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Everything posted by paramakinesi

  1. Hello, I am getting an error like this in the DB section, what is the reason? ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Query execution was interrupted (query: REPLACE INTO item (id, owner_id, `window`, pos, count, vnum, is_basic, evolution, socket0, socket1, socket2) VALUES(10001116, 1, 1, 82, 1, 39042, 0, 0, 1, 436, 700000) errno: 1317) SYSERR: Dec 28 23:21:31 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Query execution was interrupted (query: UPDATE player SET job = 0, voice = 0, dir = 0, x = 960518, y = 271973, z = 0, map_index = 41, exit_x = 960518, exit_y = 271973, exit_map_index = 41, hp = 7644, mp = 2880, stamina = 830, random_hp = 4280, random_sp = 2140, playtime = 31367, level = 108, level_step = 2, st = 6, ht = 6, dx = 3, iq = 3, gold = 999607072692685, exp = 527, stat_point = 324, skill_point = 103, sub_skill_point = 99, stat_reset_count = 0, ip = '', part_main = 0, part_hair = 0, part_acce = 0, last_play = NOW(), skill_group = 1, alignment = 66085, horse_level = 0, horse_riding = 0, horse_hp = 0, horse_hp_droptime = 0, horse_stamina = 0, horse_skill_point = 0, statistics_jinno_kills = 0, statistics_shinsoo_kills = 0, statistics_chunjo_kills = 0, statistics_total_kills = 0, statistics_total_deaths = 0, statistics_duels_won = 0, statistics_duels_lost = 0, statistics_bosses_kills = 7, statistics_stones_kills = 38, d_map_index = SYSERR: Dec 28 23:21:31 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61) (query: REPLACE INTO item (id, owner_id, `window`, pos, count, vnum, is_basic, evolution, socket0, socket1, socket2) VALUES(10001131, 1, 1, 0, 1, 39042, 0, 0, 0, 0, 700000) errno: 2003)
  2. Hello, I installed the god defense system, while all other god defenses are working properly, "dragon god defense" turns on the fire defense effect, how can I solve this? [Hidden Content]
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