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Posts posted by BroccoloMaestro

  1. 8 hours ago, CANDYQUEEN55 said:

    hello my problem when ı start server that happen help me please 




    We assume that I had the same problem, but this type of problem is very common and easy to replicate even on occasions not similar to mine but maybe my situation and yours may be similar I'll explain:

    I had this problem because practically when you install on Freebsd I don't know why the secure mysql installation doesn't start and consequently the only way you have to configure your db and password is to use:

    mysql -u root -p

    will allow you to access mysql without password if it is your first installation, then:

    ALTER USER 'user-name' @ 'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'NEW_USER_PASSWORD';

    where username and newuserpassword must be your information of course.


    and finally




    now let's assume that you are having the same problem or that you have started working on a dedicated one where the first installation that your provider makes you through Private Key Authentification, in this case even proceeding as explained above you will still not be able to access the database accordingly you should go to:


    ee /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    edit the line // Replace

    AuthentificationMethods Publickey


    AuthentificationMethods Password

    Then remove the # from

    PasswordAuthentification Yes

    make sure it is on yes
    and you should also make sure you have

    PermitRootLogin Yes

    Of course, always if this is your case.


    If you are working on a dedicated one and you need to access the dedicated serer via public authentification key / private authentification key maybe this could be a solution for you. Also remember that maybe your dedicated or local server is not configured to accept connections - make sure you also allow all incoming connections to the database.


    in any case if you can't solve the problem let me know what freebsd version you are using and what file you are using because maybe you just have to configure some file where it requires the connection to the database.

  2. there is no doubt that Ovh is the top in the sector but for the prices they ask (especially for the setup fees) I recommend other dealers from other parts now I don't have the list at hand but if you let me know what specifications hypothetically speaking you have need I can get you 2-3 sites with great dedicated and reasonable prices.

  3. @ TMP4 ur client is v22? meaning have everything update?



    if not, i need to unpack and pack all the updates since 2017? or i can implement only the new updates?

    What date is the last update of this client? If you can give me the exact date from which I have to start patching I would be grateful!

  4. 16 minutes ago, Amun said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    If you've created a new folder, don't forget to also add it in `Index`.


    In regards to unpack/repack, yes, but only the first time. If you already have the folder unpacked, there's no point to unpack it again, just add your files, repack it and move them to `pack`.


    One workaround to avoid waiting half an hour when working in big directories is to just add them straight to the root folder.

    What do I mean by this? Let's say, for example, that you want to add some new stuff in the `PC` archive. Instead of unpacking the entire folder(which is huge) and repacking it again, just create a `ymir work` folder in root and add your files.

    After you've tested and everything works properly, you can move them to the proper directory(PC).


    I don't mind helping people(I quite enjoy it, actually), but I get fucking pissed when I want to read something about some files(like, for example, if any new bugs came out) and have to go through 1000 messages of people having off topic discussions. We have a `Questions & Answers` section for a reason.

    I hope you understand what I mean.

    then your approach was a bit abrupt, however I am not familiar with metin2 files since I have not played with them for 10 years, the problem was simply the fact that I created folders etc, pc, pc2, sound and sound2 and doing the packing was just overwriting that. now having understood what is eternexus and after having performed the procedure of unpack and then modifies with a final pack with eternexus the server started with 0 errors, the 4th inventory and with the sixth skill without problems.
    In any case, thanks for the advice

    • Love 1
  5. 39 minutes ago, Amun said:

    That sub is used in the mouseModule and it is NOT missing so Filachilla was probably right, you fucked up the packs.


    Now, regarding what you said earlier, no, I shouldn't have followed any fucking discussion. This topic is about what TMP posted and any questions/discussions about custom implementations/modifications of the currently posted files are off topic and should be discussed in `Discussions` or https://metin2.dev/forum/35-questions-answers/


    Also, as a matter of fact, yes, I did read a bit about what you said about the inventory - you said you've only changed the client part without compiling the source, which doesn't make any sense since the capacity of the inventory is actually set from the source.

    first of all you should calm down and be more politically correct.

    Second thing I said that it worked even without having compiled the client as far as the inventory is concerned but after that I compiled the client and the problem does not concern the compilation of the v22 client but the files present in ETC which may be missing.

    third are the files present in the extra pack (exstesion pack) and I am sure I have not done anything wrong, it simply asks me for the files in the folder etc that when I do the pack it does not have them. then maybe I repeat I'm wrong, but certainly these are not the ways of speaking.


    Fourth, how do I "screw" the packs when both inventory 4 and 6thskill have nothing to do with cursor? I just edited all the files that needed to be changed and then used the patcher.
    I took the ETC folders present in the two rars and put them in a single folder etc, made the pack and uploaded in pack. I can also be wrong but surely since I do not have the original folder etc by overwriting the files etc in the pack I have done some damage, precisely for this reason I am wondering what I am doing wrong.


    Thanks for your comments but I prefer to wait @ TMP4 which unlike you, even if a person is stupid, he still helps you without being so rude.

    I wish you good continuation and I hope to see you never again :D


    ah since you say you do not need to follow any discussion, rightly you do not know that @ TMP4 has no problem providing assistance directly on this post, and if you do not believe me look at some previous message / comment its via HIDE tag where it tells me that is not gonna provide discord assistance but have no problem helping out here. since all the questions so far are always inherent to its release. Please keep reading nothing and be so aggressive that you solve something: D


    I think i solve the problem, i need first to unpack the folders i need then put the files and then pack everyyhing again.

    @ TMP4 let me know if im right! But i think this should be the solution, i forget this step, but now i got how u can get those foders! i feel so stupid right now >_<

  6. 14 minutes ago, Filachilla said:

    I think your unpacker crash, try repack client root, etc, uiscript.. Im 100% sure problem is with bad packed pack.. 

    I don't know.. i repacked again, but the problem is that none of the files for inventory4 and skill6th keep files inside the cursor, and it could also be an error due to the compilation of the v22 client ... but the error is clear it cannot load that file, and in my opinion it is a missing file of this client, but maybe I can be wrong,, i will waiting for @ TMP4 for further instructions.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Amun said:

    You should've probably looked if you have that file before asking a question here and waiting for an hour for someone to answer.

    I've tested the client and didn't have any problems. Not in regards to the files, at least.

    and you should follow the discussion before posting. I have implemented skill6 and inventory4 we are not talking about the client itself. and I don't have those files otherwise I wouldn't have asked here.

  8. 14 hours ago, TMP4 said:

    Unfortunately i don't think that a particular topic for this exists, because each new 'addons' like bonus switcher are different.
    I learnt it by the hard way, I studied the basic codes for the basic original elements in the Metin2, how Ymir implemented them, and I tried to figure out how can I implement new stuff based on them.

    Is any file missing? after extraction of etc and then pack and then in folder pack i got this error:



     0412 00:08:00588 :: mouseModule:155: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception

    0412 00:08:00588 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

    0412 00:08:00588 ::   File "mouseModule.py", line 155, in ChangeCursor

    0412 00:08:00588 :: RuntimeError
    0412 00:08:00588 :: :
    0412 00:08:00588 :: Cannot load image (filename: D:/Ymir Work/UI/Cursor/cursor_hvsize.sub)

    0412 00:08:00588 ::

    0412 00:08:03135 :: RunMain Error

    wich is tell me that cannot find that .sub file, do u know where can i get it? or im missing something?

  9. 1 hour ago, TMP4 said:

    Etc is etc.eix-epk which you have to extract via eternexus from the client's pack folder.
    The source folder in the 4 inventory extension refers to ClientVS22(.zip)\vs_files, the clientside source.
    (You have to recompile the clientside source too with Visual Studio 2022 and place the new metin2distribute.exe to the client)

    By the way if you don't like recompiling in a vm and you want to compile in your vps, you can make a 32bit jail there. For that you must have some technical skills, and I can't provide you a step by step tutorial, but there are some in the google and youtube.

    Thanks for the information, at the moment it is only a temporary situation and I will change provider next month, at the moment I do not mind working locally, but it is just annoying to have to upload constantly.

    I have successfully added the 4 inventories even though I skipped the compilation, later I'll do that too.

    Regarding the implementation of switch bonus and other addons of the ui, do you have any suggestions or particular topics to recommend? I don't lack knowledge in python and one language is as good as another. the problem is that I returned to metin2 after 10 years and I don't remember where to put my hands!

    Slowly browsing through the files I can understand how everything is connected, but I'm not at your level anyway, thanks again for your support!<3

  10. Quote

    You only need to recompile the game and db when you edit the source (/usr/metin2/src).

    Adding weapons and maps usually does not have source part so you dont need to recompile. But adding a new system usually does have src part.

    @ TMP4

    Understood. So let's say that now I want to install Extension Pack for 40250/2014 - 4 inventory - Since it has an src folder it means that after making the changes I will have to recompile everything again right?

    also as regards the client folder for the 4 inventories, could you tell me where "etc" and "source" go?

    in the sense I saw that there is a folder called source in v22 and what should be put there? while as regards that etc I do not find any folder or similar files could you help me?

  11. 10 hours ago, TMP4 said:

    Yes. FBSD_1.6 refers to FreeBSD 13.0.

    • Did you recompiled the game in a x32 FreeBSD 12.2 vm/jail and uploaded them to the vps?
    • Did you uploaded the correct, 12.2 x32 libs to your 12.2 x64 vps?

    (The libs.zip have libs for 13.0, so if you end up uploaded that, that's the problem.)

    I just finished recompiling the game for a 12.2 x32 -

    But I have a few questions regarding further development:

    Adding weapons, maps and more do I have to do it locally on the x32 or after starting everything can I work safely on the dedicated x64?

    Basically I'm asking if for each implementation I have to recomile the files on the 32 again?

    thanks again for your support ❤️

    EDIT:  after compiling the game in 32 and then uploading it to the dedicated x64 with the same operating system everything works great! I await your news about future uploads and if I can work locally or in dedicated! Thanks again for your support and for the release!

  12. 35 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

    Upload them to /usr/lib32. But just the missing libs, not the whole folder. I guess it will be almost the same as in FreeBSD13.0 so you can take a look in the provided Libs.zip for the lib names.

      Reveal hidden contents

    I have discord, but I'm not providing private help anymore. Back when I released this I got 2-3 dms per day and I started to answer all of them, but after a few week / months I realised it took most of my free time, and I stopped responding to private help request. I released a metin2 serverfile, but I never said anywhere I'll be anyone's free employee / help desk 😅 But I usually respond here in public when somebody asks something.


    Okay, do you also work on payment? in any case I did everything as you said to do and the server is now online and working :D Thank you very much and thanks again for sharing and for the work you have done!

  13. then I reread the instructions and I noticed that my provider only offers freebsd 12.2 x64 how should I compile? Using an x32 virtual machine and then what? what file should I download and upload? or what steps should I follow? Now despite having installed all the necessary and followed all the faq I have this error


    Starting db..
    Test Server
    Log OffAsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    Success PLAYER
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    Success ACCOUNT
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    Success COMMON
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    Success HOTBACKUP
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    AsyncSQL: connected to (reconnect 1)
    ▒׽▒Ʈ ▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒ϴ▒. ▒״▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒մϴ▒.
    ▒׽▒Ʈ ▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒ϴ▒. ▒״▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒մϴ▒.
    item_proto_test.txt ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒о▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒߽▒ϴ▒
    item_proto_test.txt ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒о▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒߽▒ϴ▒
    Starting auth..
    ld-elf32.so.1: /usr/local/lib/libnvimage.so: unsupported file layout
    Starting channel1/game2..
    ld-elf32.so.1: /usr/local/lib/libnvimage.so: unsupported file layout
    Starting channel1/game1..
    ld-elf32.so.1: /usr/local/lib/libnvimage.so: unsupported file layout
    Starting channel1/first..
    ld-elf32.so.1: /usr/local/lib/libnvimage.so: unsupported file layout
    Starting game99..
    ld-elf32.so.1: /usr/local/lib/libnvimage.so: unsupported file layout
     Server started! CH1


  14. @ TMP4  any chance for a mini guide for freebsd?? my provider dont let me install the vdi so i need to replicate your env, i already install almost evertything but wich file should i change for config etc? when i start the ch via terminal using sh start.sh i can connect to db but i got : " Shared object "libIL.so.1" not found, required by "game".

    Via google i found some similar situation and i already have installed the missing lib but i still get that error.. any suggest of what im missing?

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