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Everything posted by Pumarolonius

  1. I tried to translate this: double uniform_random(double a, double { return thecore_random() / (RAND_MAX + 1.f) * (b - a) + a; } float gauss_random(float avg, float sigma) { static bool haveNextGaussian = false; static float nextGaussian = 0.0f; if (haveNextGaussian) { haveNextGaussian = false; return nextGaussian * sigma + avg; } else { double v1, v2, s; do { //v1 = 2 * nextDouble() - 1; // between -1.0 and 1.0 //v2 = 2 * nextDouble() - 1; // between -1.0 and 1.0 v1 = uniform_random(-1.f, 1.f); v2 = uniform_random(-1.f, 1.f); s = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2; } while (s >= 1.f || fabs(s) < FLT_EPSILON); double multiplier = sqrtf(-2 * logf(s)/s); nextGaussian = v2 * multiplier; haveNextGaussian = true; return v1 * multiplier * sigma + avg; } } To this in php: function uniform_random($a, $ { return rand() / (32767 + 1) * ($b - $a) + $a; } function gauss_random($avg, $sigma) { $haveNextGaussian = FALSE; $nextGaussian = 0; if ($haveNextGaussian) { $haveNextGaussian = FALSE; return $nextGaussian * $sigma + $avg; } else { do { $v1 = uniform_random(-1, 1); $v2 = uniform_random(-1, 1); $s = $v1 * $v1 + $v2 * $v2; } while ($s >= 1 || abs($s) < 0.00001); $multiplier = sqrt(-2 * log($s)/$s); $nextGaussian = $v2 * $multiplier; $haveNextGaussian = TRUE; return $v1 * $multiplier * $sigma + $avg; } } But it don't work. Can someone help me? Is it even possible to translate it to php?
  2. Hello, im trying to extract/translate a part of the game for a little standalone tool but there is function called with the name "thecore_random". Can i replace it with a simple random() for the same effect?
  3. Good day, I'm using the Vanilla Core 2.4.1 and I'm trying to write some quests but i got a problem. The pet.summon function only works if it's called over when item.use but i need it for when login or enter I also tried timer, letter,info... etc. Has anybody an idea or solution for that problem? Sorry for my bad english //Add After i called the pet.summon function over an item once, timer and and other when clauses work but i need it immediately for login
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