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Posts posted by Aigo


    Well, the title say it. Just the inventory window with bonus like on the 2011 servers. I just modified without alchemy and without belt. If you want just add it back on the locale inventory python file. 

    I used the client from the 40k reference files.

    Made in spanish, feel free to translate it on the locale file.

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    • Metin2 Dev 24
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  2. 11 hours ago, TMP4 said:

    You're not sure because this quest is very fcked up regarding that rewards array. Using arrays and tables are good but just when it is needed.

    Remove function rewards() and change this:

                    local z = number(1,table.getn(daily_quest.rewards()[1]))
                    say(daily_quest.rewards()[1][z]..' Yang!')

    To something like this:

    				local yangReward = 0
    				if pc.get_level() >= 90 then
    					yangReward = 1000
    				elseif pc.get_level() >= 50 then
    					yangReward = 500
    					yangReward = 100
    				say("You got "..yangReward.." yang!")

    Thank you! I think i understood.

  3. Hello!

    I have this daily quest script that works well.

    It give the player a daily quest based on its level, but the reward its always the same. Someone know how can i make it to give rewards based on the lvl like the "function works" does? Thank you!

    quest daily_quest begin
        state start begin
            when login with pc.getqf('daily_day') ~= tonumber(os.date('%d', os.time())) or
                pc.getqf('daily_month') ~= tonumber(os.date('%m', os.time())) begin
                local w,c = {},daily_quest.works()
                for i = 1, table.getn(c) do
                    if pc.get_level() >= c[i][1] and pc.get_level() <= c[i][2] then
    			if table.getn(w) == 0 then chat('Actualmente no hay nuevas misiones!') return end
                pc.setqf('daily_number', w[number(1,table.getn(w))])
                pc.setqf('daily_day', tonumber(os.date('%d', os.time())))
                pc.setqf('daily_month', tonumber(os.date('%m', os.time())))
                pc.setqf('daily_counter', 0)
        state daily_run begin
            when letter begin
                send_letter('Mision Diaria: '..os.date('%A', os.time()))
            when button or info begin
                say("Este es el texto para la mision diaria.")
                say_reward('Derrotar: '..mob_name(daily_quest.works()[pc.getqf('daily_number')][3]))
                say_reward('Cantidad: '..daily_quest.works()[pc.getqf('daily_number')][4]..' times')
                say_reward('Derrotados: '..pc.getqf('daily_counter'))
            when kill with npc.get_race() == daily_quest.works()[pc.getqf('daily_number')][3] begin
                pc.setqf('daily_counter', pc.getqf('daily_counter')+1)
                if pc.getqf('daily_counter') >= daily_quest.works()[pc.getqf('daily_number')][4] then
                    say('Felicidades, mision completada con exito!')
                    local z = number(1,table.getn(daily_quest.rewards()[1]))
                    say(daily_quest.rewards()[1][z]..' Yang!')
                    pc.setqf('daily_counter', 0)
                    pc.setqf('daily_number', 0)
            function rewards()
                local t = {
                    [1] = {200000},
                return t
            function works()
                local t = {
                    [1] = {1,10,103,100},
                    [2] = {10,15,110,100},
                    [3] = {15,20,111,100},
                    [4] = {20,25,301,100},
                    [5] = {25,30,301,200},
                    [6] = {30,35,404,100},
                return t


  4. Ok soo, it looks like solved.

    As you told me yesterday on pm; i decid to try using mysql55 instead mysql56. Soo, just followed these instruction:

    Remove mysql8.x or other if you installed...
    pkg install mysql55-server
    rename/delete the default /var/db/mysql folder
    service mysql-server stop
    upload and extract the mysql folder to /var/db with tar -xf xymsql.tar.gz ( tar -xf did not work to me. So i used tar -zxvf )
    service mysql-server start
    (after this i had to make a reboot because navicat was showing old data, idk)


    Also i had to edit ports on client files. Did not touch any ports from server side. Now the serverinfo.py looks like this.

    PORT_1				= 13002
    PORT_2				= 13010
    PORT_3				= 13020
    PORT_4				= 13030
    PORT_AUTH			= 11000
    PORT_MARK			= 13001


    By now everything works fine. If want i can make a guide on how to install 40k reference files on a clean VPS. I can write it and send it to you soo you can improve or solve any mistake. 



    30 minutes ago, TMP4 said:

    There are several possible solve case for that: 

    This is the hidden content, please

    (check especially for stackoverflow links)

    Check the .log files next to the .err maybe it have some useful info.

    Since I included tar.gz for mysql, did you extract that correctly with tar -xf command? Some people using winrar and so..

    (I will probably include mysql dump soon to my reference sf because that is a better way to import the database but most people don't know what it is and looking for tar.gz from old tutorials...)

    Just reinstalled mysql using 55 instead 56. Solved, thank you!

    • Metin2 Dev 3
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  5. Thanks! I just deleted the .err file and run again the server. Again i had the same problem and the new err file say this.

    210928 11:49:35 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted
    210928 11:49:54 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/db/mysql/Metin2Test.pid ended

    Also just found this topic. He say that the error is solved with service mysql-server restart. But did not work to me.



    On this topic someone said about this solution. But the topic is from 2015 and im not sure if this solution is outdated.


    Check etc/rc.conf delete 

    mysql_args="--skip-grant-tables --skip-networking"

     if is and reboot.


  6. Sorry, maybe a noob question but now i dont know what to do. just installed the 40k reference files on a VPS and i was able to login in the game. Soo, i done another account and reboot. After that it looks like start fine but the mysql just stop. Even navicat cant enter, if i start the mysql service navicat can connect but the game dont. If i put a wrong account it say that id or password wrong but if i put the admin account it just tell connection error. Ive been looking on syserr and syslog from auth, channel1, db and game99 but nothing really clear. 

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