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  1. Hello, I have a rather big problem with the client, I get Crash (no error). The idea is that many times it takes me out of the game, I get a kick, I get to select character and when I try to enter the game it takes me out of the client without error The problem is not only with me, but also with the players. It happens in different folders, sometimes teleport, other times randomly. The problem differs on several PCs, many players have encountered this problem.# Please, at least some advice.. I don't know where to look for the problem.. I tried to look everywhere and I can't find the solution for this problem anywhere. ErrorLog Client Syserr Client - EMPTY Syslog AUTH: Syserr AUTH EMPTY SYSERR CH1 The code from the devil's catacombs that gives me the 'RealMetinVID' error local realMetinVID = d.spawn_mob(dungeonData["demonKingVnum"], metinPos[1][1], metinPos[1][2]); d.set_unique("realMetinVID", realMetinVID); d.notice("Trebuie sa gasesti demonul corect.") else d.notice(string.format(requestLangText(pc.get_language(), "devilCatacomb", "devil_Catacomb_text_5"), d.count_monster())) end end when kill with (DungeonInformationLibrary.IsInDungeon(DUNGEON_INFO_DEVIL)) begin local dungeonData = DungeonInformationLibrary.ReturnDungeonInformation(DUNGEON_INFO_DEVIL)["dungeonData"]; if (npc.get_vid() == d.get_unique_vid("realMetinVID")) then ClearDungeon(true); d.spawn_mob(dungeonData["charonVnum"], dungeonData["bossPositions"]["x"], dungeonData["bossPositions"]["y"]); d.notice(string.format(requestLangText(pc.get_language(), "devilCatacomb", "devil_Catacomb_text_6"), mob_name(dungeonData["charonVnum"]))) end
  2. Hello, I have a problem with a newly installed client. I connect to the server, but when I start, the loading image does not appear. The same problem and when I teleport, the image does not appear, it teleports directly. I have nothing in syserr. LoadingWindow.py: import uiScriptLocale window = { "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "width" : SCREEN_WIDTH, "height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT, "children" : ( ## Board { "name" : "GageBoard", "type" : "window", "x" : float(SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2 - 268/2, "y" : float(SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 2 - 50, "width" : 268, "height": 268, "children" : ( { "name" : "BackGage", "type" : "ani_image", "x" : -10, "y" : -100, "delay" : 1, "images" : ( "ui/loading/loading0.png", "ui/loading/loading1.png", "ui/loading/loading2.png", "ui/loading/loading3.png", ) }, ), }, ), } The images are located in Locale_server/General/ui/Loading What would be the problem?
  3. What should I check exactly? If the crypter is somehow compatible with the client? Can you give me some details please?
  4. Hello. I have an irritating problem with FsFox, when I try to encrypt the ROOT, the client doesn't start at all. Let's do things by the book, let me start with the details. To make things easier, I tried to encrypt the BASIC client, unedited, offered by the host, without any modification. I started by encrypting the root, but the client does not receive, and in syserr I receive an error: Photo: [Hidden Content] I tried to contact a technician who suggested that 'map_config.txt' does not exist in the 'root' file. But that wouldn't make sense. Screenshot with the file and its location: [Hidden Content] I ran make_xml, I also checked to see if everything is ok. And yes, its seems to be all right. Picture: [Hidden Content] I also checked the XML. Photo: [Hidden Content] I have to mention that fsfox compiles without errors, and the size of the root seems correct. I ran make_xml correctly before encryption. I want to mention that the extensions are CORRECT. For those who will say that I don't know how to compile, I really don't have much knowledge, but I tried to compile with FsFox and other clients and it works. Except this serverfile gives me this problem, the rest works. I hope I left the necessary details for my problem, I tried to give you details to make your work easier. If you need additional details, I will provide them. I hope someone can help me, I really need help at the moment.
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