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Everything posted by Lycawn

  1. Yeah this was it , thank you. How do i set it up ? i bought new ip address but virtual box still doesnt return IP
  2. Hello , i recently bought a dedicated server off Hetzner - when i set up virtual box and run system on bridged network adapter it returns no dchp inet , can you please help me ?
  3. Hello guys , whenever. I purchase an item from my ITEMSHOP that has a duration time . Once it's sent to my ITEMSHOP storage it's 0 minutes duration... Can you please help ?
  4. Can someone help me cooldown time from ring ? and also add me grotto 2 TP quest ring_warp begin state start begin when 10031.sig_use begin -- if pc.get_level() < item.get_value (0) then -- say("·¹º§ÀÌ ³·¾Æ ¸ø°¡³×") -- say("") -- return -- end local empire = pc.get_empire() local max_use = item.get_value(0) local n = item.get_socket (0) if n >= max_use then say (gameforge.ring_warp._010_say) return end local t = item.get_socket(1) if t > get_global_time() then say (string.format(gameforge.ring_warp._020_say, (t - get_global_time()) / 1 )) return end say(string.format(gameforge.ring_warp._030_say, max_use -n)) local sub_set = 0 local town1={ gameforge.functions._100_say, gameforge.functions._110_say, gameforge.functions._120_say, } local town2={ gameforge.functions._130_say, gameforge.functions._140_say, gameforge.functions._150_say, } sub_set = select(town1[empire],town2[empire],locale.map_name[64], locale.map_name[63], locale.map_name[61],locale.map_name[62],gameforge.locale.cancel) if sub_set == 7 then -- ´Ý±â return end local warp = { { -- empire town -1 { 474300 , 954800 }, { 63800 , 166400 }, { 959900 , 269200 }, }, { -- empire town -2 { 353100 , 882900}, { 145500 , 240000 }, { 863900 , 246000 }, }, -- 64 map_n_threeway { { 402100, 673900 }, { 270400, 739900 }, { 321300, 808000 }, }, -- 63 metin2_map_n_desert_01 { { 217800, 627200 }, { 221900, 502700 }, { 344000, 502500 }, }, -- 61 map_n_snowm_01 { { 434200, 290600 }, { 375200, 174900 }, { 491800, 173600 }, }, -- 62 metin2_map_n_flame_01 { { 599400, 756300 }, { 597800, 622200 }, { 730700, 689800 }, }, } if not pc.warp(warp[sub_set][empire][1], warp[sub_set][empire][2]) then return end item.set_socket(1, get_global_time() + item.get_value(1)) if n == max_use - 1 then item.remove() else item.set_socket(0, n + 1) end end --when end -- end_of_state end -- end_of_quest
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