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About avaroth

Core X



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  1. I'm getting this erro! Can anybody help?? 0216 18:25:26223 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0216 18:25:26224 :: File "game.py", line 677, in OpenQuestWindow 0216 18:25:26224 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 609, in OpenQuestWindow 0216 18:25:26224 :: AttributeError 0216 18:25:26224 :: : 0216 18:25:26224 :: 'QuestDialog' object has no attribute 'SetOnDoneEvent' 0216 18:25:26224 ::
  2. Hi guys! I'm trying to show use function say_item_vnum but I'm getting this erro client side: 0216 16:58:35716 :: TypeError 0216 16:58:35716 :: : 0216 16:58:35716 :: OnInsertItemIcon() takes exactly 5 arguments (7 given) 0216 16:58:35716 :: Ca anybody help me?
  3. that's why i do not answer to some questions in this forum, i do not write in english like a pro (is not my main language either) but you people make it sound like chinese so, correct me if i'm wrong: you have it in item_proto like i've said and that's the problem, then: * do you use a quest to unequip hair( like costumes with lib),?? AND another question * have you raised "hair data count" in .msm file??? (HairDataCount value need to be the same as "hairs" count or bigger) Sorry man! Yes the problem is when I equipa It wont show the model in the head! and besides that I get that error!
  4. Hi guys! I'm trying to add some helmets! Every time i click on item i get this error 0213 13:15:42036 :: Hair number 5060 is not exist. 0213 13:15:57379 :: Hair number 5060 is not exist. 0213 13:16:49892 :: Hair number 5060 is not exist. 0213 13:16:51101 :: Hair number 5060 is not exist. 0213 13:16:51428 :: Hair number 5060 is not exist. 0213 13:16:53969 :: Hair number 5060 is not exist. My msm file is okay: Group HairData56 { HairIndex 5060 Model "hair/newbie_hair_1.GR2" } what can i be?
  5. Hi guys! Anybody can help me with this? I'm using metin2 mainline_sg! I need this function: - When player dies -> reborn with full HP and MP! Anyone?? thx
  6. Looking for a Metin2 Designer Need: Interface/Login/Create&Select/Web Budget: €300
  7. Hi metin2dev! I'm searching for a Designer to my server! If someone is interested please reply! Thanks!
  8. I'm having this trouble for a long time! In mob_proto SQL and txt the Wild Dog is there! In Clientside too! But the mob wont apear with command /m 101 Anyone can help me?
  9. When i put an accent in a quest stay like this. Can someone help me please? #Sorry for my bad english.
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