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Everything posted by wezt

  1. check out tables (iptocountry and block_exception) in account database
  2. Well I have two things to say: 1) If you're using default metin2 account.account database for your script it doesn't has necessary columns (it's only guess from reading the code of login.php) 2) I advice you to know what's mysql query and go ahead with learning
  3. Thanks for reply and sorry for delay. 1) I didn't change any settings for a1/b1/c1 (using original files or those which were found in web) 2) Right now i have only old logs (the ones which I've saved after same crash few days ago). auth_syslog auth_syserr db_syslog db_syserr channel1_core3_syslog channel1_core3_syserr And also want to notice that this crashes happens only when I activated flame dungeon quest, flame_dungeon map is on core3 and a1/b1/c1 maps are on core1 (each channel has 3 cores). Here is a quest file Thank in advance. Regards. ==== UPDATE 1 ==== Ehh, I didn't noticed this message in logs "AddAffect type 210 apply 0 0 flag 6 duration 5", crashes happens directly after it. In source this line looks like this: sys_log(1, "AddAffect %s type %d apply %d %d flag %u duration %d", GetName(), dwType, bApplyOn, lApplyValue, dwFlag, lDuration); So message from logs means that the game cannot get name for character/mob (if I'm right) -> character/mob = NULL I've added in CHARACTER::AddAffect this(1): if (!GetName()) { sys_err("Character::AddAffect false GetName(), type %d", dwType); return true; } Wonder if it will crash again, I'll let you know later. ==== UPDATE 2 ==== Well when I've added in AddAffect code 1 (see above), channed crashed without this error "AddAffect type 210 apply 0 0 flag 6 duration 5". I've bactraced the code and I've stoped on CHARACTER::Attak, - added there this if(2): bool CHARACTER::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim, BYTE bType) { if (test_server) sys_log(0, "[TEST_SERVER] Attack : %s type %d, MobBattleType %d", GetName(), bType, !GetMobBattleType() ? 0 : GetMobAttackRange()); //PROF_UNIT puAttack("Attack"); if (!CanMove()) return false; if(!pkVictim) //added for check if victim exist(2) { sys_err("CHARACTER::Attack FALSE pkVictim, char_battle.cpp:191"); return false; } Core get crashed, nothing suspicious in logs
  4. Don't need files As I've told you, some of queries in script doesn't work, the ones which are used in mysql_num_rows function. To find out which query doesn't work I suggest you to show them with echo command. Change code to this: $sqlCmd = "SELECT id,login,coins,web_admin,email FROM account.account WHERE login LIKE '".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['userid2'])."' AND password=PASSWORD('".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['userpass2'])."') LIMIT 1"; $sqlQry = mysql_query($sqlCmd,$sqlServ); echo $sqlCmd; //should show the query without variables and also add echo here: $cmdHash = "SELECT id,web_aktiviert FROM account.account WHERE web_aktiviert='".$_GET['hash']."' AND web_aktiviert!='1' LIMIT 1;"; echo $cmdHash; //should show the query without variables Then go in navicat -> account database -> open console, and run in console this queries.
  5. Provide more info, what exactly doesn't work, what did you do.
  6. Hey, looks like some of mysql queries returns no any results. Try to debug queries. Show each query with echo, add next lines after $sqlCmd and $cmdHash echo $sqlCmd; echo $cmdHash; And execute them directly in Mysql command prompt.
  7. One more time hello! I still need some advice or tips, about this problem. Since my first post I've made few changes (compiled binaries with gcc48, tried different gcc flags and even tried different sources), still same problem. Here is full backtrace from gdb [Hidden Content] Each game.core backtrace (from different sources and compilers) has almost the same info, this +8 in each vtable ( , etc.) in #14frame. Here is output from gdb where command: Because this line "#8 0x08073f88 in CHARACTER::UpdateStateMachine" I suppose that the problem connected to mobs but still cannot find out. Thanks in advance. Regards.
  8. Try something like this: case CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME: __ClearArmorRefineEffect(); if (pItem->GetSubType() == CItemData::COSTUME_BODY) { __AttachEffect(EFFECT_REFINED+EFFECT_BODYARMOR_SPECIAL); __AttachEffect(EFFECT_REFINED+EFFECT_BODYARMOR_SPECIAL2); } break;
  9. Hello, I'd like to ask for some help with advice. I'm trying to solve my problems almost one week and have not luck with it. The core stop working after adding flame dungeon quest/map to the production server (when map finished few times (4-6)). But on development server all is fine (probably it's because of the amount of players). On dev I have FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE i386 on prod - FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE-p10 amd64 Binary files compiled on dev server from mainline_relased (40k) Here is some parts from logs db error log: core error log core backtrace I'm not professional c++ developer, but as far i understand crashes happened because some function didn't clean itself and after some time It goes over the memory limit (probably I'm wrong). All errors from logs also appears without new map/quest and core doesn't crash. So i suppose that my problem is in some quest functions or server files (already tried several variants for monster folder and map folder). * I didn't do any changes in those functions which are mentioned in backtrace. If it necessary I'll provide more info. Thanks in advance.
  10. Database: 'player.mob_proto' Server: 'folder_with_game_files/share/data/monster'
  11. Hey, I've also had same problem. Solved it with editing database folder column and server monster folder. Make sure that everything is fine there for your mounts. Cannot give a word that it will help for sure, but for me it works. Regards.
  12. Hey, yes it's perfectly works in freebsd.
  13. Hey, few month ago I've found sh scrip for backups and bit modified it (usable only for linux/unix). So here is a short tutorial: 1) Make next folders on your server: /backup /backup/metin2 2) Make file /backup/backup.sh and put in it next: #!/bin/bash PROJNAME=metin2 CHARSET=utf8 DBNAME01=account DBNAME02=common DBNAME03=player DBFILENAME01=account DBFILENAME02=common DBFILENAME03=player HOST=localhost USER=db_user PASSWD="db_pass" DATADIR=/backup/metin2 SRCFILES=/home/game PREFIX=`date +%F` echo $PASSWD #start backup echo "[--------------------------------[`date +%F--%H-%M`]--------------------------------]" echo "[--START!--][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Run the backup script..." mkdir $DATADIR/$PREFIX 2> /dev/null echo "[+---------][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Generate a database backup..." #MySQL dump mysqldump --user=$USER --host=$HOST --password="$PASSWD" --default-character-set=$CHARSET $DBNAME01 > $DATADIR/$PREFIX/$DBFILENAME01-`date +%F-%H-%M`.sql mysqldump --user=$USER --host=$HOST --password="$PASSWD" --default-character-set=$CHARSET $DBNAME02 > $DATADIR/$PREFIX/$DBFILENAME02-`date +%F-%H-%M`.sql mysqldump --user=$USER --host=$HOST --password="$PASSWD" --default-character-set=$CHARSET $DBNAME03 > $DATADIR/$PREFIX/$DBFILENAME03-`date +%F-%H-%M`.sql if [[ $? -gt 0 ]];then echo "[----------][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Aborted. Generate database backup failed." exit 1 fi echo "[++--------][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Backup database - successfull." #Src dump echo "[+++-------][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Copy the source code project [$PROJNAME]..." tar -czpf $DATADIR/$PREFIX/$PROJNAME-`date +%F-%H-%M`.tar.gz $SRCFILES 2> /dev/null if [[ $? -gt 0 ]];then echo "[----------][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Aborted. Copying the source code failed." exit 1 fi echo "[++++------][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Copy the source code project successfull." echo "[+++++-----][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Prepare zip file $PROJNAME-$PREFIX.zip..." zip -r $DATADIR/$PROJNAME-$PREFIX.zip $DATADIR/$PREFIX if [[ $? -gt 0 ]];then echo "[----------][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Aborted. Make zip file failed." exit 1 fi echo "[++++++----][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Zip file $PROJNAME-$PREFIX.zip finished." echo "[+++++++---][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Remove folder." rm -rf $DATADIR/$PREFIX if [[ $? -gt 0 ]];then echo "[----------][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Remove folder failed." exit fi echo "[++++++++--][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Remove folder finished." echo "[+++++++++-][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Start datadir space (USED): `du -h $DATADIR | tail -n1`" echo "[++++++++++][`date +%F--%H-%M`] Free HDD space: `df -h /home|tail -n1|awk '{print $4}'`" echo "[+SUCCESS!+][`date +%F--%H-%M`] All operations completed successfully!" exit 0 3) And add this line into crontab. Backups will be created each morning at 6am. 0 6 * * * cd /backup/ && sh backup.sh Regards.
  14. @HellBoy, Thank you very much ! Your solution works GREAT ! I think this topic could be closed.
  15. Hello, I've spent two days for searching the solution, tried few binary files and nothing. Probably someone know how to fix the bug with azrael costume for sura male (when costume on sura character it becomes invisible if you move the camera or go bit away). Below are few pics and video: Thanks in advance. Best regards.
  16. Hi there Thanks for your help. I've found out how skills power calculated. But I've noticed some weird thing (if I'm right) in my game client skillproto.txt & skilldesc.txt and in database table skillproto. So I have one more question, is it normal that all these three files/table has different "calculation" for same skill? For example warrior skill "frenzy" (or whatever it called, the one with this icon ) has three calculation ways: 1) skilldesc.txt (1.1*MinATK + (0.1*MinATK + 1.5*STR)*SkillPoint) * 3) same for max attack 2) skilltable.txt -(1.1*atk + (0.3*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) 3) skillt_proto (DB) -( 1.1*atk + (0.5*atk + 1.5 * str)*k) * about minuses in 2nd and 3rd cases it's clear and about (*3) in 1st one its also clear (with this skill warrior hits three times) ** in game client skill power calculated by 2nd way and it's value multiplied by 3 from 1st way. I'm really confused if this difference in calculation for same skill is correct? Thanks in advance and best wishes
  17. Hello, Don't sure if new topic should be started for my question, so I'll ask it here. I'd like to ask about more detailed explanation of skill_proto table, about szPointPoly and szMasterBonusPoly. For example in database row's value equal to "-(50 + 5*lv + (6*iq+6*mwep+number(1,800))*ar*k) * (1-chain*0.13)", this means how to calculate skill damage. With next variables all is pretty clear: lv = skill level, iq = player INT mwep = Magic Attack Power of used weapon, number = random value for specified range But i cannot get which values used for ar, k and chain. Best wishes and thanks in advance.
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