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Everything posted by Chitra

  1. The update was made to no longer display text for equipped items. Changes: Search in uitooltip.py : self.AppendQuckSellItem() Change with : self.AppendQuckSellItem(slotIndex) Search: if app.QUICK_SELL_SYSTEM: def AppendQuckSellItem(self): Change all with: if app.QUICK_SELL_SYSTEM: def AppendQuckSellItem(self,slotIndex): if player.IsEquipmentSlot(slotIndex): return if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SELL): return else: self.AppendSpace(5) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.QUICK_SELL_TOOLTIP, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
  2. Update has been made to hide the window when a quest is opened and to close it when you change the character/logout The update has been uploaded to git Changes: Delete from def Close(self): if app.QUICK_SELL_SYSTEM: self.__MakeQuickSell() Search def Close(self) and add: if app.QUICK_SELL_SYSTEM: if self.wndQuickSell: self.wndQuickSell.Hide() Search def HideAllWindows(self) and add: if app.QUICK_SELL_SYSTEM: if self.wndQuickSell: self.wndQuickSell.Hide()
  3. Hello, Thank you for the code posted. I encountered a few issues with it, including a memory leak, so I've optimized and fixed it. Example: Code: ACMD(do_drop) { char arg1[256], arg2[256]; two_arguments(argument, arg1, sizeof(arg1), arg2, sizeof(arg2)); if (!*arg1 || !*arg2) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Syntax: drop_simul <mob vnum> <count>"); return; } DWORD vnum = 0, loopCount = 0; str_to_number(vnum, arg1); str_to_number(loopCount, arg2); std::unordered_map<DWORD, long long> givenItems; LPCHARACTER pkAttacker = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().SpawnMobRandomPosition(vnum, ch->GetMapIndex()); if (!pkAttacker) return; for (DWORD count = 0; count < loopCount; ++count) { std::vector<LPITEM> vecItems; if (ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateDropItem(pkAttacker, ch, vecItems)) { for (LPITEM item : vecItems) { if (!item) { sys_err("item null in vector"); continue; } givenItems[item->GetVnum()] += item->GetCount(); sys_log(0, "DROP_ITEM_SIMULATE: %s by %s", item->GetName(), ch->GetName()); } } } ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "############### |cFF6d8cf2|H|h%dx %s|h|r DROP SIMULATION ###############", loopCount, pkAttacker->GetName()); for (const auto& info : givenItems) { DWORD dwItemVnum = info.first; long long itemCount = info.second; LPITEM pItem = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().CreateItem(dwItemVnum, itemCount, 0, true); if (pItem) { const char* color = (pItem->GetVnum() == quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetEventFlag("high_item")) ? "|cFFf77f77" : "|cFFf5ef78"; ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_PARTY, "Simulated item %s|H|h%s|h|r, %d pieces", color, pItem->GetName(), itemCount); M2_DESTROY_ITEM(pItem); } } M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER(pkAttacker); }
  4. Hi, [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] This quest is responsible for granting basic costumes to players when they reach certain levels in the game. The quest is triggered when a player logs in or levels up in the game. It checks the player's level and grants various cosmetic items if certain conditions are met. Basic Costume: Players receive a basic costume based on their gender. Basic Hairstyle: Players receive a basic hairstyle and an additional cosmetic item. Basic Pet: Players receive a basic pet at a certain level. Basic Weapon: Players receive a basic weapon based on their class. Basic Mount: Players receive a basic mount at a certain level.
  5. You need to adapt the system to the server you have. @tw1x1responded well about your emoji. The okay and close buttons are from the transmutation system. If you don't have them, you can replace them with the classic okay and close buttons. Or you can download them from the internet.
  6. Sorry, I forgot to attach that function. The github has been updated with the missing file. def NumberToDecimalStringQuickSell(n): return "%s" % ('.'.join([i - 3 < 0 and str(n / 5)[:i] or str(n / 5)[i - 3:i] for i in range(len(str(n / 5)) % 3, len(str(n / 5)) + 1, 3) if i]))
  7. Add in your ui.py before def MakeImageBox def MakeBoardWithTitleBar(parent, flag, title, closeEvent, width, height): board = BoardWithTitleBar() board.SetParent(parent) board.SetSize(width, height) board.AddFlag(flag) board.SetTitleName(title) board.SetCloseEvent(closeEvent) board.Show() return board
  8. Thank you for coming back and sharing your opinion. I developed this system based on the server I have, as on the official server, elixirs cannot be sold and I did not take this probability into account. Additionally, the pet system is not available on my server. Depending on the systems you have, this system will need to be adapted to your needs. I simply shared with you what I needed on my end. Thank you for coming with an update for those in need.
  9. Hi, By pressing SHIFT + RIGHT CLICK on the items eligible for sale, an interface will appear showing you how much money you will receive and how many items you have selected. The selected items will have a special icon indicating that they have been selected. More information can be found in the README. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  10. Hi, I've made a quest for the apprentice quest and I thought I'd leave it here because from what I've seen there are some pretty ugly quests. I'm attaching a model for a chest. Continue with what you want. [Hidden Content] quest apprentice_chest begin state start begin when 50187.use with pc.get_level() >= 1 begin if pc.get_empty_inventory_count() <= 9 then syschat("Your inventory is too full to open the chest.") return end if pc.getqf("apprentice_chest_lv1") == 1 then syschat("You have already opened a chest on this account.") return end local items = {{50188, 1}, {71027, 5}, {71028, 5}, {71029, 5}, {71030, 5}, {71044, 5}, {71045, 5}, {27102, 200}, {27105, 200} } for _, item in ipairs(items) do pc.give_item2(item[1], item[2]) end pc.remove_item(50187, 1) pc.setqf("apprentice_chest_lv1", 1) end end end
  11. Hi, I'm looking for a designer and a one person to make some maps. I would like someone who is serious and responsible for what they say. Discord : Dragos L. George#9853
  12. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) [Hidden Content]
  13. Hello, I made my client a bar that fits energy Illumina taskbar. Image: [Hidden Content] Download : [Hidden Content] Image: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] HP and MP already made you not to stay [Hidden Content] This is just to make about an idea. Sorry for my bad english.
  14. Compile database and the horse function 100% ! Sorry for my bad english
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