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Posts posted by .Devil.

  1. The time that require the compilation depend on the performance of your computer.. so if you don't have a good computer you can't do much.
    Anyway, if you clean always the project (with gmake clean) is normal.. When you compile do this:

    gmake -j20

    or simple


    and not this:

    gmake clean
    gmake -j20

    because if you run gmake clean the compiler delete all compiled files (objects).


    And this is also valid for the database.

    • Love 1
  2. Spoiler


    For first, use this Main.cpp: (it's not necessary if you have your working)

    #include <direct.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <io.h>
    #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
    #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> 
    #include <fstream>
    #pragma warning(push, 3)
    #include <cryptopp/osrng.h>
    #pragma warning(pop)
    //#include <YmirBase/YmirBaseLink.h>
    #include <cryptopp/cryptoppLibLink.h>
    //#include <Mantle/MA_LibLink.h>
    #include <lzo-2.03/lzoLibLink.h>
    #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")
    //#pragma comment(lib, "d3d8.lib")
    #ifdef _DEBUG
        #pragma comment(lib, "reducio_d.lib")
        #pragma comment(lib, "reducio.lib")
    #include <EterBase/Utils.h>
    #include <EterBase/Filename.h>
    #include <EterLib/TextFileLoader.h>
    #include <EterPack/EterPackManager.h>
    #include <Reducio/Reducio.h>
    using std::string;
    using std::vector;
    using boost::unordered_map;
    using std::size_t;
    typedef unordered_map<string, bool, stringhash> NameDict;
    string  g_st_packName;
    NameDict g_map_ignoreFileName;
    NameDict g_map_ignoreDirName;
    NameDict g_map_ignoreBasePath;
    typedef unordered_map<string, BYTE, stringhash> TStrMap;
    TStrMap g_PackTypeByExtNameMap;
    std::string g_strFolderName = "pack/";
    static BYTE s_IV[32];
    typedef unordered_map<string, string, stringhash> MapNameToSDBFile;
    MapNameToSDBFile g_map_SDBFileList;
    int              iCompressTexQuality = 0;
    bool IsSDBSupportRequired( const std::string& strFile, std::string& strMapName )
        MapNameToSDBFile::const_iterator cit = g_map_SDBFileList.find(strFile);
        if( cit != g_map_SDBFileList.end() )
            strMapName = cit->second;
            return true;
        return false;
    //#define __ADD_CSHYBRID_ENCRYPT__
    bool LoadList(const char* fileName, vector<string>* pvec_stLine)
        FILE* fp;
        if (0 != fopen_s(&fp, fileName, "r"))
            return false;
        while (1)
            char line[256];
            if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, fp))
            size_t lineLen = strlen(line);
            if (line[lineLen-1] == '\n')
                line[lineLen-1] = '\0';
            if (line[lineLen-2] == '\r')
                line[lineLen-2] = '\0';
        return true;
    void IgnoreFileList_Append(const string& c_st_fileName)
        printf("ignore_file: [%s]\n", c_st_fileName.c_str());   
        if (c_st_fileName.find('*') >= 0) // strchr(c_st_fileName.c_str(), '*')
            WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
            HANDLE hFind;
            hFind = FindFirstFile(c_st_fileName.c_str(), &findData);        
            if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                std::string st_childName;
                    st_childName = findData.cFileName;
                    g_map_ignoreFileName.insert(NameDict::value_type(st_childName, true));
                while (FindNextFile(hFind, &findData));
            string st_fileName = c_st_fileName;
            g_map_ignoreFileName.insert(NameDict::value_type(st_fileName, true));
    bool IgnoreFileList_Load(const char* fileName)
        vector<string> nameList;
        if (!LoadList(fileName, &nameList))
            return false;
        for_each(nameList.begin(), nameList.end(), IgnoreFileList_Append);  
        return true;
    void IgnoreDirList_Append(const string& c_st_dirName)
        std::string st_dirName = c_st_dirName;
        g_map_ignoreDirName.insert(NameDict::value_type(st_dirName, true));
    bool IgnoreDirList_Load(const char* fileName)
        vector<string> nameList;
        if (!LoadList(fileName, &nameList))
            return false;
        for_each(nameList.begin(), nameList.end(), IgnoreDirList_Append);   
        return true;
    void IgnoreBasePathList_Append(const string& c_st_basePath)
        std::string st_basePath = c_st_basePath;
        g_map_ignoreBasePath.insert(NameDict::value_type(st_basePath, true));
    bool IgnoreBasePathList_Load(const char* fileName)
        vector<string> nameList;
        if (!LoadList(fileName, &nameList))
            return false;
        for_each(nameList.begin(), nameList.end(), IgnoreBasePathList_Append);  
        return true;
    using namespace Reducio;
    void RegisterPackTypeByExtName(const char * c_pszExt, BYTE packType, bool isOverwrite=false)
        if (isOverwrite)
            g_PackTypeByExtNameMap[c_pszExt] = packType;
            g_PackTypeByExtNameMap.insert(TStrMap::value_type(c_pszExt, packType));
    void RecursivePack(CEterPack & pack, const char * filename, std::vector<std::string>& vecCompressedTextures, std::vector<int>& vecCompressedTexMipMaps )
        WIN32_FIND_DATA fdata;
        HANDLE          hFind;
        char            temp[512];
        if ((hFind = FindFirstFile(filename, &fdata)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                if (fdata.cFileName[0] == '.')
                if (fdata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
                    strcpy_s(temp, fdata.cFileName);
                    if (g_map_ignoreDirName.end() != g_map_ignoreDirName.find(temp))
                        //printf("Exclude1 %s\n", fdata.cFileName);
                    strcpy_s(temp, filename);
                    char *p = strchr(temp, '*'); // µÚ¿¡ * À» ¾ø¾Ø´Ù.
                    if (p) *p = '\0';
                    if (g_map_ignoreBasePath.end() != g_map_ignoreBasePath.find(temp))
                        //printf("Exclude2 %s\n", fdata.cFileName);
                    sprintf_s(p, sizeof(temp) - (p - temp), "%s/*", fdata.cFileName);
                    RecursivePack(pack, temp, vecCompressedTextures, vecCompressedTexMipMaps);
                strcpy_s(temp, fdata.cFileName);
                if (g_map_ignoreFileName.end() != g_map_ignoreFileName.find(temp))
                    //printf("Exclude3 %s\n", fdata.cFileName);
                strcpy_s(temp, filename);
                char *p;
                if ((p = strrchr(temp, '*')))   // µÚ¿¡ * À» ¾ø¾Ø´Ù.
                    *p = '\0';
                if (g_map_ignoreBasePath.end() != g_map_ignoreBasePath.find(temp))
                    //printf("Exclude4 %s\n", fdata.cFileName);
                if (p)
                    sprintf_s(p, sizeof(temp) - (p - temp), "%s", fdata.cFileName);
                    sprintf_s(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s", fdata.cFileName);
                std::string ext(temp);
                //FIXME : TEMP HARD CODE
                if( !CFileNameHelper::GetExtension(ext).compare("wdp") )
                BYTE packType = COMPRESSED_TYPE_NONE;
                    bool bSuccessCompTexture = false;
                    if( !CFileNameHelper::GetExtension(ext).compare("dds") && iCompressTexQuality > 0 /* && !IsSDBSupportRequired(temp, strRelatedMap)*/)
                        ImageHandle h = CreateImageStreamHandle();
                        eReturnCode eRet;
                        eRet = CompressWMPImageFromFile(h, temp, iCompressTexQuality);
                        if( eRet == eSuccess )
                            std::string wdpFileName = CFileNameHelper::NoExtension(ext) + ".wdp";
                            DumpWMPImageToFile( h, wdpFileName.c_str() );
                            bSuccessCompTexture = true;
                            strcpy(temp, wdpFileName.c_str() );
                            Reducio::U8* pb;
                            int nStreamLen, nMipMapCnt;
                            GetImageStreamInfo( h, &pb, nStreamLen, nMipMapCnt );
                            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("failed to compress tex: %s errorcode: %d \n", temp, eRet );
                            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().WriteErrorf("failed to compress tex: %s errorcode: %d \n", temp, eRet );
                    if( !bSuccessCompTexture )
                        unordered_map<std::string, BYTE, stringhash>::iterator it = g_PackTypeByExtNameMap.find(ext);
                        if (g_PackTypeByExtNameMap.end() != it)
                            packType = it->second;
                    std::string strRelatedMapName;
                    if( packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT && IsSDBSupportRequired(temp, strRelatedMapName) )
                        packType = COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB;
                    if (pack.Put(temp, NULL, packType, strRelatedMapName))
                        CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("pack: %s\n", temp);
                        CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("pack failed: %s\n", temp);
                        CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().WriteErrorf("pack failed: %s\n", temp);
            while (FindNextFile(hFind, &fdata));
    void AddIndex(const char * c_szName, const char * c_szDirectory)
        std::string strIndexFileName = g_strFolderName + std::string("Index.new");
        FILE * fp;
        if (0 != fopen_s(&fp, strIndexFileName.c_str(), "a+"))
            printf("%s append open error", strIndexFileName.c_str());
        char szTmp[MAX_PATH + 1];
        strcpy_s(szTmp, c_szDirectory);
        char * p = strrchr(szTmp, '/');
        *(++p) = '\0';
        fprintf(fp, "%s\n%s\n", szTmp, c_szName);
    using namespace Reducio;
    void MakeReducioHeader( std::vector<std::string>& textures, std::vector<int>& mipMapCounts )
        string st_HeaderFilePath;
        st_HeaderFilePath  = g_strFolderName;
        st_HeaderFilePath += g_st_packName;
        st_HeaderFilePath += ".rdch";
        std::ofstream outFile( st_HeaderFilePath.c_str(), ios_base::binary | ios_base::out );
        int nItemCount = textures.size();
        outFile.write((const char*)&nItemCount, sizeof(int) );
        for( int i = 0; i < nItemCount; ++i )
            int iNameLength = textures[i].length();
            outFile.write((const char*)&iNameLength, sizeof(int) );
            outFile.write((const char*)&mipMapCounts[i], sizeof(int) );
            outFile.write(textures[i].c_str(), iNameLength );
    bool MakePackFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& filePaths, CEterPackManager* pPackManager)
        string st_packName = g_st_packName.empty() ? "noname" : g_st_packName;
        string st_packFilePath;
        st_packFilePath  = g_strFolderName;
        st_packFilePath += st_packName;
        CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n + Making %s\n", st_packName.c_str());
        CEterFileDict fileDict;
        CEterPack* pPack = new CEterPack;
        if (!pPack->Create(fileDict, st_packFilePath.c_str(), g_strFolderName.c_str(), false, s_IV))
            return false;
        std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = filePaths.begin();
        std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator e = filePaths.end();
        bool bAddToIndex = false;
        std::vector<std::string> vecCompressedTextures;
        std::vector<int>         vecCompressedTexMipMaps;
        bool bSuccess = true;
        while (i != e)
            const std::string& path = *i;
            std::string strRelatedMap;
            char temp[1024];
            strcpy_s(temp, path.c_str());
            std::string lowerFilePath(temp);
            BYTE packType = COMPRESSED_TYPE_NONE;
            std::string ext = CFileNameHelper::GetExtension(lowerFilePath);
            bool bSuccessCompTexture = false;
            if( !ext.compare("wdp") )
            if( !ext.compare("dds") && iCompressTexQuality > 0 /* && !IsSDBSupportRequired(temp, strRelatedMap)*/)
                ImageHandle h = CreateImageStreamHandle();
                eReturnCode eRet;
                eRet = CompressWMPImageFromFile(h, temp, iCompressTexQuality);
                if( eRet == eSuccess )
                    std::string wdpFileName = CFileNameHelper::NoExtension(lowerFilePath) + ".wdp";
                    DumpWMPImageToFile( h, wdpFileName.c_str() );
                    bSuccessCompTexture = true;
                    strcpy(temp, wdpFileName.c_str() );
                    Reducio::U8* pb;
                    int nStreamLen, nMipMapCnt;
                    GetImageStreamInfo( h, &pb, nStreamLen, nMipMapCnt );
                    CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("failed to compress tex: %s errorcode: %d \n", temp, eRet );
                    CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().WriteErrorf("failed to compress tex: %s errorcode: %d \n", temp, eRet );
                    if (eRet != eFail_UnSupportedFormat)
                        bSuccess = false;
            if( !bSuccessCompTexture )
                unordered_map<std::string, BYTE, stringhash>::iterator it = g_PackTypeByExtNameMap.find(ext);
                if (g_PackTypeByExtNameMap.end() != it)
                    packType = it->second;
            if( packType == COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT )
                bAddToIndex = true;
                if( IsSDBSupportRequired(temp, strRelatedMap) )
                    packType = COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT_WITHSDB;
            if (pPack->Put(temp, NULL, packType, strRelatedMap))
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("pack: %s\n", temp);
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("pack failed: %s\n", temp);
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().WriteErrorf("pack failed: %s\n", temp);
                bSuccess = false;
        pPackManager->RegisterPackWhenPackMaking(st_packFilePath.c_str(), g_strFolderName.c_str(), pPack );
        if( bAddToIndex )
            AddIndex(st_packName.c_str(), g_strFolderName.c_str());
        //write it
        if( vecCompressedTextures.size() > 0 )
            MakeReducioHeader( vecCompressedTextures, vecCompressedTexMipMaps );
        return bSuccess;
    void MakePack(const char * c_szPackName, const char * c_szDirectory, CEterPackManager* pPackManager)
        string st_packName = g_st_packName.empty() ? c_szPackName : g_st_packName;
        string st_packFilePath;
        st_packFilePath  = g_strFolderName;
        st_packFilePath += st_packName;
        CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n + Making %s\n", st_packName.c_str());
        //CEterPack pack;
        CEterFileDict fileDict;
        CEterPack* pPack = new CEterPack;
        if (!pPack->Create(fileDict, st_packFilePath.c_str(), g_strFolderName.c_str(), false, s_IV))
        std::string stFolder(c_szDirectory);
        std::vector<std::string> vecCompressedTextures;
        std::vector<int>         vecCompressedTexMipMaps;
        RecursivePack(*pPack, stFolder.c_str(), vecCompressedTextures, vecCompressedTexMipMaps);
        AddIndex(st_packName.c_str(), stFolder.c_str());
        //write it
        if( vecCompressedTextures.size() > 0 )
            MakeReducioHeader( vecCompressedTextures, vecCompressedTexMipMaps );
        pPackManager->RegisterPackWhenPackMaking(st_packFilePath.c_str(), g_strFolderName.c_str(), pPack );
    bool MakeRecursivePack(const char * c_szPackName, CTextFileLoader & rTextFileLoader, CEterPackManager* pPackManager)
        string st_packName = g_st_packName.empty() ? c_szPackName : g_st_packName;
        string st_packFilePath;
        st_packFilePath  = g_strFolderName;
        st_packFilePath += st_packName;
        string st_testName = g_strFolderName + std::string(c_szPackName);
        assert(st_testName == st_packFilePath);
        //CEterPack pack;
        CEterFileDict fileDict;
        CEterPack* pPack = new CEterPack;
        std::vector<std::string> vecCompressedTextures;
        std::vector<int>         vecCompressedTexMipMaps;
        if (!pPack->Create(fileDict, st_packFilePath.c_str(), g_strFolderName.c_str(), false, s_IV))
            return false;
        for (DWORD i = 0; i < rTextFileLoader.GetChildNodeCount(); ++i)
            if (rTextFileLoader.SetChildNode(i))
                bool bAddIndex = false;
                std::string strAddIndex;
                if (rTextFileLoader.GetTokenString("addindex", &strAddIndex))
                    if (0 == strAddIndex.compare("TRUE"))
                        bAddIndex = true;
                std::string strFileName;
                if (!rTextFileLoader.GetTokenString("filename", &strFileName))
                RecursivePack(*pPack, strFileName.c_str(), vecCompressedTextures, vecCompressedTexMipMaps);
                if (bAddIndex)
                    AddIndex(c_szPackName, strFileName.c_str());
        //write it
        if( vecCompressedTextures.size() > 0 )
            MakeReducioHeader( vecCompressedTextures, vecCompressedTexMipMaps );
        pPackManager->RegisterPackWhenPackMaking(st_packFilePath.c_str(), g_strFolderName.c_str(), pPack );
        return true;
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        if (argc < 2)
            printf("%s [command]\n", argv[0]);
            return 0;
        boost::shared_ptr<CLZO> lzo(new CLZO);
        boost::shared_ptr<CEterPackManager> packMgr(new CEterPackManager);
        if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--createiv"))
            // .exe --createiv <filename>
            if (argc != 3)
                printf("Usage: %s --createiv <filename>\n", argv[0]);
                return 1;
            CFileBase diskFile;
            if (diskFile.Create(argv[2], CFileBase::FILEMODE_WRITE))
                BYTE iv[32];
                CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
                prng.GenerateBlock(iv, sizeof(iv));
                diskFile.Write(iv, sizeof(iv));
                char szHex[32*2+1];
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
                    sprintf_s(szHex + i * 2, sizeof(szHex) - i * 2, "%02x", iv[i]);
                printf("IV %s created (hex %s)\n", argv[2], szHex);
                _chmod(argv[2], _S_IREAD); // Àбâ Àü¿ëÀ¸·Î ¸¸µé±â
                return 0;
            printf("Cannot open %s, File may already exist\n", argv[2]);
            return 1;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--openiv"))
            // .exe --openiv <filename>
            if (argc != 3)
                printf("Usage: %s --openiv <filename>\n", argv[0]);
                return 1;
            CMappedFile file;
            const BYTE* iv;
            if (file.Create(argv[2], (const void**) &iv, 0, 32))
                char szHex[32*2+1];
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
                    sprintf_s(szHex + i * 2, sizeof(szHex) - i * 2, "%02x", iv[i]);
                printf("IV %s loaded (hex %s)", argv[2], szHex);
                return 0;
            printf("File not found or invalid format: %s\n", argv[3]);
            return 1;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--extract"))
            // .exe --extract <packname> [<IV filename>]
            if (argc < 3)
                printf("Usage: %s --extract <packname> [<IV filename>]\n", argv[0]);
                return 1;
            CMappedFile file;
            const BYTE* iv = NULL;
            if (argc >= 4)
                if (!file.Create(argv[3], (const void**) &iv, 0, 32))               
                    printf("Cannot load IV file %s\n", argv[3]);
                    return 1;
            CEterPack pack;
            CEterFileDict dict;
            if (pack.Create(dict, argv[2], "", true, iv))
                return 0;
            printf("Cannot extract pack %s\n", argv[2]);
            return 1;
        HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread();
        SetThreadPriority(hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
        if (2 != argc)
            printf("Usage: %s [ScriptFileName]\n", argv[0]);
            return 1;
        char* pcExt = strrchr(argv[1], '.');
        if (pcExt)
            std::string stLogFileName(argv[1], pcExt);
        CTextFileLoader TextFileLoader;
        if (!TextFileLoader.Load(argv[1]))
            printf("Failed to load pack script\n");
            return 1;
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenString("foldername", &g_strFolderName))
            g_strFolderName += "/";
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenString("packname", &g_st_packName))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\nPackName: %s\n", g_st_packName.c_str());
        TextFileLoader.GetTokenInteger("compresstexture", &iCompressTexQuality);
        std::string strIndexFileName = g_strFolderName + std::string("Index.new");
        FILE * fp;
        if (0 != fopen_s(&fp, strIndexFileName.c_str(), "w"))
            char szCurDir[MAX_PATH + 1];
            GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szCurDir);
            printf("%s ÆÄÀÏÀ» ¿­ ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù. µð·ºÅ丮°¡ ¾ø°Å³ª ÆÄÀÏÀÌ ÀÌ¹Ì »ç¿ë Áß ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.\n"
                   "ÇöÀç µð·ºÅ丮: %s\n", strIndexFileName.c_str(), szCurDir);
            return 1;
        fprintf(fp, "PACK\n");  // Search Mode, 1 == ÆÑ¿¡¼­ ¸ÕÀú ÀÐÀ½
        CTokenVector * pTokenVector;
        // ExcludedFolderNameList - ÇØ´ç Æú´õ À̸§Àº ÆÑÇÏÁö ¾Ê´Â´Ù.
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("excludedfoldernamelist", &pTokenVector))
            //printf("\n - ExcludedFolderNameList\n");
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n - ExcludedFolderNameList\n");
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor;
                //printf(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
        // ExcludedPathList - Æнº ³»¿¡ ¸ðµç °ÍÀ» ÆÑÇÏÁö ¾Ê´Â´Ù.
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("excludedpathlist", &pTokenVector))
            //printf("\n - ExcludedPathList\n");
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Write("\n - ExcludedPathList\n");
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor;
                //printf(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
                IgnoreBasePathList_Append("d:/ymir work/sound/");
        // ExcludedFileNameList - ¸ðµç Æú´õ¿¡ ´ëÇØ ÇØ´ç ÆÄÀÏÀ̸§Àº ÆÑÇÏÁö ¾Ê´Â´Ù.
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("excludedfilenamelist", &pTokenVector))
            //printf("\n - ExcludedFileNameList\n");
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n - ExcludedFileNameList\n");
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor;
                //printf(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
        // CompressExtNameList - ÇØ´ç È®ÀåÀÚ¸¦ °¡Áø ÆÄÀÏÀº compress ÇÑ´Ù.
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("compressextnamelist", &pTokenVector))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n - CompressExtNameList\n");
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor;
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
                RegisterPackTypeByExtName(rstrName.c_str(), COMPRESSED_TYPE_COMPRESS);
        // SecurityExtNameList - ÇØ´ç È®ÀåÀÚ¸¦ °¡Áø ÆÄÀÏÀº encrypt ÇÑ´Ù.
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("securityextnamelist", &pTokenVector))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n - SecurityExtNameList\n");
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor;
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
                RegisterPackTypeByExtName(rstrName.c_str(), COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY);
        // OldCompressExtNameList - ÇØ´ç È®ÀåÀÚ¸¦ °¡Áø ÆÄÀÏÀº ¾Ïȣȭ ÇÑ´Ù.
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("oldcompressextnamelist", &pTokenVector))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n - OldCompressExtNameList\n");
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor;
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
                // OldCompressExtNameList´Â ¾ÐÃàÀ» ÇÏ´Â °ÍÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó ¾Ïȣȭ¸¦ ÇؾßÇϹǷÎ
                // ÀǵµÀûÀ¸·Î COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY¸¦ ³Ö¾úÀ½
                RegisterPackTypeByExtName(rstrName.c_str(), COMPRESSED_TYPE_SECURITY);
        std::string stIVFileName;
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenString("iv", &stIVFileName))
            CMappedFile mappedFile;
            BYTE * pIV;
            if (mappedFile.Create(stIVFileName.c_str(), (const void **) &pIV, 0, 32))
                memcpy(s_IV, pIV, 32);
                TraceError("IV open error: %s", stIVFileName.c_str());
                return 1;
        // PanamaExtNameList - »õ·Î¿î ¾Ïȣȭ
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("panamaextnamelist", &pTokenVector))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n - PanamaExtNameList\n");
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor;
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
                RegisterPackTypeByExtName(rstrName.c_str(), COMPRESSED_TYPE_PANAMA, true);
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("cshybridencryptexenamelist", &pTokenVector))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n - C/S Hybrid Encrypt ExtNameList\n");
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor;
                CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef(" %s\n", rstrName.c_str());
                RegisterPackTypeByExtName(rstrName.c_str(), COMPRESSED_TYPE_HYBRIDCRYPT, true);
        if (TextFileLoader.SetChildNode("rootpackitemlist"))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n + Making RootPack\n");
            MakeRecursivePack("root", TextFileLoader, packMgr.get());
        if (TextFileLoader.SetChildNode("localpathpack"))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n + Making RootPack\n");
            MakeRecursivePack(g_st_packName.c_str(), TextFileLoader, packMgr.get());
        if (TextFileLoader.SetChildNode("etcpackitemlist"))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n + Making ETCPack\n");
            MakeRecursivePack("ETC", TextFileLoader, packMgr.get());
        if (TextFileLoader.SetChildNode("soundpackitemlist"))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n + Making SoundPack\n");
            MakeRecursivePack("sound", TextFileLoader, packMgr.get());
        if (TextFileLoader.SetChildNode("sound2packitemlist"))
            CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n + Making Sound2Pack\n");
            MakeRecursivePack("sound2", TextFileLoader, packMgr.get());
        CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n + PackList \n");
        if (TextFileLoader.SetChildNode("packlist"))
            for (DWORD i = 0; i < TextFileLoader.GetChildNodeCount(); ++i)
                if (TextFileLoader.SetChildNode(i))
                    std::string strNodeName;
                    if (!TextFileLoader.GetCurrentNodeName(&strNodeName))
                    std::string strPathName;
                    if (!TextFileLoader.GetTokenString("pathname", &strPathName))
                    MakePack(strNodeName.c_str(), strPathName.c_str(), packMgr.get());
        // SDB ( Supplementary Data Block Required File List ) 
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("sdbfilelist", &pTokenVector))
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor;     
                std::string rstrNameLower = rstrName;
                std::vector<std::string> strs; 
                boost::split(strs, rstrNameLower, boost::is_any_of("?")); 
                if( strs.size() == 1 )
                    strs[0] = "none";
                if( strs.size() != 2 )
                    CMakePackLog::GetSingleton().Writef("\n SDB File Usage: MapName:SDBFileName \n");
                    return -1;
                g_map_SDBFileList[strs[1]] = strs[0];
        // filelist¿¡ ¼½¼Ç¿¡ ÀԷµǾî ÀÖ´Â ¸ðµç ÆÄÀÏÀ» ÆÑÇϱâ
        if (TextFileLoader.GetTokenVector("filelist", &pTokenVector))
            std::vector<std::string> filePaths;
            CTokenVector::iterator itor = pTokenVector->begin();
            for (; pTokenVector->end() != itor; ++itor)
                std::string & rstrName = *itor; 
                std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::find( filePaths.begin(), filePaths.end(), rstrName );
                if( it == filePaths.end() )
            if(!MakePackFiles(filePaths, packMgr.get()))
                return -1;
        //make key file for CS hybrid crypt
        std::string strCryptFileName = g_strFolderName + "/" + "cshybridcrypt_" + g_st_packName + ".dat";
        std::string strOldIndexFileName = g_strFolderName + std::string("Index");
        MoveFile(strIndexFileName.c_str(), strOldIndexFileName.c_str());
        return 0;



    Open EterPackEterPack.cpp and in CEterPack::Extract function add this:

    std::string filename = index->filename;
    if(filename.find("d:/") == 0)
        filename.replace(0, 3, "");


    for (TDataPositionMap::iterator i = m_DataPositionMap.begin(); i != m_DataPositionMap.end(); ++i)
    		TEterPackIndex* index = i->second;
    		CFileBase writeFile;

    And now replace all index->filename with filename.c_str() (only in CEterPack::Extract() function, because the string variable isn't global)


    If you want to extract files in pack name, you have to add:

    std::string foldername = m_stDataFileName;
    foldername.replace(foldername.length()-4, 4, "");
    filename = foldername + std::string("/") + filename;


    std::string filename = index->filename;
    if(filename.find("d:/") == 0)
       filename.replace(0, 3, "");

    Sorry if my method is bad (?) (i'm beginner in programming) and if my english has errors.

  3. HI I've a problem with the game.mysql_query function. I hope somebody can give the right syntax.

    This is my testquest:

    quest bla begin
        state start begin
            when 9003.chat."TEST" begin
                local p = game.mysql_query("select 'login', 'social_id' from account.account where 'id' = '"..pc.get_account_id()"'")
                if not p then return chat "FAILED" end
                say("Dein Login: "..p[1][1])
    	    say("Dein Code: "..p[1][2])
    The string is correct but I don't receive any output. As far as I know the right syntax for query tables is

    result[row][column number]

    Test with this:

    result.row[column number]

  4. Bump..


    it's not an error just warning ;)


    Segmantation bug is fixed and public on metin2dev.org. You should be look at topics.


    Kind Regards


    Today I searched in all forums but I don't have find the fix.. Where is?

    # Another problem for this is: if start dbcache from start script it don't work, if i start it manually work.


  5. I see..  and thanks for your answer.

    But how to solve?


    This is my db core:

    GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
    Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
    welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
    Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
    There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
    This GDB was configured as "i386-marcel-freebsd"...Dwarf Error: wrong version in                                   compilation unit header (is 4, should be 2) [in module /metin2/database/db]
    Core was generated by `db'.
    Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
    Reading symbols from /lib/libstdc++.so.6...Error while reading shared library sy                                  mbols:
    Dwarf Error: wrong version in compilation unit header (is 4, should be 2) [in mo                                  dule /lib/libstdc++.so.6]
    Reading symbols from /lib/libz.so.6...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libz.so.6
    Reading symbols from /lib/libm.so.5...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libm.so.5
    Reading symbols from /lib/libgcc_s.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
    Reading symbols from /lib/libthr.so.3...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libthr.so.3
    Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.7...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /lib/libc.so.7
    Reading symbols from /libexec/ld-elf.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
    Loaded symbols for /libexec/ld-elf.so.1
    #0  0x2833c930 in strtoul_l () from /lib/libc.so.7
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  6. Hello metin2dev,

    i have an error with revision 40k+ database, if I use it, after shutdown give me the error: "Segmentation fault (core dumped)".

    If reboot FreeBSD it work again.. What's the problem?

    This happen also with the vanilla's dbcache...

    If I use the rev 33k it work perfectly.



    SYSERR: Apr 12 22:59:34 :: pid_init: 
    Start of pid: 989
    SYSERR: Apr 12 22:59:34 :: Start: TABLE_POSTFIX not configured use default
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