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Posts posted by Shogun

  1. Hi guys.


    I'm writing this post because I'm finally leaving the Metin2 scene. I must say game development was my childhood's dream and the decision wasn't easy but everything came to a point where it had to decide between my health or my projects.


    When we left SG in January 2013, we were dreaming of making a server that brought back the people who had got tired of the official server's pay2win model. A model that is emptying official servers day by day while little is done to adapt to today's times where people are becoming more wary of pay2win schemes. We didn't have 6-figure budgets as Ymir, but we thought our experience and understanding of the game could make up for that.


    We also wanted to manage a game that was 100% fair. Without cheaters, without corruption, without yang sellers runing the market. Very basic things that the players demanded for a long time. Myself I was a high level player in a Gameforge server and got tired of waiting for something to be done.


    We also wanted to learn from developing new content that would hopefully have our players spend a good time and make the game look a bit less aged. I had a lot of fun designing the ground texture and researching about speedtree models.


    Nowhere in our mind was scamming players, attacking other servers or hacking anybody. Leaving SG was just a question of pride, of not feeling that you are being paid with dirty money for honest work.


    In one way you could think that we were successful as WoM went from being a little server people looked down at to one of the most played and respected private servers. However, this came with a huge toll for me personally as to get here we had to overcome dozens of attacks, hacking incidents, and lies against us posted with fake accounts by SG staff.


    In the last months following the hacking of Eterhost by SG staff while we were having a short trip to London, SG stepped up on their attacks. I have read my name related to "legal actions" in Gameforge and YMIR mails, SG staff spreading rumours that I am a pedophile, our files published, phishing mail sent to our players through the leaked db, a DDoS attack that is lasting a week now, threats by private message or mail pretty much every day. I even got threatened by a german guy who posted the wom files in a website with reporting me to Gameforge when I politely asked him to remove them. In short and if you excuse the language, I can't wake up any fucking day without having some shit of this sort awaiting me on the PC. 


    I won't bore you more, let's just say that if Chia's goal was to make my life stressing, I have to admit he has won that personal battle. And I say personal battle because people very rarely stood up against all of this. Most of the time I was alone in answering to their flames or asking forums to remove our stuff. So I have decided that it's time to stop painting a target for SG staff in everything I participate in and dedicate myself to some more fulfilling labor (My plan is to do volunteer work for the website of a NGO in my town. I won't give more details as Chia would probably try to hack it as well). I will transfer the ownership of my projects to people I have trust in, and I will not post anymore in any metin2 forum. I will not be logging in to Skype either.


    I want to thank all the people who have supported and motivated us to continue sailing against the storm and making WoM one of the best servers in the world, to all my team, and to all the players who have make WoM's community. I hope one day we can meet again without Chia fucking everything around, but for now, I'm done.


    Good luck.

    • Love 13
  2. WoM is searching for Youtube partners to introduce our server to the public. 
    Please note we require a minimum of 1000 subscriptions before considering your channel for a partnership. We will only accept channels with less than 5,000 subscribers if the quality of the video work is particularly good.
    Languages accepted: german, spanish, polish, turkish, hungarian, italian, english. You must be fluent in the language and your channel must be in that language.
    We offer a monthly payment (both in cash and Dragon Coins) for an initial period of 3 months which varies depending on the size of your audience and the quality of your videos.
    For more information please send me your Skype address by private message.
  3. TEC Interactive infected one of Eterhost staff with a RAT early on August. On the 8th of August, they destroyed many customers data, and also downloaded the wom database and files, thereafter deleting them.


    We forced a password change for WoM players after the incident, so accounts were not compromised.


    At the obvious question: is WoM not secure? The answer is:


    WoM has probably better security than any other Metin2 server! But no other Metin2 server that has two full time script kiddies (Clad3815 and Exsta) being paid to try to shut it down for over a year. At this very moment I am writing this, WoM is getting a continued DDoS attack for over 48 hours. It is being blocked, but the attack has not been stopped, which points to the use of a botnet.


    WoM gets many more attacks than any other server, but all come from the same source: Christopher Chia, the owner of Metin2 SG / TEC Interactive.


    pd: many people asked me why we don't "hit back". I think the truth is a stronger weapon at least in this case.


    pd2: some numbers


    Metin2 SG started their attacks on WoM around 1st June 2013. At that time, WoM had roughly 200 players online at peak time, while SG had around 250.


    More than 1 year later, and over 150 days of attacks of all kinds, WoM has 900 players at peak time, while SG has around 150-200. TEC Interactive also opened 3 servers during this time: Metin2 PH, Rise of Metin and Tale of Titania, all of which closed due to lack of players.


    Not only the attacks failed but if SG still has some players, it is because of the work we did there. I just wonder what they will think if they know the money the spend in their server is paying for botnets. I mean, people play official servers because, they are supposed to be "more serious".

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