize == 1: overSlotPosNew = overSlotPos + 5 itemCount = player.GetItemCount(overSlotPosNew) if itemCount == 0: overSlotPosNew = overSlotPos + 10 itemCountNew = player.GetItemCount(overSlotPosNew) if itemCountNew == 0: self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(TRUE) else: item.SelectItem(player.GetItemIndex(overSlotPosNew)) (width3, height3) = item.GetItemSize() itemDest2Size = height3 if itemDest2Size != 3: self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(TRUE) else: SWAPITEM_STAT = 0 self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(FALSE) else: item.SelectItem(player.GetItemIndex(overSlotPosNew)) (width3, height3) = item.GetItemSize() itemDest2Size = height3 if itemDest2Size == 1: overSlotPosNew = overSlotPos + 10 itemCountNew = player.GetItemCount(overSlotPosNew) if itemCountNew == 0: self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(TRUE) else: item.SelectItem(player.GetItemIndex(overSlotPosNew)) (width3, height3) = item.GetItemSize() itemDest2Size = height3 if itemDest2Size == 1: self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(TRUE) else: SWAPITEM_STAT = 0 self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(FALSE) elif itemDest2Size == 2: self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(TRUE) else: SWAPITEM_STAT = 0 self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(FALSE) else: SWAPITEM_STAT = 0 self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(FALSE) else: SWAPITEM_STAT = 0 self.wndItem.SetSwapItem(FALSE) self.ShowToolTip(attachedSlotPos) return if self.__CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(attachedItemVNum, attachedSlotPos, overSlotPos): self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(True) self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPos) return self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPos)
  2. anybody know how fix that problem? i no have idea, checked item.cpp, char_item but dont find any error about bonus
  3. hello, after add sash system vegas, i have problem, bonus speed attack and travel speed bonus in item dont work, for example in weapon 299 have 3x standard bonus: 1. attack - work 2. magic attack - work 3. speed attack - dont work and the same with boots dont work travel speed.. where can be problem? syserr nothing
  4. i mean what when i combinate example: sash1 85004(15%abs) with sash2 85004 in result i should have 85004 with(15%abs+) but i can have bonus and 11-15% too.. this bug
  5. i use by vegas, but thanks fixed this in vnumhelper, but but problem: Suppose there are two sash of the fourth level In one case, the absorption of 20 The second 15 With an absorption of 20 we put on top and as a result should turn out either 20+, or remain the same But right now he can do only with absorption 11, etc. how fix that?
  6. hello, i find bug in system acce: Suppose there are two sash of the fourth level In one case, the absorption of 20 The second 15 With an absorption of 20 we put on top and as a result should turn out either 20+, or remain the same But right now he can do only with absorption 11, etc. how fix that?
  7. hello, can anybody help with bug, i cant in combination panel add sash 85004(4lvl sash) but 85001-3 can, how fix that?
  8. hello, can anybody help with fix bug random chance have idea? for example 85014 - should give only 1% abs but now can give 7/8/9/6 .. and so with every acce
  9. hello, can anybody help with this problem: [Hidden Content] #ifdef ENABLE_ACCE_COSTUME_SYSTEM if (rSlot.bAcceActive) { int ix = m_rect.left + rSlot.ixPosition; int iy = m_rect.top + rSlot.iyPosition; if (m_pSlotAcceActiveEffect) { m_pSlotAcceActiveEffect->SetPosition(ix, iy); m_pSlotAcceActiveEffect->Render(); } } } RenderLockedSlot(); #else RenderLockedSlot(); } #endif
  10. hello can anybody please help with bug after add acce system, slot effect bugged, when click for example on auto pottion he very fast turns. GIF: and the same with HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM..syserr nothing.. my function def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self): from uiinventory.py: def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self): getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex getItemCount=player.GetItemCount setItemVNum=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot if app.ENABLE_INVENTORY_PROTECT_SYSTEM: setLock=self.wndItem.SetLock for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE): slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i) itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber) if 0 == itemCount: self.wndItem.ClearSlot(i) continue elif 1 == itemCount: itemCount = 0 itemVnum = getItemVNum(slotNumber) setItemVNum(i, itemVnum, itemCount) #################### NEW PART 1 #################### if itemVnum == 0 and slotNumber in self.liHighlightedItems: self.liHightlightedItems.remove(slotNumber) ################################################## if app.ENABLE_INVENTORY_PROTECT_SYSTEM: if constInfo.InventoryLocked(): setLock(True, i) else: setLock(False, i) if app.ENABLE_CHANGE_LOOK_SYSTEM: GlobalSlot = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i) if player.GetItemLook(GlobalSlot): self.wndItem.EnableSlotCoverImage(i) else: self.wndItem.DisableSlotCoverImage(i) if player.FindActivedChangeLookSlot(0) == GlobalSlot or player.FindActivedChangeLookSlot(1) == GlobalSlot: self.wndItem.ActivateChangeLookSlot(i) else: self.wndItem.DeactivateChangeLookSlot(i) if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE: slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0] if isActivated: self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i) potionType = 0; if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum): potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum): potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP usedAmount = int(metinSocket[1]) totalAmount = int(metinSocket[2]) player.SetAutoPotionInfo(potionType, isActivated, (totalAmount - usedAmount), totalAmount, self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i)) else: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber) elif app.ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM: if slotNumber in self.listHighlightedSlot: self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i) if app.ENABLE_ACCE_SYSTEM: slotNumberChecked = 0 if not constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): if app.ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM: if not slotNumber in self.listHighlightedSlot: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i) else: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i) for j in xrange(acce.WINDOW_MAX_MATERIALS): (isHere, iCell) = acce.GetAttachedItem(j) if isHere: if iCell == slotNumber: self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i, (36.00 / 255.0), (222.00 / 255.0), (3.00 / 255.0), 1.0) if not slotNumber in self.listAttachedAcces: self.listAttachedAcces.append(slotNumber) slotNumberChecked = 1 else: if slotNumber in self.listAttachedAcces and not slotNumberChecked: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i) self.listAttachedAcces.remove(slotNumber) self.__RefreshHighlights() self.wndItem.RefreshSlot() if self.wndBelt: self.wndBelt.RefreshSlot()
  11. hello, know anybody how fix that: when i close mode monitoring( people, i`m not teleporting in city, and all player see me.. need do block back from observer, how can do this?
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