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Everything posted by xmosterx

  1. I'm going to install on a 32-bit machine because I've spent hours trying to make the libraries compatible. Thanks!! I will post if it gives me optimal results.
  2. Hello. I have this error when compiling the game/src. The db/src compiles and builds without issue. How do I fix library compatibility in this version of FreeBSD. I use this version of FreeBSD: 12.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE r341666 GENERIC amd64
  3. Hello a greeting! As the main theme says, I am looking for staff for a long-term project, one of which will be based on the Official (Global Multi Language) and the other (Hispanic, with the possibility of globalizing it), as well as some modifications which have excellent gameplay. , for which they will have the Player entertained. and they will bear fruit. The resources of administration payments and expenses, purchase of systems, etc., as well as VPS & others, will be paid by me, I do not want there to be extra income from the team, and if a member of the same wants to contribute for any totally different expenses. I am currently working locally on both servers, which are progressing 70%, which is a potential advance and I have good bases which have stability and that the errors that arise along the way are solved as a group and we can have quality services. Currently I'm looking for (take some descriptions, for those who don't know what it means): Trial Game Master (TGM): He is the Game Master in the training phase, however, this does not mean he does not have authority in the game, since he has the same functions and responsibilities as a full GM. Game Master (GM): He is in charge of the servers and the first contact of the players with questions regarding the game, technical problems, bans, complaints and other situations related to it, they are also in charge of guaranteeing that everything goes according to what set on the servers. Super Game Master (SGM): He is the person in charge of training and supervising the GMs, this refers to them efficiently carrying out their work and solving problems properly. They are also responsible for attending users with problems, complaints, doubts or bans that users have not been able to solve with the GMs. Game Admin (GA): Coordinates and trains the Game team, as well as their work and responsibilities. Its functions are to offer up-to-date information to the community, report problems that arise and ensure that the administration at stake is correct, assist users with problems that the SGMs cannot resolve. Board Admin (BA): Is the person in charge of all the information and help in the forum, which must be aware of everything pertinent that is presented in it and keep up to date with updates. Moderator (MOD): Person in charge together with (BA), for the help that is pertinent at the time it is needed, will also have an important role together with (DES) & (NM); which will be pending that the work of these two positions comply with his work. Designer (DES): He is the main person in charge of the graphic aspect of the servers, for which he will maintain the constant design in what is necessary. Newtwork Manager (NH): Person who is in charge of all the management of the web page and that the connections are working correctly, solves doubts about the state of the server among others. I am not looking for people who have a full time job, but who dedicate at least a maximum of 6 hours a day in the position that is designated later, this schedule can change depending on the course that the server takes, it may be that one day you have to be all the day and another day that you only last an hour in your position. For the role of Designer (DES), I already have all the graphical part of the server, I only need him to know about the subject and to modify it since everything is in .PSD. I am currently alone in the project and I would like to see what people are interested in these areas, except if you know something about Programming that is not included in it, you could show me your skills and thus work in that role. I am attentive to what information you can write to me on Discord: JohnTonS#5383
  4. 0518 09:11:24555 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0518 09:11:24555 :: File "game.py", line 2914, in BINARY_ServerCommand_Run 0518 09:11:24555 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 63, in Run 0518 09:11:24555 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 31, in __call__ 0518 09:11:24555 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 20, in __call__ 0518 09:11:24556 :: File "game.py", line 3443, in ManagerItemshop 0518 09:11:24556 :: ValueError 0518 09:11:24556 :: : 0518 09:11:24556 :: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0.4' 0518 09:11:24556 :: 0518 09:11:24556 :: Unknown Server Command ITEMSHOP SET_LOG#25041#1#0.4#2022-05-18[_]04:41:24#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0 | ITEMSHOP [Hidden Content] ------- game.py other error: [Hidden Content] Hello, I have this error, when making the purchase in the ItemShop.
  5. 0518 09:11:24555 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0518 09:11:24555 :: File "game.py", line 2914, in BINARY_ServerCommand_Run 0518 09:11:24555 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 63, in Run 0518 09:11:24555 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 31, in __call__ 0518 09:11:24555 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 20, in __call__ 0518 09:11:24556 :: File "game.py", line 3443, in ManagerItemshop 0518 09:11:24556 :: ValueError 0518 09:11:24556 :: : 0518 09:11:24556 :: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0.4' 0518 09:11:24556 :: 0518 09:11:24556 :: Unknown Server Command ITEMSHOP SET_LOG#25041#1#0.4#2022-05-18[_]04:41:24#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0 | ITEMSHOP [Hidden Content] ------- game.py Hello, I have this error, when making the purchase in the ItemShop.
  6. I have this problem the game does not start.
  7. I have already changed this part, I have made these changes for another GM name and nothing.
  8. Hi, I installed Shang's itemshop which works perfectly, but I don't know why the GM ZONE tab doesn't appear, which is where items are added e.t.c. Everything is configured name of the PJ GM, but this session does not appear. LINK: Paste itemshop_lib.lua LINK QUEST: Paste itemshop_manager.quest URL IMG ERROR: [Hidden Content] ITEMSHOP_CONFIG:
  9. Hello, I try to open a system from the F5 key, but it does not do anything and there is no syserr. What could it be? game.py:
  10. #include "db.h" Not working... It does not solve the error, it is still the same, what else could it be, I already did gmake all -dep and then gmake all -j20
  11. Hello, any help, I try to add the function: mysql_direct_query and I have this novelty when compiling. Error: My questlua_global.cpp SOLUTION: CXXFLAGS = -std=c++14 in all Makefiles
  12. Solution: Search: in constinfo.py IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE = 1 Add: INPUT IGNORE = 0 Find: in game.py def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): self.interface.OpenQuestWindow(skin, idx) Replace: def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): if not int(constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE) == 1: self.interface.OpenQuestWindow(skin, idx) Thank you, ready: [Hidden Content] I have not been able to solve this error colleague
  13. [Hidden Content] It works, that input problem is not removed: Errorr: Input: no quest running for pc, cannot process input : 1
  14. Colleague the itemshop that I try to install, does not require files in source client. Only in questlua_global.cpp that adds "mysql_direct_query". Does it have to do with some cases of serverfiles that instead of being "uiScriptLocale" it is "uiscriptlocale", it is case sensitive?
  15. I couldn't do anything mate, I have this problem with other files. Unknown Server Command ITEMSHOP OPEN#1 | ITEMSHOP
  16. No colleague in client does not register anything, each function that the itemshop does will open as if it were a quest, how would it be corrected?
  17. Image: [Hidden Content] When opening with the designated F5 button it appears like this and the client closes. And it happens being GM and those who are not GM.
  18. Hello, I would like to receive tImaghe help of someone. I am trying to install this ItemShop. It works normally but it closes continuously and when doing a function an input quest appears (I attach images). URL IMAGES : [Hidden Content] quest itemshop_manager begin state start begin when login begin cmdchat('ITEMSHOP QID#'..q.getcurrentquestindex()) cmdchat('ITEMSHOP CLEAR_WHEEL_CONTENT#') itemshop.load_wheel_items() itemshop.load_logs('all') end when button begin cmdchat('ITEMSHOP INPUT#1') local shop = split(input(cmdchat('ITEMSHOP SEND#')), '#') cmdchat('ITEMSHOP INPUT#0') if pc.is_gm() then if shop[1] == 'ADD_ITEM_TIME' then itemshop.admin_add_item_time(tonumber(shop[2]), tonumber(shop[3]), tonumber(shop[4]), tonumber(shop[5])) elseif shop[1] == 'ADD_CATEGORY_TIME' then itemshop.admin_add_category_time(tonumber(shop[2]), tonumber(shop[3]), tonumber(shop[4]), tonumber(shop[5])) elseif shop[1] == 'ADD_ITEM' then local attrs = {{tonumber(shop[4]),tonumber(shop[5])},{tonumber(shop[6]),tonumber(shop[7])},{tonumber(shop[8]),tonumber(shop[9])},{tonumber(shop[10]),tonumber(shop[11])},{tonumber(shop[12]),tonumber(shop[13])},{tonumber(shop[14]),tonumber(shop[15])},{tonumber(shop[16]),tonumber(shop[17])}} local sockets = {tonumber(shop[18]),tonumber(shop[19]),tonumber(shop[20])} itemshop.admin_add_item(tonumber(shop[2]), tonumber(shop[3]), tonumber(shop[21]), attrs, sockets, tonumber(shop[22])) elseif shop[1] == 'DELETE_ITEM' then itemshop.admin_delete_item(shop[2], tonumber(shop[3])) elseif shop[1] == 'CHANGE_PRICE' then itemshop.admin_edit_item_price(shop[2], tonumber(shop[3]), tonumber(shop[4])) end end if shop[1] == 'REQUEST_SPIN_WHEEL' then if pc.getqf('enable_wheel') == 1 then return end itemshop.request_spin_wheel() elseif shop[1] == 'REQUEST_PRIZE_WHEEL' then if pc.getqf('enable_wheel') < 1 then return end pc.give_item2(tonumber(shop[2]), 1) pc.setqf('enable_wheel', 0) elseif shop[1] == 'OPEN_SHOP' then cmdchat('ITEMSHOP CLEAR_CONTENT#') itemshop.get_coins() itemshop.get_3rd() itemshop.create_categorys() itemshop.load_items() itemshop.load_hotoffers() itemshop.load_mostbought() itemshop.open_shop() elseif shop[1] == 'CLOSE_SHOP' then itemshop.close_shop() elseif shop[1] == 'BUY_ITEM' then itemshop.buy_item(shop[2], tonumber(shop[3]), tonumber(shop[4])) elseif shop[1] == 'UPDATE_COINS' then if pc.getqf('update_coins') > get_time() then syschat("Debes esperar "..(pc.getqf('update_coins')-get_time()).."s para volver a recargar las coins.") return end itemshop.get_coins() itemshop.get_3rd() pc.setqf('update_coins', get_time() + 10) end end end end In channel syserr I have this error: SYSERR: Apr 14 04:56:45 :: Input: no quest running for pc, cannot process input : 1 Help me?
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