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  1. you need Visual Studio 2019 to compile the dumper but i think you can compile it with 2022 when you have the build from 2019. Maybe I'm wrong, if so. Can someone correct me
  2. in the source by tools you can compile the proto_dumper
  3. Hey Guys, I have this error: ApplyPoint: Unknown apply type 105 name Admin and ApplyPoint: Unknown apply type 106 name Admin. Unfortunately I don't know what to do next, I've been googling for hours now. Ingame he spits out the wrong bonuses for me. I counted the bonuses. Maybe one of you has an idea what it could be. The bonuses were added to my files back then and worked. Unfortunately now, for whatever reason, not anymore. I checked the defines and ifdefs and it seems like nothing is missing
  4. @ TMP4 I compared the values, they were 1 to 1 the same, except for the Yangdrop, I swapped the line but nothing changed
  5. I work with the Fliege V3 files, for anyone who asks me where I got them from. I've had these for over a year. But to get to my question. I have a problem where a normal Black Bear hits 4 DMG and Hungry Black Bear hits 1.2k DMG. If I have str and dmg multiplicator on 1 in the mob_proto. Exactly nothing happens. The values of the black bear and the hungry black bear differ so little in this case that they would theoretically have to do the same DMG. Maybe someone can tell me what else can influence it I thank you all in advance. PS: in the server I work with .txt protos.
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