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  1. I hope this message finds you well. First of all, I want to express my gratitude for taking the time to respond regarding editing programs. Your insights were truly helpful, and as a beginner, I greatly appreciate your guidance. I have another question that I would like to address to you specifically. I am curious to know if there are any significant differences between 3ds Max 2018 and 3ds Max 2024, apart from the version number. Specifically, I am interested in understanding whether creating weapons or armors in 3ds Max 2024 would be compatible with implementing them in Metin 2. Or would I need to use an older version of 3ds Max to ensure compatibility with the Metin 2 server requirements? As a beginner with limited knowledge in this field, I apologise if this question seems trivial or obvious. However, I am genuinely eager to learn and understand the intricacies of working with these tools. Your expertise would be invaluable in helping me make informed decisions and progress in my learning journey. Once again, I appreciate your patience and willingness to assist beginners like myself. I am grateful for any insights or recommendations you can provide on this matter. Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response. Thank you for your response and for providing valuable information. Based on your input, I understand that using the appropriate version of Autodesk with the compatible plugin is crucial for integrating models into the Metin 2 server. I appreciate your insights and recommendations. Your response has provided me with a clearer understanding of the tools and techniques involved in working with Metin 2 item creation. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge.
  2. Hello everyone, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a project related to Metin 2 and I have a question regarding the possibility of importing pre-made items from other games into Metin 2. I would greatly appreciate any insights or information you can provide on this matter. Specifically, I am interested in understanding if it is feasible to incorporate pre-existing items from other games into the Metin 2 server. If it is indeed possible, I would like to know the process or steps involved in achieving this. Are there any specific tools or techniques that can facilitate the importation of these items? Additionally, it would be helpful to learn about any potential challenges or limitations associated with this process. I understand that Metin 2 has its own unique gameplay mechanics, balance, and item progression. However, I am curious to explore the option of introducing external items to enhance the gameplay experience. Any guidance or suggestions from experienced community members or developers would be highly valuable. Please feel free to share your knowledge, experiences, or any resources you may have come across that could assist me in this endeavor. Your insights will contribute significantly to my project and help me make informed decisions. Thank you in advance for your time and support. I look forward to hearing from you.
  3. Hey everyone, I'm passionate about enhancing my future Metin2 server by adding custom weapons, armor, and unique monsters. I've heard about Autodesk 3ds Max 8 being used in the Metin2 modding community, but I'm struggling to find a reliable source to download it from. Additionally, I'm curious if there are alternative programs available for these creative endeavours. Can you recommend any and share where to find them, especially if they are free? I'd appreciate your insights and guidance! Thanks in advance.
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