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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. Hey Guys I have a problem. I have installed 5 inventory available works. Have some entries changed for the belt system can now also Potts grab the belt inventory. But if I want to put in the bar I get the items from the inventory. Look here's Screen Can any Body Help?
  2. It is all well and good but once you get more than 32 entries on maps and has for example wants port on map entri 33 is this not active
  3. You are add something codes in exchange.cpp? Kind Regards HaveBeen I have change line 414 - 461 else { int iPos = s_grid1.FindBlank(1, item->GetSize()); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid1.Put(iPos, 1, item->GetSize()); } else { iPos = s_grid2.FindBlank(1, item->GetSize()); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid2.Put(iPos, 1, item->GetSize()); } else { iPos = s_grid3.FindBlank(1, item->GetSize()); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid3.Put(iPos, 1, item->GetSize()); } else { iPos = s_grid4.FindBlank(1, item->GetSize()); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid4.Put(iPos, 1, item->GetSize()); } else { iPos = s_grid5.FindBlank(1, item->GetSize()); if (iPos >= 0) { s_grid5.Put(iPos, 1, item->GetSize()); } else { return false; } } } } } and this: static CGrid s_grid1(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 5); // inven page 1 static CGrid s_grid2(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 5); // inven page 2 static CGrid s_grid3(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 5); // inven page 3 static CGrid s_grid4(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 5); // inven page 4 static CGrid s_grid5(5, INVENTORY_MAX_NUM/5 / 5); // inven page 5 s_grid1.Clear(); s_grid2.Clear(); s_grid3.Clear(); s_grid4.Clear(); s_grid5.Clear();
  4. when i have my inventory 1 and 2 full and would trade get i the massage that i no empty slots have but i have 5 inventorys
  5. Hey guys i use the compile exe from mainline_released and use python2.7. When i create a group closed my client and get this error: PartyMemberInfoBoard.__LoadBoard.LoadScript - <type 'exceptions.OverflowError'>:Python int too large to convert to C long I use the 4250Client with my own exe when i use the original exe from 40250 client works all but noch with my exe
  6. Thx it's work without bugs But without so many changes serverside.
  7. Thx Think but i need MORE MORE MORE trolololol DWORD in game source or client ? i think in game or ?
  8. i have use unsigned long long in the soruce of game config.cpp : unsigned long long gPlayerMaxYang = 2000000000; TOKEN("max_yang") { str_to_number(gPlayerMaxYang, value_string); gPlayerMaxYang = MINMAXYANG(1, gPlayerMaxYang, PLAYER_MAX_YANG_CONST); fprintf(stderr, "PLAYER_MAX_YANG: %llun", gPlayerMaxYang); } config.h: extern unsigned long long gPlayerMaxYang; length.h: PLAYER_MAX_YANG_CONST = 100000000000LLU, utils.h: extern unsigned long long MINMAXYANG(unsigned long long min, unsigned long long value, unsigned long long max); utils.c: unsigned long long MINMAXYANG(unsigned long long min, unsigned long long value, unsigned long long max) { register unsigned long long tvv; tvv = (min > value ? min : value); return (max < tvv) ? max : tvv; } when start the server Server come this: but he dosent work ingame
  9. hm i used ingame the command /set [DEV]Name gold 3000000000 come this: whats wrong ?
  10. Thx Denic but I have already found a solution System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("metin2client.exe", "--key"); it works
  11. Very nice. Thanks for this. But i have a patcher i start the game in patcher with System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("metin2client.exe"); and now would start the client with System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("metin2client.exe --key"); but dosent work can help me why i get this error : Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden :: System
  12. I only have a make.py in my quest folder. This is what is inside. #!/usr/local/bin/python import os os.system('rm -rf object') for line in file('quest_list'): if os.system('./qc ' + line): print 'Error occured on compile ' + line import sys sys.exit(-1) So, this is the one right? Yep is Right install python on your system
  13. thx Sanchez it work's but how can i use the exe with german client i would start the game with my compiled .exe but he didnt start i change the Locale_inc.h with this /* Alte EInträge #define LOCALE_SERVICE_SINGAPORE // ½Ì°¡Æú #define ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_ENERGY_SYSTEM */ #define LOCALE_SERVICE_EUROPE // À¯·´ //#define USE_AHNLAB_HACKSHIELD //#define CHECK_LATEST_DATA_FILES #define LSS_SECURITY_KEY "1234abcd5678efgh" #define ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_ENERGY_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM
  14. Use DBManager.cpp and DBManager.h from mainline_released/maineline_sg/Srcs/Server/db/src
  15. How can i run the compiled game and db with FreeBSD 9.2 64bit? I get this Error:
  16. @IRemix Use the DBManager.cpp and DBManager.h from mainline_released
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