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Everything posted by F'Corono'

  1. thanks, but I need to change something in the game, to connect with him at home? and then works the same in dedicated?
  2. Hello, I have some questions, if I can help, thanks I compiled the game from mainline, but has not there the client, which is recommended for use with mainline? I need to change something in the game to connect with him at home? and then works the same as in dedicated? Thanks
  3. Realy work? I think it's the same thing. int blockit() { HWND a = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.1"); HWND a1 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.1.1"); HWND a2 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.2"); HWND a3 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.3"); HWND a4 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.4"); HWND a5 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.5"); HWND a6 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.6"); HWND a7 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 5.6.1"); HWND a8 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 6.0"); HWND a9 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 6.0"); HWND a10 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 6.1"); HWND a11 = FindWindowA(0, "Cheat Engine 6.2"); HWND b = FindWindowA(0, "OllyDbg"); HWND b1 = FindWindowA(0, "ollydbg"); if(a ||a1 ||a2 ||a3 ||a4 ||a5 ||a6 ||a7 ||a8 ||a9 ||a10 ||a11 ||b ||b1){ ExitProcess(0); MessageBoxA(0, "FR2TEAM Error!", "", MB_OK); } DWORD processID = FindProcessId(L"cmd.exe"); if(processID != 0){ HANDLE handle_ulan = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, processID); TerminateProcess(handle_ulan, 0); CloseHandle(handle_ulan); MessageBoxA(0, "FR2TEAM Error!", "", MB_OK); if(IDOK) ExitProcess(0); } return 0; } DWORD FindProcessId(const wstring& processName) { PROCESSENTRY32 processInfo; processInfo.dwSize = sizeof(processInfo); HANDLE processesSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL); if (processesSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; Process32First(processesSnapshot, &processInfo); if (!processName.compare(processInfo.szExeFile)){ CloseHandle(processesSnapshot); return processInfo.th32ProcessID; } while (Process32Next(processesSnapshot, &processInfo)){ if (!processName.compare(processInfo.szExeFile)){ CloseHandle(processesSnapshot); return processInfo.th32ProcessID; } } CloseHandle(processesSnapshot); return 0; }
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) hello, come here let some scripts that I have been collecting over time... Some were developed by me and others kept some server files. Status: #!/bin/sh kk=$(netstat -nlp udp | grep -w 13000 | wc -l) if [ $kk = 1 ] then echo -e "033[32m n on033[0m" else echo -e "033[33m n off033[0m" >> syslogg /metin2/live/canal1_1/game & echo -e "033[32m n on Novamente033[0m" >> syslogg fi Status2: #!/bin/sh cd php script/status.php Status2, php script: <?PHP include ("ip.php"); $portlist=array(3306); $i="0"; foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "mysqld: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "mysqld: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(22); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "sshd: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "sshd: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(15001); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "db: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "db: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(11002); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "auth: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "auth: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(13000); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "channel1_1: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "channel1_1: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(13001); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "channel1_2: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "channel1_2: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(16000); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "channel2_1: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "channel2_1: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(16001); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "channel2_2: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "channel2_2: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(19000); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "channel3_1: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "channel3_1: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(19001); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "channel3_2: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "channel3_2: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(22000); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "channel4_1: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "channel4_1: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(22001); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "channel4_2: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "channel4_2: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } $portlist=array(13099); foreach ($portlist as $port){ $online = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$online) { echo "channel99_1: 033[31mDesligado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "0"; } else { echo "channel99_1: 033[32mLigado033[0mn"; $onliner[$i] = "1"; } @fclose($online); $i++; } ?> optimizar db: #!/bin/sh mysqlcheck -uroot -ppassword --auto-repair --optimize account mysqlcheck -uroot -ppassword --auto-repair --optimize common mysqlcheck -uroot -ppassword --auto-repair --optimize log mysqlcheck -uroot -ppassword --auto-repair --optimize metin2_runup mysqlcheck -uroot -ppassword --auto-repair --optimize mysql mysqlcheck -uroot -ppassword --auto-repair --optimize player mysqlcheck -uroot -ppassword --auto-repair --optimize website reset metin2 user permissions: #!/bin/sh if [ $USER = root ]; then chmod -fR 755 /metin2 chown -fR metin2:metin2 /metin2 echo "As permições para o utilizador metin2 foram redefinidas." else echo "Só é possível utilizar o comando no utilizador root." fi game update: #!/bin/sh clear echo -e "033[31m Game Updaten sv1 1 - (1) Simn 2 - (2) Nao033[0m" read chs case $chs in 1*) rm /metin2/bin/game fetch [Hidden Content] chmod 777 /metin2/bin/game echo -e "033[31m n Update Realizado.033[0m" ;; 2*) echo -e "033[31m n Cancelado...033[0m" sleep 1 exit ;; esac Shutdown: #!/bin/sh if [ $USER = root ]; then shutdown -p now else echo "Só é possível utilizar o comando no utilizador root." fi Blockip: #!/bin/sh # Define aqui o endereço IP a bloquear IP= # Comando para bloquear o acesso ao endereço IP defenido if [ $USER = root ]; then if [ $IP = ]; then echo "Erro: Não editaste o endereço IP. Faz o seguinte comando:" echo "ee /bin/blockip" echo "E edita o endereço IP a bloquear." else ipfw add deny ip from $IP to any echo "O endereço IP $IP foi bloqueado." fi else echo "Só é possível utilizar o comando no utilizador root." fi backup: #!/bin/sh echo "Os logs vao ser apagados..." rm -f */*/syserr && rm -f */*/syslog && rm -f */*/PTS && rm -f */*/game.core && rm -f */*/quest_mysql.core rm -f */syserr && rm -f */syslog && rm -f */PTS && rm -f */game.core && rm -f */quest_mysql.core echo "Logs apagados!" cd /mt2/backups mkdir `date +%d.%m.%Y_%H.%m` cd `date +%d.%m.%Y_%H.%m` sleep 2 tar cfzv game.tar.gz /metin2/live sleep 2 tar cfzv mysql.tar.gz /var/db/mysql sleep 2 echo "Copia Realizada." I hope you give way
  5. Hello, in order to protect our machine against Brute Force attacks, we will use the sshguard. I will be quick: cd /usr/ports /security/sshguard -pf make install clean ; rehash The sshguard works by reading the log files.Will also protect our server form: sendmail, exim, dovecot, cucipop, UWimap bruteforce attacks proftpd, vsftpd, pure-ftpd, FreeBSD ftpd bruteforce attacks To configure sshguard, edit the file in "/etc/pf.conf" and add the following lines: table <sshguard> persist block in quick on $ext_if proto tcp from <sshguard> to any port 22 label "SSH bruteforce atempt" After, edit the file "/etc/syslog.conf" and add the following line: auth.info;authpriv.info |exec /usr/local/sbin/sshguard Now restart the syslog service: /etc/rc.d/syslogd restart To check if the IP of the attacker is added to the table sshguard viewing PF Firewall: pfctl -Tshow -tsshguard SSHGuard project: [Hidden Content]
  6. Hello metin2dev, i have an error with revision 40k, gives errors in syslog, and cause cores errors ... Thanks for the help auth channel1_1 channel1_2
  7. I think I will choose for a quest because not understand c++ and compile and decompile the game. Thanks all.
  8. Hi, i have a doubt, my question is: I wanted to change the coordinates where players start the first time, is this possible? and if possible also the map? Thank You.
  9. Ups sorry, new link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=539761886144223&set=vb.532894810164264&type=2&theater
  10. Hello guys, I know it has nothing to do with metin2, but life is not only metin2 ... Starting a project with a group of friends and wish you hate your opinion be sincere THE FACE's We do not have much work done, but there is already a demonstration built by min, enjoy My first video ( By Andre Corono): https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=539761886144223&set=vb.532894810164264&type=2&theater Trainings:
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